Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

Yes... It's still sparkling... Well done u!!! Which is Ur favourite bar- d nut one or d CHoc orange?
OMG... I never heard of a marks outlet... SO cool... Dat sure was a bargain 4 those trousers!! Me jealous... :)
I Luv d belt... It'll look SO elegant and mod ... Well wear!! Ye sure were lucky ye Didnt get drowned or drenched ... Nothin worse!
Imagine this day 5 wks is Xmas Day... R u gettin excited?
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Hi shoebe, my favourate bar is the toffee, nut and raisin, but am getting to quite like the choc n orange one lately :D
Yes love xmas, but havent had a lot of presents yet, bought onesie, cd, slippers and some stocking fillers for my mam, and a radio and jkt for my uncle.
Am off to Mcarthur glen bridgend (outlet) on friday, so will look then. Am also going to Cheltenham xmas shopping coach trip on sunday 8 dec as well.
Hav optician 2moro, so hopefuly finer 2moro

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Hi shoebe, just a quick visit before opticians, i only lost 3/4 lb this week, but have been having the odd cheat so fair play i suppose, and am slowely coming off it for xmas from nxt week as well, talk later
Hi everyone

Ive ordered a weeks worth of 'shake that weight' shakes today. Having found Lipotrim incredibly difficult, i am thinking about having 3 shakes a day and a carb free evening meal. Can anyone advise if you still lose a decent amount of weight doing this, or is better to go 'cold turkey' with the food and only have the shakes? I would be happy with a 3lb or over loss each week. Anything less and i think i mayaswell just do the Atkins and not shakes. In my mind, shakes should speed up the weight loss as there is alot less calories in them compared to the fatty food i consume on the Atkins at present.

Any advice would be great :) xx
Hi fatgirlslim, welcome :)
I am sure that someone will come on with more info for u, as I am on TS and only having 3 packs of exante a day, having swapped from shake that weight after a month, to hav more variety. I lost on shake that weight 18 lb in a month before going on holidays and changing to exante.
Good luck again :)

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Hey Jeanette... Well done losin inspite of introducing some carbs... Ur doin amazing!!
How did u get on... Hope u Dont need a change in Ur specs if u wear dem! I've worn dem since I was 3 as I have astigmatism ... Have frameless ones 4 d last 2 yrs ... I get very attached 2 dem so cud b Wearin d same pair in ten yrs ha ha

PTMs went well... Even got some praise... Which was nice ... Whats seldom is wonderful!!
Indulging in some CHoc... Hard 2 break d habit of a lifetime ... Gotta reward myself ... Considering stockin up in Exante as found Id d best success using it... Do u buy urs directly from dem as I see on eBay a different crowd sellin dem...
Hi shoebe, yes I am shortsighted, also hav astigmatism. Left eye altered slightly as when closing my right eye was slightly blurred. So am having new frames (transitions)
I buy from exante on line, but hav seen it on ebay. Gro*p*n has an offer on exante

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Oh I must check it out!!! Tanx 4 d tip!!
Temps r fairly Droppin outside... Ud freeze if u hadnt a hat and gloves.... On yard duty so have been wrapping up warm this wk... Like a furnace indoors and then Birrrr outdoors! Is it d same over der?
Been sunny 2day, I didnt find it that cold, but only walked from car park to opticians and back, :D

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Hi everyone this is my 1st post...... I have been doing shake that weight vlcd since 31.08.13 I was 11 st, today 22.11.13 I weigh 9st 4lb, the diet has been a great success for me and I love the shakes, In fact I don't want to come off the diet!! Some days I do 2 shakes some days I do 3? The only slight problem I had was constipation so at the later stage of the diet (as I think it has a fair few carbs in it?) I read up on stuff that would help me in that department, I brought some milled flax seed from holland and barrat, adding one desert spoon to two of my shakes a day has worked a treat! And because it is 100% natural I don't feel bad about adding it, it adds a slightly nutty taste to the shakes but I love nuts so no big deal for me :) this diet is fantastic! I have upped my exercise which I'm sure has helped doing a Zumba, spin, and gym class 45mins 3 times a week, but just walking would be fine, I drink loads of water now too, I have gone from a size 14 to a 10 I always suffered from bloating of my tummy when I ate, but since I have stopped having most carbs, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes I haven't suffered once, I may have the odd sweet potato with cooked meals but just eat loads of fresh fruit, veg and salad. Really wish you all the best of luck that are doing the diet, if it's stuck to I can't see how anyone wouldn't loose weight on this diet :) I am one very happy customer xxx
Thanks for the reply Jeanette. 18lbs in a month is incredible!! Its so reassuring to know it works and works with fast results! :)

Wow Faymuffintop- what an inspirational post! I actually cant wait to get started now after reading that. On the days you only do 1-2 shakes, can you tell me what you were eating with it? Were you having low/no carb dinners? I want to say im strong enough to only have the four shakes a day and no food, but i know that probably wont happen! So just need some more advice on what foods i should have alongside it to still lose weight quickly.

Thanks guys :) xx
Very inspiring... Just gotta get my act together and find some willpower 2 follow suit!! Ye've done marvellously well... Fair play!! Saw sign 4 doin Cambridge .... Never done it b4... Is it expensive? Think I need a stranger 2 weigh me in...
Crown in tact... Another job done .... Wud Luv a pyjama day 2moro... Temps have dropped.... Cars r frozen already ... SO glad its d wkend ! Hope ya had a gud one!
I hav done CD, shoebe, its a lot more expensive than shake that weight or exante. When idid it about 7 years ago it was either soup, bars or shakes. No meals or poridge that they hav now, and even then it was about 35 pounds a week. Its now 44 pounds a week. :eek: and all they did was sell me meals and weigh u, no meeting etc. Why dont u go to boots the same time every week and hav someone go with u to check u r on the straight and narrow:D
Well went to the oulet, bought a pair of black cords and a pair of tights in marks, and a pack of 3 mini walnut whips :D (for xmas) was looking for a top, smart casual, not to fancy, but havent seen anything I like.
I hav lost altogether this year 5 stone (minus 1/4 lb :D) 4 stone of that since 20 may, with 4 weeks holidays in that as well. So good job on losing nearly 2 stone since end of august :) and good luck with losing weight fatgirlslim :D

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U sure must be smiling ... 5 st is incredible...

Ta 4 gud advice .... Yes no point in wastin yo yos ... Flicking throu my food diary d days I was keepin it and really was at d happiest and lightest doin Atkins.... No cravings.... Satisfied and was eatin 'real food'.. Bar d pain in my side...
So Startin today with Ur MIM recipe wout d cheese and a fried egg...
Here's 2 shrinkin and my clothes fitting ...
Boots 2 far away.. But yes cud try Dat in a chemist ... Super ideas Tanx Jeanette
Gud luck Fatgirlslim

U did well on Ur shoppin expedition ... Can't beat new clothes... U must be gettin lots of complements... Mmmmm walnut whips... Yes I have eaten several of dem at one sitting... 2 nice!!!
Hi everyone. I'm thinking of starting shake that weight as I desperately need to lose weight before Christmas. The problem is I have something on while involves eating and drinking every weekend until Christmas. Would I be wasting my money or would having a day off once a week be ok? X
Hi all, shoebe did u weigh today after? or r u giving it a miss till next week? i was bad food wise yesterday, had a meal out (chicken with bacon and cheese AND a few chips ) :eek:, and to cap it all, when i was home, last night i ate a bar of choc, AND had some toast :(, oh well at least i am not weighing till next thurs lol :D been good today so fat anyway, had half a bar for breakfast, and a soup for lunch.

yes am feeling bet thanx. re ur doing atkins, isn't dukan, very similar but with a lower fat ratio? because if ur having pain in ur side, watch it as i had gallbladder problems, and thats very painful :(

good luck Heather, yes as shoebe says, just have protein and veg/salad for a meal, and if possible no alcohol
As u guessed .. I've avoided d scales again ...

Slate wiped clean again 4 d both of us... Got d Cleanin bug so flat out today... Hope Im burnin some fat ha ha
Have all d bks... Too much dairy in it... I Definately won't be eating a lot of fat... Plus will b avoiding Atkin bars as I reckon d sweetner was causing d pains ... And too much protein if I ate it on its own...e.g .. Half a cooked chicken... Im such a pig when Im not on some plan
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Hi not been too bad today, had half a bar for breakfast and soup for lunch and pasta carbonara for tea, then had 4 crispbread with a small bit of cheese for supper :( well could have been worse i suppose!!!