ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Well done on the water drinking Sarah :D
well done Sarah I must start drinking more water myself x
Just had a pint of the stuff after my brekkie there hehe! X

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Im almost done with my second pint ... the only annoyin part about gushin water down ....... you pee a hell of a lot :rolleyes:
Just back back from pics!! Thought the film was really good....plenty of action!! In trying to think what was different form the book but its bin a while since read it it a few times sad I no lol xx
Had a naughty day, had a chinese for dinner hehe!

Milk allow. - 2pp

2 egg - 4pp
2 bread - 4pp
Low low spread - 1pp

Lunch :

Takeaway chicken chow mein (ate half of it and also had a couple of my bro's wedges from dominos + 3 prawn crackers) - 18pp

I put 18pp for my dinner but I'm not sure, it could be more... any ideas? If it is that'd be 29/29... X

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Ah I read it again right before I went to see the movie so I'm just picking at it... If you read again you'll notice the differences and cut out bits ;) x

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Yeah I no there was quite a bit missed out. Thought was defi better than the first part if deathly hallows. The guy at the pictures said last week they had a Harry potter marathon n showed part 1 and 2 right after each other!! Numb bum or what after all that!!! Lol xx
Well according to most ppl on here a chicken chow mein is 9pp for a whole portion, however some ppls chow meins are way bigger than others ..... so id say 9pp for your half of chow mein .. 2/3pp for wedges and maybe a point for each cracker ? so id put it down as either 15/16pp :D
Really?? Hmm that's not as bad as I thought then!? Thanks for replying to my question by the way chick hehe xx

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Food looking good :) x
No problem Sarah - yeaaah deffo not bad :D
Honestly, tea n coffee do count with or without milk ..... as its still a fluid ... milk contains a percentage of water ... and your still filling your cup with about 3/4 of it water ..... dont worry about the technical side .... just have an extra glass of water between brews or somethin .... dont cut out stuff !! I usually fill a 1.5 litre bottle with water n s/free juice and make myself drink it over the course of the day .. i pee for england .. so i know its helping !!

Whoops sorry Sarah. Didn't mean to misinform.. Was passing on what my WW leader had told us.. :eek:
No worries hon. Even just drinking more in general has helped me I think, used to drink very little day to day :D xx

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do you all find that drinking more REALLY helps weight loss? x
Well I've drank a lot more the last 2 weeks and lost 1 and 2lb respectively which is pretty ok. I think it helps keep me fuller for longer too if I have a glass with a meal! X

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Todays diary.

Milk allow - 3pp

Belvita - 6pp

WW tomato soup - 2pp
3 melba toast - 1pp

Popcorn - 2pp
WW yoghurt - 1pp

Honey & mustard chicken with homemade wedges & BBQ sauce - 11pp

Multipack flake - 4pp
Snack-a-jacks caramel - 3pp

Special k choc & strawberry - 3pp

Total 36pp so that's 29/29 dailies and 7 weeklies used. Not so bad I guess :) x

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