Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Thanks Debbie. I must admit, I did have to get on & off the scales a few times to believe it lol! I know what its like to be stuck in that rut, as you always think 'oh well another day wont hurt'! Well, that extra day does hurt & it needs to be nipped in the bud! I do love the feeling of being in control over my food, or otherwise I feel it controls me! The discipline is what I need & once you get over the first few days of feeling 'starving', its empowering! x
To Lose 11lbs in 11 weeks Challenge

Week 1 = 3lbs

Week 2
Friday - Red
Saturday - Red
Sunday - Red
Monday - Red
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -

Have planned my meals for the next 4 days as its all about the planning!
Today & tomorrow is meatballs in bbq sauce with roasted veggies
Sunday & Monday is a roast chicken dinner
We always cook double of everything as it saves on cooking too much!
Mmmmmm & right now DH is cooking bacon & scrambled egg for brunch!
I'm feeling so sicky. I'm yet to actually be sick but I can feel it *yuck* needless to say, belvita were my breakfast again to subside it slightly. I think I'll buy some ginger nuts Kim and at 2.5 syns I can afford to have 1 with my morning tea.

So I solemnly do swear tomorrow I'm on it (forgot my nan is doing duck, pizza and nibbles tonight!!)

Plans are as follows....
Breakfasts - wholemeal ww bread, spread, marmite (HEXB + 2 syns)
Ginger biscuit (if needed) (2.5 syns)

Lunch - vegetable pasta/rice/homemade soup/milkshakes

Dinner - SW loveliness in the form of jacket spuds, chillis, Currys, SW pizza, pastas, risottos etc

Extra syns will depend on each day I suppose!
Your right Kim and I have rough idea of what am doing now. Going to make soup for work to limit the calorie intake for at least three days. And am going to cut out bread to see if it helps. Am rather determined as I have been down past wee while and am sure its because of my diet and how I feel about myself.
My trainers are looking bit rough to wear in front of folk so have put them in washing to see if they will come up good.
What do you have for breakfasts and lunch Kim and do you use fruit if you hit the shakes? I get shakes a lot if i don't eat enough.
My struggle is makin different dinners. Some dishes I can make to suit us all but on all of them. Need to plan before I do my shop x
Nikki, have you checked if you can have extra syns or hex's whilst pregnant? If I were you, I would just eat what settles your tummy until you get over the first trimester & then play it by ear.

Deb, I have no set routine with my meals as doing shift work plays havoc with meal times. On a 'normal' day I would mainly have berries (frozen packets from Tesco) with 0% greek yoghurt, porridge, eggs or a SW 'fryup'. Lunches will be sandwiches, soup or salad. Dinners, the list is endless!
I very rarely get 'the shakes' as Im always eating on SW & have 3 meals per day, work permitting!. Not sure why I dont get the shakes, as sometimes I know I haven't eaten that much before I go on shift & walk for miles! The only time I know when I haven't eaten as much as I should, is when I wake up in the morning & I feel 'empty'! Like I did this morning, as yesterday I had 2 hard boiled eggs driving to work, worked solidly on my feet for 7 hours on a busy ward & had my sandwich in the car on the way home. Dinner last night was a homemade burger & salad in a restaurant......not enough food for a nurse who's walked miles!!!
I do find tho, once I get into the swing of SW, my appetite does reduce, which isnt a good thing, as we need to fuel our engine or it wont work properly!
But Debs, you really shouldn't get the shakes at all, as you know you can eat until full. Why dont you try a diary & as well as writing down your food, add in when you get the shakes & see if there is a pattern. Also, do you drink enough as that might be contributing. The shakes are normally a sign of a low blood sugar, so also try eating little & often, to keep your sugars level. x
kim63 said:
Nikki, have you checked if you can have extra syns or hex's whilst pregnant? If I were you, I would just eat what settles your tummy until you get over the first trimester & then play it by ear.

Deb, I have no set routine with my meals as doing shift work plays havoc with meal times. On a 'normal' day I would mainly have berries (frozen packets from Tesco) with 0% greek yoghurt, porridge, eggs or a SW 'fryup'. Lunches will be sandwiches, soup or salad. Dinners, the list is endless!
I very rarely get 'the shakes' as Im always eating on SW & have 3 meals per day, work permitting!. Not sure why I dont get the shakes, as sometimes I know I haven't eaten that much before I go on shift & walk for miles! The only time I know when I haven't eaten as much as I should, is when I wake up in the morning & I feel 'empty'! Like I did this morning, as yesterday I had 2 hard boiled eggs driving to work, worked solidly on my feet for 7 hours on a busy ward & had my sandwich in the car on the way home. Dinner last night was a homemade burger & salad in a restaurant......not enough food for a nurse who's walked miles!!!
I do find tho, once I get into the swing of SW, my appetite does reduce, which isnt a good thing, as we need to fuel our engine or it wont work properly!
But Debs, you really shouldn't get the shakes at all, as you know you can eat until full. Why dont you try a diary & as well as writing down your food, add in when you get the shakes & see if there is a pattern. Also, do you drink enough as that might be contributing. The shakes are normally a sign of a low blood sugar, so also try eating little & often, to keep your sugars level. x

I think you get 1 extra of each from what I can gather online.

I've just phoned the midwives and typically mine is on holiday which is why I've not heard anything! Apparently she will get my letter out on Monday and fingers crossed ill get it by Wednesday. It's really hard because I just want some reassurance everything is ok! X
kim i already decided to do the diary and was looking back on my daily intake so am almost there - my trainers have came out good so no excuses though they are wet now so need to find something for my feet for doing the shred - want to do this tonight once OH is in so that i can get some feeling of control back. My mood keeps swinging today and am feeling rubbish for Little One - not much of a day off with a grouchy mum who CBA - not good but working on it.
I am going to make lentil soup and put some bacon in it - this will be ok syn wise but would prefer a chunkier piece of meat to add to it so will havea look - if am right it doesnt matter as long as the fat is off it?? thinking of buying ham joint or something to add to it?
Nikki i totally sympathise - i was the exact same. Found out very early like yourself and just couldnt wait for it to seem real. Once you have your scan you will feel better - its just the waiting. Midwives can be funny. Yes they deal with women every day but i think some of them forget how exciting/surreal/scary it is for first time mums and i wish some of them could at least pretend to be excited haha - am i in airy fairy land? i would do what it takes to make you feel better as that sicky feeling isnt good - i used to eat crispy rolls first thing in morning to stop me feeling boaky. Hope your hear sooon x
debtin said:
Nikki i totally sympathise - i was the exact same. Found out very early like yourself and just couldnt wait for it to seem real. Once you have your scan you will feel better - its just the waiting. Midwives can be funny. Yes they deal with women every day but i think some of them forget how exciting/surreal/scary it is for first time mums and i wish some of them could at least pretend to be excited haha - am i in airy fairy land? i would do what it takes to make you feel better as that sicky feeling isnt good - i used to eat crispy rolls first thing in morning to stop me feeling boaky. Hope your hear sooon x

The midwife was a right cow! She was like monotone and like she really couldn't give a damn! I do hope mine is nicer! She said I should have my appointment around 8 weeks and that's only 6 days away and I told her about going on holiday and she just said "you'll be seen before then" I thought I bl**dy well hope so, and I'd hope to have had a scan by then! If I haven't I'm going to book a private one for Thursday night before we go, which will make me 11 weeks exactly
Do hope you get your scan sorted before you go, as Im sure you will need piece of mind before you jet off x

You can get gammon joints from a butcher really cheaply Deb & then you can cook it & chop it up nice & chunky so you have scrummy chunks of meat x
It's so good being able to talk to you all about it! Nobody know yet apart from my sis and best friend. It's getting increasingly harder not to be sick :-( I've just ate some tomato and chicken pasta and a glass of orange juice about a hour ago and I think it's on way back up haha not a nice thought and especially not good when my colleague doesn't know and the toilet is straight off our office!! X
To Lose 11lb in 11 Weeks Challenge

Week 1 Wt Loss = 3lbs
Day 1 - Red

Day 2 - Red

Day 3 - EE

Day 4 - Green

Day 5 - EE

Day 6 - EE

Day 7 - EE

Morning ladies
Please to report a whopping 3lb loss this morning! Rather pleasantly surprised as I haven't had that sort of loss since my first week way back in January! So girls, it can be done if you work at it! I wont kid myself tho it will be like that again, but after not being on plan properly for the last 3 months, its going to be a good loss in the first week & then tail off to little 0.5lbs....which all mount up!
I was out with the girls last night as well, but was on plan & mucked the chef about with tweaking my meal to make it SW friendly lol!

Loving the pics Nikki & will be so lovely watching you progress with the bubba bump. Hope the morning sickness settles soon for you......have you tried things like peppermint tea or anything with ginger?

Deb, its all little steps & Im sure once you start cutting out the 'rubbish' you not only will start to feel better, but once you see a loss on those scales it will give you incentive to carry on. But dont deprive yourself with anything & if 'tweaking' helps you stay on track, do it!
Also, any exercise & length of time will help & once you start you'll feel so much better in yourself & I bet you'll get hooked. Anyway, 30 mins 3 times a week is a good base to start, as you should build up slowly with any form of exercise.

Donna, I started my week from last Friday as it was 11 weeks til 22nd 11lbs in 11 weeks. If you start this or last Tuesday it will either be 10 or 11 weeks to Xmas Day. If I were you I would do it on your WI day, rather than my WI day.

Yey Ronnie, of course you can join the challenge......think we all need that little incentive & ownership, as like you I was letting things slip a little too much & needed to nip it in the bud before the 'fat' jeans came out of hibernation lol!

That's fantastic, what a great start to your challenge.

I think I'll start from last Tuesday. I have all my plans written down so I know what I did and I stayed 100% hopefully should stay 100% the rest of this week as well.

I'm feeling so sicky. I'm yet to actually be sick but I can feel it *yuck* needless to say, belvita were my breakfast again to subside it slightly. I think I'll buy some ginger nuts Kim and at 2.5 syns I can afford to have 1 with my morning tea.

So I solemnly do swear tomorrow I'm on it (forgot my nan is doing duck, pizza and nibbles tonight!!)

Plans are as follows....
Breakfasts - wholemeal ww bread, spread, marmite (HEXB + 2 syns)
Ginger biscuit (if needed) (2.5 syns)

Lunch - vegetable pasta/rice/homemade soup/milkshakes

Dinner - SW loveliness in the form of jacket spuds, chillis, Currys, SW pizza, pastas, risottos etc

Extra syns will depend on each day I suppose!

That plan sounds yummy.

Your right Kim and I have rough idea of what am doing now. Going to make soup for work to limit the calorie intake for at least three days. And am going to cut out bread to see if it helps. Am rather determined as I have been down past wee while and am sure its because of my diet and how I feel about myself.
My trainers are looking bit rough to wear in front of folk so have put them in washing to see if they will come up good.
What do you have for breakfasts and lunch Kim and do you use fruit if you hit the shakes? I get shakes a lot if i don't eat enough.
My struggle is makin different dinners. Some dishes I can make to suit us all but on all of them. Need to plan before I do my shop x

I'm rubbish at planning before a shop, I just end up picking what I fancy and seeing what I can throw together with that. I know that isn't good but I can't help myself.

Nikki, have you checked if you can have extra syns or hex's whilst pregnant? If I were you, I would just eat what settles your tummy until you get over the first trimester & then play it by ear.

Deb, I have no set routine with my meals as doing shift work plays havoc with meal times. On a 'normal' day I would mainly have berries (frozen packets from Tesco) with 0% greek yoghurt, porridge, eggs or a SW 'fryup'. Lunches will be sandwiches, soup or salad. Dinners, the list is endless!
I very rarely get 'the shakes' as Im always eating on SW & have 3 meals per day, work permitting!. Not sure why I dont get the shakes, as sometimes I know I haven't eaten that much before I go on shift & walk for miles! The only time I know when I haven't eaten as much as I should, is when I wake up in the morning & I feel 'empty'! Like I did this morning, as yesterday I had 2 hard boiled eggs driving to work, worked solidly on my feet for 7 hours on a busy ward & had my sandwich in the car on the way home. Dinner last night was a homemade burger & salad in a restaurant......not enough food for a nurse who's walked miles!!!
I do find tho, once I get into the swing of SW, my appetite does reduce, which isnt a good thing, as we need to fuel our engine or it wont work properly!
But Debs, you really shouldn't get the shakes at all, as you know you can eat until full. Why dont you try a diary & as well as writing down your food, add in when you get the shakes & see if there is a pattern. Also, do you drink enough as that might be contributing. The shakes are normally a sign of a low blood sugar, so also try eating little & often, to keep your sugars level. x

My appetite never seems to go, which isn't a bad thing now I'm really active but was terrible when I was sat on my bum all the time.

I think you get 1 extra of each from what I can gather online.

I've just phoned the midwives and typically mine is on holiday which is why I've not heard anything! Apparently she will get my letter out on Monday and fingers crossed ill get it by Wednesday. It's really hard because I just want some reassurance everything is ok! X

It's so good being able to talk to you all about it! Nobody know yet apart from my sis and best friend. It's getting increasingly harder not to be sick :-( I've just ate some tomato and chicken pasta and a glass of orange juice about a hour ago and I think it's on way back up haha not a nice thought and especially not good when my colleague doesn't know and the toilet is straight off our office!! X

I can imagine how hard it is to be fair, I'm dreading trying to keep it quiet when we have one. We've already decided we're going to tell little one first so def have to wait until the first scan as I wouldn't want to tell him and then find out there was something wrong. So that means at least 3 months of keeping it from everyone else! I bet someone will guess.
As for the midwives I found they were all quite horrible, except at the hospital there were some lovely ones there (some horrible too) I think they do forget how it is for people actually going through it as they just see it day in day out. Well I'm guessing not all are horrible, but the ones I saw were.
When I was in labour I loved my third midwife though (I went through 3 sets) my sister had her and hated her because she was quite blunt but I thought it was actually just what was needed at the time.

I'm looking on syns online at pizza, as next Friday we're having takeaway at my mums. She's said everyone can get what they want but she's having pizza, so I could have chinese, but I think everyone is going to have pizza so if I have chinese I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb, which I don't want especially with them getting on at me about my weight again recently. All the basic pizza syns are for 100g though, do you think its safe to count each slice as 100g (I have no idea about weights and things like that :/)
Donna am rubbish at take away etc. Is there not somewhere on line that tells you?
I got some veg to make lentil soup and a smoked ribs. The ribs clearly aren't syns free or remotely low in syns but I wanted to try for the flavor and may even take it out when serviing mine. I blame woman behind counter lol. There isn't a lot there but it will get me going on the soup. Do you think this will be really bad?
I also want to get rid of my scales for at least four weeks. Know it will be hard but want to try. Going to give oh the battery to put somewhere. If I start excercise I don't want to feel let down if I don't see movement. Also dug out my sw books and a stack of old mags. Am on my merry way x
Donna am rubbish at take away etc. Is there not somewhere on line that tells you?
I got some veg to make lentil soup and a smoked ribs. The ribs clearly aren't syns free or remotely low in syns but I wanted to try for the flavor and may even take it out when serviing mine. I blame woman behind counter lol. There isn't a lot there but it will get me going on the soup. Do you think this will be really bad?
I also want to get rid of my scales for at least four weeks. Know it will be hard but want to try. Going to give oh the battery to put somewhere. If I start excercise I don't want to feel let down if I don't see movement. Also dug out my sw books and a stack of old mags. Am on my merry way x

Can't find anything, I think I might just have to use it as a night off be as good as I can before, but have pizza and cake without worrying. The rest of the week I'll stick to 5 syns a day (I would go syn free but I think sometimes that hinders my losses.... especially with me exercising loads some days)

I've no idea about the ribs, hopefully not too bad and if its getting you on the soup then its a start at least.

Def think weighing once a month is a good idea, I've been dying to know what I weigh when I've gone to WI each week but I know it does me know good as I'll be disappointed if I don't loose. Can't decide whether to find out this week or wait another week (then it will be exactly 4 week.... but I will have the off plan day that week as well)
Oh tough one. Will your day off be the sat before the fourth Tuesday? Personally I would weigh this Tuesday which will hopefully spur you on to be good til the weekend. It's weird but I am looking forward to making an effort. Today wasn't the best start but I got some crab sticks and the soup veg and will do a shop tomorrow. Planning on gettin some stir fry for myself and add chicken then prawns on another day.
Does any one ever make stir fry that can be eaten next day?
Yeah, its this Friday coming the pizza, so if I weigh on Tuesday and find out my weight I'll then have the off plan day that week...

It's annoying because I then have more plans the following week which I'm going to have to save syns for (that will be a little more control-able though) I prefer just having 5-15 a day though rather then messing about with saving syns. Stupid social life lol.

I'll find out this Tuesday, just hope I'm not disappointed. But if its not much at least I know its down to the exercise ect. as I have been on plan
It will be interesting to see how the blind ones turn out. Hope I can manage to do it..have said this before about the scales but I will remember to give battery away tom. I just down loaded one of the free cto25 challenge. So between the shred, the mini gym and tryin that then surely I can get off my butt to try at least one of them.
How have you felt about not weighing, has it helped stay on track? Your always so good. Need some discipline sent my way lol
I didn't find it helped me stay on track as such, but that's more because I'm pretty much programmed to stay on track anyway. But I found its helped me as I was obsessing over what the scales said and it wasn't good for me, especially considering I know I am doing it properly and I'm doing all the exercise as well. I'll let you know on Tuesday how its gone weight wise as I'm definitely going to find out. Might start it up again after halloween if its gone okay.
My consultant has been doing them as well, its really helped her get on track and she says she's been following the plan better then ever before. I think its worth a try, as long as you don't end up not worrying about the scales so much that you don't stay on track.
donna88 said:
I didn't find it helped me stay on track as such, but that's more because I'm pretty much programmed to stay on track anyway. But I found its helped me as I was obsessing over what the scales said and it wasn't good for me, especially considering I know I am doing it properly and I'm doing all the exercise as well. I'll let you know on Tuesday how its gone weight wise as I'm definitely going to find out. Might start it up again after halloween if its gone okay.
My consultant has been doing them as well, its really helped her get on track and she says she's been following the plan better then ever before. I think its worth a try, as long as you don't end up not worrying about the scales so much that you don't stay on track.

Morning all. Definately on track from today. The mist has lifted!! Donna am going to do it, saves on disappointment. Dunno what I will get done but want some kind excercise done
Have good day x
100% challenge week 1
day1 ee completed yippee

Plan for today
B ? Not a good start but going my mums going food shopping then for a walk so will see what time there is so might have some fruit first thing then maybe something with eggs it will be on plan though
L hm tomatoes basil soup bread
D sw enchilatas (6s) swchips salad

Not sure on syns today but have 9.5 left over from yesterday so MAY have a glass of red

Hope you all have a good day
Come on deb we can do this !!!!