Back on the road to the magic slimdom - Roosters Road trip

Aww thanks Vicky!! xx

Right then day 6!! Wow, I think the hard part is done...

I needn't have worried about Friday night because it was fine! I sat quietly and contentedly on the sofa making home made greetings cards (I'm not good at it at all but so what lol)

So the evening past without incident and it seems calm has once more descended on the Rooster house hold.. until that is our usually dependable, sleep through the night - every night baby let out a cry of sheer misery!! and such an unusual occurrence was this that both OH and I shot out of our chairs, him scattering papers/cups of tea/pens all over and me throwing bits of felt, fluff, bottles of water, strips of paper, sparkle pens whilst trying unglue my fingers from the card I was currently working on and we rushed to her cot side.

Poor little Evie was Roasting - argh!! I'd knocked the heating right up to avoid the night time shivers!! Ooops, back to the hot water bottles then. (sorry baby girl)

This morning so far has been wonderful, when i woke, for the first time, food was definitely not the first thing on my mind!! (hurrah). and I truly feel that I am bursting with energy! .. so off I go to utilise it..

bye for now
welcome to the energy zone. I'm so glad you've got it too. I felt so wizzy on thursday I pruned for about 6 hours solid in the balmy january air & nearly forgot to collect the saplings from their schools.
True love is on a need to know basis....just love it
Obsesive tester!!

I have this problem where by if there's a test I can do by way of weeing on it... I do it, and regually! :(

I was that same when trying for a baby, weeing on ovulation strip ofter ovulation strip and then pregnancy test after pregancy test! :eek: I have thought of seeking out counselling for it but hey - it's not doing any harm...

Untill NOW - I keep weeing on the Ketostix to see how much in ketosis I am, and I just got a negative! NEGATIVE - but I haven't cheated!!? not once and now I'm ever so slightly worried, have bad calories been seeping through my pores by some kind of osmosis? are all my efforts in vein?

oh the dreaded wee sticks :confused:
I have this problem where by if there's a test I can do by way of weeing on it... I do it, and regually! :(

I was that same when trying for a baby, weeing on ovulation strip ofter ovulation strip and then pregnancy test after pregancy test! :eek: I have thought of seeking out counselling for it but hey - it's not doing any harm...

Untill NOW - I keep weeing on the Ketostix to see how much in ketosis I am, and I just got a negative! NEGATIVE - but I haven't cheated!!? not once and now I'm ever so slightly worried, have bad calories been seeping through my pores by some kind of osmosis? are all my efforts in vein?

oh the dreaded wee sticks :confused:

Ketones will spill into the urine ONLY when there is more in the blood than is being used as fuel by the body at that particular moment.

You may have exercised or worked a few hours previously, so your muscles would have used up the ketones as fuel, thus there will be no excess. You may have had a lot of liquids to drink, so the urine is more diluted.

Perhaps the strips are not fresh, or the lid was not on tight and some moisture from the atmosphere got in.

Some low carbers NEVER show above trace or negative even ... yet they burn fat and lose weight just fine. If you're losing weight, and your clothes are getting looser, you're feeling well and not hungry all the time .. then you are successfully in ketosis.

Don't get hung up on the strips; they're just a guide, nothing more.

Find out more:

Low Carb Diet Tips & Basics - Ketosis & Ketone Test Strips
Hey Roosters - just read through your diary and found it very entertaining.

Mini is right about the ketostix - try not to worry about them too much. If you don't feel hungry, or are cold and/or have bad breath - they are all signs of ketosis too.

Good luck with your diet - and carry on with the diary.
Thank you Beverly & Mini!! I read the info and now my mind is at rest.. I had been frantically re arranging my living room just before so I guess I was fat burning (hurrah)
Day 7

Day 7 finds me somewhat cheesed off. Well more than cheesed off - hacked off, <insert swear word here> off.

I've realised that this week I've missed My daughter sooo much and she's been under my nose that whole damn time, my mind has constantly been preoccupied with this damn diet and I've just not 'taken her in' if you know what I mean. None of the time spent with her is quality time because I can't focus on her, my heads in the 'diet' clouds.

There hasn't been a day gone by the past week when I haven't been horrendously irritable - my OH must be tearing his hair out. My head feels like it's swimming in pea soup and for the first time in AGES I've actually got premenstrual cramps a whole week before their due, which is just my body's way of playing a big joke on me because I don't usually get them at all.:sigh:

I'm beginning to question weather I can really do this, right now it seems so hard when there's already so much else to cope with! I got weighed today and I've lost another 5lbs which means I've lost 16 this week -and I just do not Care! :confused:

sorry to be a big smelly burst of negativity.. this is why i have so much admiration for all of you losers (the nice meaning of the word) its incredibly, incredibly hard. What amazing strength you must have.:)

tara for now :wave_cry:
Day 8


Last night I ate some chicken, (quite a bit actually, bird flu schmird floo) and I washed it down with a huge glass of white wine. It felt great. I felt much happier at the time of eating although I do feel slightly guilty now.

I'm going to have to go through the agonies of being hungry again until I'm ketosis again, I don't mind though, hopefully it will be enough incentive for me not to cheat again. (as well as the fact I was up all night running to the loo)

So basically I'm not going to beat myself up about it, It was a lesson learned, and on a positive note I've proved to myself how much this diet means to me. In the past cheating once would mean the end of the diet, but not this time - quiting is not an option!

I'm going to introduce exercise into my diet now, my oh brought the exercise bike in from the shed last night and we've put it in the sitting room!! So now in the evenings once the little one is in bed I'm going to cycle my way through the soaps!! During the day's I'm going to 'dance with boogie beebies' with my daughter and she's going to LOVE it.

I'm only on water so far today due to jippy tummy, and I'm feeling good.
Just read your laast 2 posts. so glad you havn't given up. if you think about your 'slip' y'day the chicken was merely a protein boost.(your body will probably have used it as energy because the 3 sachet's give enough protein for muscle turnover etc, but what I don't know is whether your body can use it to store as glycogen? We need an expert to read this. CallingMini Calling mini) & the glass of wine has all been metabolised now.
So you're up & running again.
I found the days 7-14 hard in a completely diff way from the grind into ketosis, but day by dayit got easier .not sure if it was rhythm/routine, or if it was my body adjusting. The 2 worst bits were hunger at cooking supper time,& craving wine at same time esp if the kids wre all fighting & demanding.
Don't beat yourself up about being distant from evie you wrere probably much more attentive than you think ,& as you settle into a routine you'll get better.
Stick at it ,you're doing brill.
I think that
Thank you Jane!!

I feel so much better today and your support just reinforces that! Evie and I have had a good day today pottering about so all is well in planet Rooster again!

I'm changing to the CD as well.. that's my other big news!! I spoke to my new councillor, Kathy just over an hour ago and she seems really really nice! So as from Saturday I'll be on CD! SOoooo much cheaper.

anyway - I'm going to make preparations to get on the exercise bike!

bye for now and BIGGGG hugs Jane .. thanks again!
AH thanks roosters-any time.
I've actually had a totally grotty w/e.migraine starte sat am Managed to getout of bed this pm to collect kids & do supper but I'm still not right yet.
Bring on tomorrow & hopefully I'll be back in the saddle.
How old is little Evie? Mine are 6,9,12. & the smallest one has fallen asleep beside me in bed with his schol uniform still on-& they are a lot heavier at this age.
Jane!! I hope your feeling better.. I've never suffered from migraines but I know from friends that they can be a complete nightmare! I hope you're feeling much better today.

Evie's 14 months old today actually. Wow three children, thats what I hope to have one day! Must be a handful though!

Right so I'm on diet day 9!

ahh.. where was I ..

So I've started to find that my way of thinking about losing weight on this crazy diet has changed. In the first couple of days I was constantly thinking about being thinner and wondering how much weight was gone and then despairing that it would take so long to get to the weight I want to be!! ( i think that contributed to my Cheaty chicken on Sunday)

But I'm starting to think of it more of a way of life is, I can only liken it to when you are so used to going to work every day you don't even think about the chunk of cash that gets deposited in the bank every month - you just get up early every morning and go, simply because that's what you do!

That's how things are for me at the moment. I don't eat because I just don't!! and the number of pounds that I lose on the way are just a symptom of my new way of life! and one day I'm gonna look in the mirror and be very pleasantly surprised at what I see!

Right well I better go and make some lunch for the small person

Bye for now :)
It is great to see you in such good form , in the mean time be sure to take photos every time you drop a stone so that you can compare as the time goes by.

Love Mini xxx
ahh.. where was I ..

So I've started to find that my way of thinking about losing weight on this crazy diet has changed. In the first couple of days I was constantly thinking about being thinner and wondering how much weight was gone and then despairing that it would take so long to get to the weight I want to be!! ( i think that contributed to my Cheaty chicken on Sunday)

But I'm starting to think of it more of a way of life is, I can only liken it to when you are so used to going to work every day you don't even think about the chunk of cash that gets deposited in the bank every month - you just get up early every morning and go, simply because that's what you do!

That's how things are for me at the moment. I don't eat because I just don't!! and the number of pounds that I lose on the way are just a symptom of my new way of life! and one day I'm gonna look in the mirror and be very pleasantly surprised at what I see!

Right well I better go and make some lunch for the small person

Bye for now :)

Yes-you've got it spot on. I've been rationalising it in term of "my day/life consists of these various activities & apart from th eveing soup it doesn't include meals or snacking.Which makes more time for the other ,more productive,things"
Thanks for the kind wishes-the migraine is finally gone ,still woozy but upright.Should be back to full fighting power tomorrow.
14months eh? Have you noticed how everything can can be moved or broken is now stacked above waist-height. Is she Walking yet or still cruising round the furniture?
It all seems like both yesterday & a different lifetime ago.

We took the big wire fireguard down from around the log burner at christmas. They all seem pretty safe around the fire & it was all squished from being used to prop up the roof of sofa-dens,so it 's gone to the great garage store til I can pursuade our neighbour (new baby) to take it. How time moves on?

Oh she's walking, almost running in fact and usually in the opposite direction to me.. :rolleyes:

I know what you mean about it seeming like yesterday and a lifetime ago at the same time.. although my comparison is somewhat shorter on the time line .. I can barely imagine Evie as a tiny tiny baby.. you see so many mums with kids/toddlers admiring 'brand new babies' and its' always the same 'you were NEVER that small were you'? lol :)

Diet day 10 (double figures, how wonderful does that sound :p )

Every thing's well and as it should be, I'm really looking forward to meeting my new CD councillor on Saturday! I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was moving to CD (The friend who actually first told me about lighter life) and she has arranged to be there at my appt so she can start too!! which is great!

I've cycled 10 miles so far on exercise bike, first 5 miles in 18 mins, second 5 miles in 17 mins so Im improving.. I'm using the spinning technique which means I go as fast as I can with not too much resistance so it really gets my heart pumping!

Well I better get back to the little person..

Day 11

Well not a lot to report so far today!! It's all going very well!!

I'm just trying to decide whether to start Saturdays as my new weigh in day as this when my new CD councillor will be visiting! hmmmmm

bye for now
Oh I'm sooo tired!!

The joys of teething babies, poor little lady has a molar coming through - High temp all day and still a smile on her face bless her, but I've got new mummy syndrome and keep checking on her every 5 mins coz of the temp I don't want her to overheat and combust!! - it's exhausting worrying for so long :eek:/

So I guess thats been my day really - I was too busy to drink much water in the afternoon so have just downed 2 litres now!! so staying up for a bit to avoid weeing all night lol

Oh yes.. Hurrah!! I cycled my 5 miles on the exercise bike in 16 mins, so all in all I've got my time down by 2 minutes.. Yay!

ok, so I'm off to make myself some peppermint tea, 'I've not tried it before so this should be interesting!! ( as long as it tastes like hot sweet milky breakfast tea I'm sure I'll love it)
