Bad Breath


Full Member
Heres my dilemma.

I'm going to a 'do' tomorrow night and am abit concerned about my smelly breath. I brush my teeth and my tongue but am told my nearest and dearest that its still there. I occasionally have suger free gum but can't chew all evening. I know there will be lots of 'air kissing' and was wondering if there is a mint thats allowed. I also use the listerine strips that i used on Lipotrim but even these work for only a very limited time.
You know whats its like at these things. Its usually so noisey that you have to lean in to chat so i will breathe on people.

My CDC told me that she has used sugar free mints from time to time with no ill effect - they might be worth a try if you are worried.

Are we allowed to use 'Goldspot' - that's good and if it's only for one night it can't do much harm, can it? Better than being known as 'Stinkey'!!!!! :D
I would just die if i earned the nickname 'stinky'. Even worst what an impression to give to people you've just met.
I was wondering if sugar mints are ok? I thought they might be slightly less obvious than a spray but how long does the gold spray last and will it blow my head off. Not good with strong things.
Goldspot is fairly strong but not that bad - it sensation eases after a few seconds. It really works though and it lasts for a couple of hours (more for some people).

You'll know you need another spray when people start backing away :D - JOKE!!!!