Bad week


Full Member
So far I've had a really bad week! 2 kiddies parties attended and way too much junk eaten at both. and my hubby ordered a chinese last night and i indulged in that too. :( really need to get my motivation back and do some damage limitation for the rest of the week! Anyone else in the same boat?
Me. I had meal out Tues and last night, and am going out for drinks tonight. I've just accepted that this week I will not lose weight! I have lost every week so far, so not too bad. I am actually within my points for the week and have approx 20 weeklies left for tonight. But I was away for 3 days last week and completely off plan, and I think that despite losing 2lbs last wk it has actually caught up with me this wk!

Just draw a line under it and get back on the WW wagon! That's what I'll be doing tomorrow

I've been very good today so far, if I sts this week I'll be happy!! Best of luck to you too! x
Me ... Iv been bad since last mon! .. Back on it today though.. Eugh