Bank Holiday - Exercise Challenge

30 mins walking

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Just realised Kirsty. I'm actually going to hit my target :) that's amazing for me :)

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toofatkat said:
Just realised Kirsty. I'm actually going to hit my target :) that's amazing for me :)

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I did notice you were very close when I added it up well done hunny! Your doing fab you keep me going :) xxx
50 mins walking for me please

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5 hours walking around shopping mall looking at clothes etc with my sister in law!
An hour run for me again. :) xx
Another 60mins of body conditioning for me - ouchy ouch today! X
Monday 90mins
Tuesday 35 mins

Thats 3450 in total now, nearly there. I'll have reached target by the end of the week!
40 minutes swimming for me please Kirsty

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I'll update everyone again tomorrow :) x
Lots of mooching around shops today with Lexie but looking at my pedometer and the distance walked I'll log 45 minutes please Kirsty

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35min run for me :) xx