Autumnbabe's diary. Getting there.!!

Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

I will change status later when I get on computer I use my phone most of the time.! But will do that later !!

I'm having a film afternoon with my girls just popped on. For 2 mins lol. !
Salmon again for tea. With veg instead of salad. My leader says that eating the same thing all week,your body will get use to it. So changing it a few times a week will boost your metabolism like it did when I changed my hex
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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So today I have gone over my syns so I have decided to flexi syn this week.
So here is what I had
2 philli lightest pots (he/a)
3 sweet onion rivitas (he/b)
Salmon loads of veg and fruit
1 extra sweet onion rivitas (1.5)
3 whole meal thins (12)
Mozzerela (4.5)
2 squares of dairy milk chocolate (4)
Alpen light bar (3)
Healthy choice sausage (1)
So that totals up to 26 syns today
105-26=79 for the week. !

Not having tea yet but I have made it.


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that really isnt that bad for weigh in day I have friends who eat their own body weight in syns on weigh day but jump back on wagon solidly for 6 days and seems to work for them and whoohoo loving the new stats n sig xx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

And tbh Karen I had about 25 syns left over from last week. I don't feel like I have had loads but I know that's it for today.
And also some days I have trouble eating 5 syns so I know I will be ok. ! Going to do some more body magic as well. !
Glad your like my status and Sig.
!! Hehehe
Autumnbabe, new starter

Fab well done Heather you are a star you have done fantastic job so far. What was on your pizza's earlier? Xxx

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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

On my pizza was tinned chopped Tom. (you have to boil them down in the pan) I also put oregano in it and some onion. The little pieces of chicken and mozzerela
They were so nice.
sorry i have been quiet today. Had a busy day. Took my girls swimming today then been doing loads of washing and ironing for girls to spend weekend with their nana and then their dad and his family. So a quiet house until monday.
So food today.
Breakfast Milk He/a and Weetabix He/b
Lunchtime i had a salad (little gem lettue, tomatos,cucumber,peppers. Also had melon,kiwi, apples,pineapple and mango.
For tea i have had chicken breast wrapped in bacon madallions with mozzerella inside it (only a bit) (2)
with sw chips and baked beans with big splodge of marmite. also had extra light mayo (2.5)
so syns today 4.5. leaving 74.5 for the week.
Hope everyone had had a good day too.!!
Autumnbabe, new starter

Ohh marmite in your beans sound nice. Have got anything planned while the girls are away or just enjoy the peace! X

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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Well my husband is a big outdoors kind of person and his friend has a wood about 50 miles away so some weekends he spends up there. I don't mind as he really enjoys it. The only thing is everything he has for camping has to be green so he has brought something green off eBay which we have to pick up on Saturday. Then nipping to travel agent then just seeing where the weekend takes us. No eating out though saving as much as we can now for our holidays!! It will be nice just to have house to our selves even though the girls are no trouble.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So up and out taking girls so for breakfast just grabbed a banana.
Thought if I do this ill have rivitas or wholemeal cob as my hex later.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Well I decided on a wholemeal cob (he/b)with bacon medalions. Healthy choice sausage (1.5) baked beans, mushrooms and 2 eggs.
It was lovely
Also had cereal bar (3)
2 philli lightest (he/a)
Pasta and peas

I know I need to up my superfree tomo.
So syns today 4.5 leaving 70 for the week
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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

My lexie trying to sleep on the window sill. I think she is a little big.


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