ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

I'm following ur example n trying to drink :) xx
I used to be so bad at drinking. I try to get 1.5 litres in everyday between my coffee, water and squash. Seems to help, hope it helps you too hon :D xx

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It gets easier I hated drinking water at first I was addicted to full fat coke realy bad!! Not had any fir 5 weeks now!! N dont mind water at all now xx
I dont mind water either :) just annoying going to the loo so much haha x
I no at work in running to loo every 5 mins I'm on 4th floor n loo is on ground!!! Burns calories I suppose : ) xx
Jemmalb said:
I no at work in running to loo every 5 mins I'm on 4th floor n loo is on ground!!! Burns calories I suppose : ) xx

I'm the same but unfortunately my desk is quite close to the loos lol! So not burning any calories haha! X

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how's it going today Sarah? x
Yeah it was lovely dubchick, I got the recipe from you after all. ;) Only thing was it wasnt able to marinate as long as I'd like. Still yummy though!!
Ugh, I've had 2 cups coffee and that's it... I'll get some water now I think!!

Going ok jem, scales aren't being nice so far this week though... Hope they go down by WI on saturday, how you been hon? X

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Oh I have that one up do I? Was just thinking 'am gona hafta root that out when I get home'.. Will have a look now to refresh my memory.. I find its still nice, whether ya bung straight in the oven or marinate it.. Chicken is just a little more juice and flavoursome if ya'v marinated it.. As i'm gona do it tonight I clearly wont have time to marinate.. Can't wait for dinner :D
I'm really good with my water all during the week.. Like yerself I work in an office so am at my desk with my water beside me so its easy.. Weekends I dont drink a drop.. oops..
I fill up my 2 bottles each morning as soon as I come in the door and drink them throughout the day.. This last week or have been reaching 2 to 2.5ltrs a day.. Then comes the weekend and not a drop is drank.. Plenty of alcohol tho!! ;)
So do you cook the chicken in tinfoil with the marinade in the tinfoil with it hon? Sorry, just wondering... Was the first time I tried marinating my chicken, tasted nice but I bet its even nicer left for 30-60 mins marinating ;)
I have a pint glass here beside me now. If I can drink 2pints at work I'll be happy enough. I always have a glass with dinner too. I'm actually better at drinking water at weekend funnily enough. When I'm at the desk I find it harder??

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I find it easier as its rite in front of me so I'll drink it.. At home am out and about and if I've a choice of drink I'll always pick fizzy (Diet Coke) I will make it my mission to drink more water on weekends.. I'll carry a litre with me everywhere I go ha ha..
No I marinate it in a pirex dish/tubberware tub in the fridge.. If I'm organised I do it the night before.. But its not often i'm that organised lol :D
(PS..1.6ltr's down)
things going good today thanks hun dreading wi later tho not looking at a loss I don't think ..body doen't feel like it anyway lol ...750mls water done already now to start on the rest.x
I've drank 2 cups coffee, a pint of water and some pepsi max. Dont seem to be doing so good at drinking actual water today lol.
Well Claire says liquids are liquids so you shud be fine..
My water goodness has stopped since lunch.. have only had about 200ml's since 1:30.. Will finish my small bottle (600ml) before I leave here and that'll be 2.2ltr today.. Plus half cup coffee and a cup of tea (wasn't intended on being half cup, just got distracted and didn't drink it all)
I'm just so sleepy that I'm craving coffee all day ya know? Hope it all counts to my water. Dunno why I find it harder to drink today when I was grand yesterday lol. :rolleyes:
Thats loads hon, I couldnt drink that lol... you feel bloated at all??