ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Its not a race hun.. And its coming off! That's the main thing.. The slower the better really as its more likely to stay off.. Look at how well you dont before joining on here.. You have done BRILLIANTLY.. We all know its not easy to lose weight.. you should be proud of yourself..
Wendy plan day 6 (+9pp)

Milk - 1pp
Belvita X 4 -6pp

Bagel w. Ham and cheese - 6pp
Skips -2pp
Banana -0pp

Rice krispie square -3pp

Quiche lorraine (half) - 13pp

Ripple -5pp
Onion rings -2pp

That's 38pp so my 29 plus 9 weeklies :D x
Last day of wendy tomorrow with 7 weeklies to use. Dunno what affect this'll have on my weight loss so we'll see saturday morning! X

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I feel grand, don't feel lighter yet haha. I've no idea what its gonna do for weigh in on saturday but hopefully it won't be a gain anyway lol. I've never been hungry at all. Stuffed today with my 9 extra lol. I'll let ya know on saturday if I'd recommend it :p xxx

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Wow u have done really well on the Wendy plan! Hope u get the awesome loss u deserve on sat!!

Well done on ur loss Frances :)

I love belvita - really didn't like the yogurt ones but like cereal and milk but all time fave is honey n but with choc chips! Not a fan of nuts but it's nice together :) xx
Thanks Carly... Really hope to get a loss but not holding out considering all I've eaten heehee! X

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I have faith :D xx
Lol... I feel like a test subject here heehee ;) fingers crossed for me girls xx

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Hehe! Can I poke u and take ur temperature and stuff?! Lol x
HAHAHA! You're a class act Carly lol xx

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:D xx
Hi Sarah - good luck for the weigh-in tomorrow. A girl in my old ww class did really well with the Wendy plan so fingers crossed!
Thank you :D xxx

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Wendy plan day 7 (+7pp)

Milk -2pp
Mini choc weetabix -4pp

Onion rings -2pp
Mini cookies -3pp

Heinz ravioli - 4pp
WW bagel -4pp
Flora -2pp

Chicken fried rice (H/M) - 10pp

Curly wurly -3pp
Snax -2pp

Total 36pp so thats 29 dailies and 7 weeklies so that's all my weeklies used... We'll see tomorrow what the damage is ;) xx

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Ooooo, i hope u get good results Sarah :D you've done suuuuuper well :D .... and even if you dont, just remember your body will be gettin use to a new technique so itll all pay off in the end ... so keep it up :cool:
Mmmmm scrummy day Sarah, good luck for tomorrow, I'm really intrigued and excited for you.

Good luck for WI :) x