ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Well if you're a "crazy GF" for reacting how you are, then we're all "crazy" too.. I'd be going mental!!
Hafta say I'm with Lydia.. Someone that can knowingly make you feel so crap isn't worth your time or effort..
These words are all easier said than done!!
But definitely put YOU as number 1!! Us girls/women tend to put our blokes first and forget we'r the important ones.. They'd most definitley never put us first!!
Is there any way you can get a little break from him for a few days/a week to have a good think about what you want firstly for yourself and from your relationship? Maybe pop up to your sisters for a few days?? Without letting them know whats going on? (I dont like when my family know i'm having problems in my relationship.. Coz when its all sorted between me n my BF they dont forget and bring it up any time we have a fall out)
Oh no no no hon, I wasnt saying you yourself were negative... just that I know peoples opinions might differ from mine on this sort of issue. I know some girls are very confident in themselves and might not have an issue with this situation the same way I would.
I suffered my whole life from low self worth and esteem issues. I get through day to day okay without thinking TOO many negative things about myself lol but things like this always make me spiral terribly into thinking really REALLY negative things about myself much as I try not to.
I am glad I dont seem TOO crazy to you peeps (even though I feel a lil MAD :p)
Glad you're a fiery one hon, sock it to 'im I say heehee!! I wish I had a fiery attitude like that too ;) xx
Men heh!! Honestly never fails to surprise me how when they do something wrong it gets turned round to be our fault! Its an inbuilt inability to accept blame, they feel guilty over something and seem to have to pass that blame onto others to make them feel better. My last ex Kevin was a lazy alcoholic jobless bum yet when I finished with him for aforementioned reasons it got turned round to me being overbearing, unloving, hard, unsympathetic and lacking compassion!!
Fran... sounds like my family. If I do talk to someone about the issue they'll then NEVER forget it even if it gets sorted. I'm finding it very hard to explain to my OH how I feel... how "sad" I get. I'd hate to frighten him by telling him some of things I think about sometimes (you probably know what I mean yourself). It makes him sad if I tell him what I think about myself (even though I edit a bit so its not TOO bad lol). My low self worth issues are probably what get in the way the most (not sure if anyones suffered from this particular problem or can relate?)

Just want to say, I appreciate all the responses to this... There are some very kind people in the world :) xx
Men heh!! Honestly never fails to surprise me how when they do something wrong it gets turned round to be our fault! Its an inbuilt inability to accept blame, they feel guilty over something and seem to have to pass that blame onto others to make them feel better. My last ex Kevin was a lazy alcoholic jobless bum yet when I finished with him for aforementioned reasons it got turned round to me being overbearing, unloving, hard, unsympathetic and lacking compassion!!
LOL Lydia... that is unbelievable!! Its so ridiculous the things we are put through by some men isnt it? My OH can be very generous and kind but then can remark on things and it hurts like a slap to the face lol. Yeah... course its all our faults :rolleyes: Sheeeeeesh...
Oh no no no hon, I wasnt saying you yourself were negative... just that I know peoples opinions might differ from mine on this sort of issue. I know some girls are very confident in themselves and might not have an issue with this situation the same way I would.
I suffered my whole life from low self worth and esteem issues. I get through day to day okay without thinking TOO many negative things about myself lol but things like this always make me spiral terribly into thinking really REALLY negative things about myself much as I try not to.
I am glad I dont seem TOO crazy to you peeps (even though I feel a lil MAD :p)
Glad you're a fiery one hon, sock it to 'im I say heehee!! I wish I had a fiery attitude like that too ;) xx

Well my lovely let me tell you, I am a very self assured confident person, who is happy single and most of the time chooses that way of life, when I do decide to be in a relationship, I don't very often get jealous, but I wouldn't be happy with what you are being put through, I'd get jittery and unsure of things - I put 100% into relationships and except 100% back on all aspects, if I don't get that, they're gone! If you're ever in need of my firey temper, just let me know - I got ya back LOL!! :giggle:
I'm a fellow low self worth/low self esteem person ha and at start of my relationship I felt I wasn't good enough for my oh. Looks wise, personality wise etc. Thats why I think I get paranoid. We had an incident at start of our relationship concerning him talking to girls on Facebook who I'd never heard him mention before putting like xx after the comments etc. I saw red and got into a state over it as she was a skinny blondey and I'm like what does he see in me!

I think all women have a teeny bit of insecurity towards other women and then combined with the lacked confidence due with wanting to lose weight it makes a very under confident girl. I hope once I lose my weight I finally gain some self confidence!
Ha Lydia my sap of an ex who also put me thru the same thing was also called Kevin.. Must be in the name eh?! lol
When I was with Kevin I was so self conscious.. I think put me down but in a subtle way so it wasn't noticed by both me and people around.. Just a 'little' comment every now n then to 'remind' me I had(have) weight issues.. Just enough to keep my confidence down so I didn't move on and realise I deserved better.. S'pose that's why I hung around for so long..
Now I'm (back) with Jonathan and I sometimes think "WTF was going thru my head to put up with such crap" Not saying Jonathan's a saint.. he's not by any means and he can get on my nerves very quickly too at times but I'm so much happier in myself.. he encourages me rather than put me down..

First tho you need to realise how much you're worth.. Then you'll kick to touch.. be to make him treat you as you deserve or to kick him to them curb..
Ha Lydia my sap of an ex who also put me thru the same thing was also called Kevin.. Must be in the name eh?! lol
When I was with Kevin I was so self conscious.. I think put me down but in a subtle way so it wasn't noticed by both me and people around.. Just a 'little' comment every now n then to 'remind' me I had(have) weight issues.. Just enough to keep my confidence down so I didn't move on and realise I deserved better.. S'pose that's why I hung around for so long..
Now I'm (back) with Jonathan and I sometimes think "WTF was going thru my head to put up with such crap" Not saying Jonathan's a saint.. he's not by any means and he can get on my nerves very quickly too at times but I'm so much happier in myself.. he encourages me rather than put me down..

First tho you need to realise how much you're worth.. Then you'll kick to touch.. be to make him treat you as you deserve or to kick him to them curb..

You're absolutely right hun! When you are confident in yourself and happy as a person you are able to see these spiteful hurtful comments for exactly what they are. I literally wouldn't allow that in my life anymore ( I used to when I wasn't quite as confident and ballsy as I am now) but I expect encouragement not insults and if a man wants to insult me now, believe me I'll reduce them to a quivering wreck!!

Maybe we need to run a masterclass on it LOL!! :rolleyes:
Oh sign me up for the masterclass. I'm abit of a push over. Easily walked over type of person. Low self esteem, self worth and quite shy. I have had some serious talks with myself in the past few years and I'm coming around abit. But I will not and have never had (to my knowledge) a man walk over me! I told my husband in no uncertain terms years ago that if he ever or I ever thought he was cheating on me I'd be gone. There would be no forgiving and moving on. We had this discussion after one of his friends two timed on his girlfriend. It's the only thing I would not tolerate. I know I'd never forget it and it'd ruin the relationship anyway. Not saying this is what is happening in your relationship Sarah!!

I really hope that you manage to sort it all! Hate when horrible things happen to really nice, decent and beautiful (physically and personality wise) people. Maybe your too good for him and he doesn't see what you see in him so he is keeping his options open just incase! Anyway some of the women above seem to have a better way with words on this. Good luck xx
He says he would never cheat but I'm feeling like actions speak louder than words and his actions are a bit too suss. I'm having a think about it, might spend this weekend alone and just have some me-time :)
I don't wanna be a push over either... And I definitely wouldn't tolerate cheating :( Thank you for your words of wisdom lovely xx

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I'm ok. A bit down still. Keep getting the same apology from the OH with the excuse of he "didnt know it would bother" me (he knew, trust me!!). So I'm still confused about what to do, need a proper think.
Feel a bit guilty as I was down yesterday and ate some choccie that I shouldnt have (was supposed to stick to 29 and ended up eating 35 :( ). Hopefully I can stick to it today, I think I'm in for a big gain this week too (which will help the mood) and also TOTM is due in a couple of says (which will ALSO help the mood & cravings lol).
Hope everyones having a good day... only today and tomorrow till the weekend (thank god!) xx
Ugh. I think everything had just decided to go wrong at once. Having a tough few days in work too... Can't work out this issue at all! Grrr... Feel like walking out right now lol.
I've also wrecked todays "good" day too by eating a big bag of crisps... Need to stop drowning my sorrows in food methinks lol. Somebody keep me awaaaaay from the choccie!! X

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Sorry to hear everything's going bad at the mo Sarah, i agree you are not eating that much considering the stress of the situation! the other ladies have said it all about your OH, but id like to add, even if he isnt thinking about cheating, it is still disrespectful to flirt with other women, whether it means anything or not, especially after saying he fancied her! unbelievable! you sort him out lovely!!!xxxxxx
He says sorry but still doesn't seem to realise that my feelings are hurt? He thinks that they're "just friends" so I shouldn't bother being upset but I can't help it. Honestly it looks like breakupsville at the moment... I dunno if I can trust him after the lying and everything else... It was such inappropriate behavior in my eyes but not in his as he "didn't cheat". Sigh. Wish someone could decide what's right for me lol.
Sticking a WW ocean pie in oven, I've about used all my points on comfort eating, I'm such a silly billy... Aargh.
Thank you for the input girls, dunno where I'd vent without ye... I really appreciate it! X

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