August Starters **May contain food talk**

u and me both (fingers crossed for sunday)

i've been messing around with a weight tracker spreadsheet... and basically it tells me that if my average loss was 2lbs a week, i would be on LL til sept 09, yes u read that correctly, sept 09!!! if however my average weekly loss is 4lbs, i will reach my target weight in March. I really really want to finish sooner rather than later!! xx
Oh good grief!! Guy, that is incredible! You have blown the stone per month thing completely out of the water! WOW!!! You are two months down and are way over half way - keep it up and you'll be done within the 14 week Foundation and won't have to do Developers!!! :O
Well done Guy! - THATS AMAZIN' !!

I have my week 7 weigh in tonight - I am v. scared :eek:
Everything is crossed to have a decent loss - 3lbs would be fine although I am greedy and want MORE!!!

I will update tomorrow....until then, well done again Guy, hope you are all well :D

Thanks! Don't forget that foundation for men is only 8 weeks so I'm actually in my last week of foundation now. I'm definately carrying on. My main goal was to lose 6 stone for christmas. if I lose at least 4lbs a week I should make it.

After that I'm not sure. I was always going to eat something on Christmas day anyway (not go mad though) but I don't know if I'll carry on with abstinence. I'm in two minds. Carry on after crimbo for a couple of months to lose the last 2 and a half stone or so (to get to BMI 25) or stick where I am. To be honest I'm edging toward carrying on but I shouldn't get too ahead of myself. Quite a while till crimbo!

My losses have slowed down now though as 4lbs is my lowest loss so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining about a 4lbs loss as it's still a good loss but I wonder if I need to start doing some exercise to get the losses back up again?
It's difficult. I know we're meant to set goals, but I don't really have a clue what weight I want to be! I figured I would just carry on until it felt right or my BMI is at a healthy level.

I totally agree with Christmas. I've thought about it so much, I don't want to come off LL if I haven't lost enough but on the other hand I don't want to feel like I'm depriving myself either. It may be a small amount of protein day :D

Exercise is good - but take a warning from me....take your water and make sure you drink plenty of it! :tear_drop: I nearly passed out the first couple of times I went since I started LL - over doing it and being dehydrated. Not good.
Take it easy and build it up :D

You're doing great ;)

Another 3lbs this week - takes my total to 33lbs in 7 weeks.

Half way through foundation now!

Only a pound off this week but was kind of expecting it to be a bit low coz am on medication for a chest infection and also had a high loss last week so thought this week would be low. But am cool with it, can't complain about 7lbs in the past two weeks!!

Well done Polly, you're really whizzing towards your target!! Are you exercising a lot too??

Anna, have my fingers (and everything else) crossed for your weigh in tonight xx
Where has Anna gone to? She hasn't updated and I haven't seen her around for a couple of days....... :(

Thank you Sweety, I'm getting there! I haven't been exercising anywhere near as much as I should be...which probably explains how down and miserable I've been feeling lately :sigh:

Everyday seems to be one of those days where you just wanna cry - I'm sure someone can understand what I mean. Problems are magnified and my tollerance of people and situations has taken a plunge. It's funny how I thought loosing weight would make my life better - it's not turning out to be like that!

I'm not constantly searching for validation or affirmation, I'm a very strong minded person, but it would be nice to hear "you look great" or something along those lines off the OH. The best he's managed so far is "you look better".....which I take as a fairly nonchalant comment.

Maybe it's just me being a *****?!!

Anyway, this has turned out to be more of a frigging blog than a post! Sorry guys, I will update on Friday after my Thursday weigh in.....fingers crossed for us all :D

Hi guys - sorry for going a bit quiet on the posting front. My internet at home has broken and I feel like I've had my right arm yanked off. Sob.

My weigh in was a nightmare - but in a way I am quite pleased. The week before last I was eating bits of protein to ease the blow of the hardcore antibiotics on my tum... and I stayed in ketosis and still lost 2lbs... so last week, my rebellious child kicked in and I had a few days where I ate a bit again. I was getting real cravings, but I didn't banish them as I believed 'I can get away with it'.

Anyway - the long and the short of it is that I didn't get away with it... I lost only 1lb (that's only 5lbs over three weeks)... AND I'm out of ketosis.

So - I started again yesterday on pure shakes, and am hoping to be back in ketosis by the end of tomorrow so I can have the odd bar again - it's like week one all over again!

Needless to say I am feeling pretty low - although, like I said earlier... I am glad it was a crap loss - otherwise the devil on my shoulder would keep on thinking I could do these things and still lose weight.

My LLC told me that I should be losing an average of 3lbs per week - so that would be almost double what I have lost in the last three weeks - and that makes me feel awful... I'm not going to hit the three stone in three months - I am certain of that - but I am going to give it my best shot.

When I think of the fact that I have to keep going until Feb (ish - got another four stone to lose), it makes me want to give up now... I feel like a failure - I'm only in week nine. Arghhhh.

Anyway - sorry for the rant... Polly and Sweety, you are both doing so so well... fingers crossed, my new determination will spark a good loss this week... I'm not taking any chances - I'm going to show that scale who's boss.


Me xx
You're back on the waggon Anna, and that's the most important thing. Look to the future.....a stone a month from here out :D

You are NOT a failure, you've done so well up to now. It's just a blip and you will come back from this fighting and having a renewed sense of purpose.

Buck up girl and bring the Anna back that we all know and love :D

Thanks Polly... I'll be ok next week - once I've seen myself back in ketosis and had a good loss (well, better than 1lb would be nice!)... I will be full of the joys of Spring!!

Hope the rest of you are doing ok... this feels like a private thread for Polly, Sweety, Me and Guy.... where are the rest of you? Surely we're not the only August starters left on here????

hi guys sorry havent posted much, you're all doing great. well done on your attitude anna its great, dont worry about the 3 stone in 3 months it might be a few days/weeks longer but in the grand scheme of things its all good.
i've lost 32lbs so far and its week 9 weigh in tomorrow. finding the program a way of life now.

Hey Anna,

Sorry couldn't resist laughing at your weight loss update!! Anyway, look at it like this, you're almost a 1/3 of the way through your weight loss.. you've gotten thru a third with just one tiny slip up... now u just have to get thru another third and then one last third!! You're in a better position than me, I'm only a 1/4 of the way thru!!

I had to eat last week, as I was on strong antibiotics for a chest infection... I didn't bother checking my ketones at w.i. coz if I was out of ketosis, I didn't want to know about it, it would've just made me feel worse if I knew!! I'm sure I'm back in now (if i was out) coz am not really feeling hungry... onwards and upwards eh!!

I really want to do well this week, and for the next two weeks coz they are my last weeks in foundation. Coz I started in week 3, I only get 12 weeks in foundation, then go on to developers. Am really hoping to lose at least 8lbs over these 3 weeks so I can hit 3 stone in 12 weeks!!

Chin up girls... we'll get there together!! xxx :D
I will be full of the joys of Spring!!

Ok, I wouldn't go THAT far - this too cold to be Spring! but I will be glad if you are happier!

Hi Babs, welcome aboard...the more the merrier because this thread is lagging way behind in terms of posting :(

I haven't seen Jash on here for ages, I hope she's ok.....

Anyway, onwards and upwards - good luck to anyone who has WI today :D


Good morning girls (and Guy), lol... hope you all have a marvellous day - I'm sat at my desk (boss is away, so Anna can play!) chugging down some water and forest fruits - and listening to a bit of Otis, witht he blow heater warming my cockles (love that phrase!)... so all is good!

Check in later if you get a chance - be good to hear from you all!

Here's a question for any of you that may be lacking inspiration for what to talk about today...

"What are your main reasons for losing the weight?"

We could do with some revived inspiration on this thread to get us moving towards the end of foundation at a rate of knots!

Anna x x
Hmmm....main reasons for losing weight....

1. Want to feel better physically
2. Want to look better
3. To be able to go and pick clothes off the rack rather than going to the fat shop (Evans)
4. Hoping it will change my outlook on life (mental distortion & negative thinking)
5. Hoping it will revive my dying relationship (although I highly doubt it will!)
6. Improve my social life (instead of being a hermit)

That's all I can think of right now. Although I think that ultimately I want to lose weight and change the way I feel about life in general. I would like to enjoy my life instead of wishing I'd never been born. That'd be nice :D

2lbs off this week, my lowest so far but its all good, my clr gave me my before pictures today, cant believe how bad i looked, really spurred me on. i hadnt seem them before.
how's everyone doing today, chilly isn't it.

Well done Babs - a loss is a loss :p

I haven't had my before photo, I think our LLC keeps them and gives the before and after ones to us when we're finished. I'm dreading it!

It's bloody cold today - even though the sun has decided to show its face! :D Makes a change from rain anyway.....
