Barb's going at it a little differently!

Couldn't resist, decided to weigh half way through the month, not least as I don't have definite 'weigh-ins', delighted to see January's 1lb has gone already!

I'm really chuffed as I have spent most of the last 2 weeks lying around or sitting due to the flu. So what a boost that 1lb off is!

Makes me think though, on previous plans, where I expected so much more, the loss of 'only' a lb would have been enough to make me give up. I would have said 1 lb in over 2 weeks, that's not good enough, what a waste of time. Now I have adjusted my thinking I'm thinking, fantastic, already ahead on this month and a lb off is just brilliant.

Just goes to show, it is all about how you interpret success or failure and how you CHOOSE to look at things.

Well pleased with myself on attitude and the loss.
Well done you Barb xx:D Am really pleased for you, You will do your goal and beyond Im sure. Am also really glad your feeling alot better too :D
Will catch up soon x
Still feeling very motivated. It's great to be in a new year and feeling more positive. I am still finding my appetite is low, which is weird, but obviously good. I am also, even more weirdly, not fancying/enjoying wine. That is very odd, because if anything it is often my wine calories that derail me I think.

Anyway, I will make the most of being 'off' things, it has to be a bonus.

I find myself daydreaming a lot at the moment about being thinner, healthier, stronger and then I think to myself, all I have to do is keep doing what i am doing and my dreams will come true! Wow!
You're doing soooo welllllll! That's it, I need to get my butt in gear, you've inspired me!
Great to hear that your sister noticed that you'd lost weight, must ave felt great!
Keep it up lovely, you're doing brilliantly! The cruise is a pretty good incentive, think of all of the clothes you could buy for it! hehe.

Best wishes!
Thanks Emz - glad to know I've got you going!

I feel much better than i have done, more energy and a lot more optimistic, more like myself I guess! I am having a bowl of melon and cherries mid morning every day and that feels like a real treat. I am also thinking in terms of definites. Not maybes or ifs but 'when I'm slimmer' 'when I'm lighter' 'I won't buy that because it will soon be too big for me'. Something has made my attitude change and I think that is the real difference. I'm not saying that suddenly I have turned into a manic dieter, just that i am eating the right food and feel happier for it. I feel 2011 is the year for change and if I can achieve my goals. thts it really, that is how I feel. Long may it last.
Wow barb, you sound so upbeat about it all, that's really great. New year has swept away all of the cobwebs and you're like a new woman, with this whole new lifestyle and way of thinking. It's really great!

I have been doing a wee bit better, but I think I'll have to buck up and start thinking the way you do.

Keep it up lovely! It's the changes on the inside that really count for something, and I think those are the one's you're starting to discover, and I hope you carry on feeling like that :) x
Thanks Emz, I certainly feel more positive and ready to get on with things!

Nothing new to report, just really thinking about what I eat, avoiding the biccy tin and generally thinking healthy. Much more focus on what will have rather than what i can't. It's all about the attitude again. Feeling like I am treating myself with a lush bowl of fruit, rather than just thinking I am being 'good' because i am having it.
Hi Barb x
Just to say I'm glad your feeling much better,:D Go you!! Hope you have a good weekend
Will speak soon x
Ahh the biccy tin of doooooooom!
I have found though, that party rings are something like 27cals a biscuit. So if (unlike me) you can only eat one or two at a time without scoffing the whole tin, they're pretty good, for when you have unavoidable cravings.

You're doing fab though, keep it up!

ps. I've taken a note our of your book, and I've bucked up my ideas, so thanks for that ;)
Morning Emz, Katierose and Minusfour

thank you very much for all your encouraging posts, it really does help.

I do so agree with Minusfour about the perspective thing, I def think that is the single most important thing. By viewing things positively, like a loss of a lb is an excellent thing, not a disappointment, you immediately hush up all the negative things your brain is programmed to think (well, mine is anyway).

I learnt a lot last year; I said so many times ' if I lose 10lbs by the end of the year I will be happy with that' that when i did, I genuinely was. Whereas in the past my first thought would have been, 'should have been more though, much more. If I had made a proper effort it would have been more'. By stopping the negative thinking I think I can stop sabotaging myself. For instance in the past when I have had what I viewed as a small loss, my negative thinking would send me straight to the biccy tin (yes Emz, the biccy tin of doom!)now I think, a lb off, excellent, keep being sensible like this and another one will be gone soon.

I know I'm waffling a bit, but it is a bit of a shock to realise that the same thing can happen and result in happiness or miserableness. I choose happy.

Anyway, still going on ok, feeling much better, appetite is back (damn it) and I'm enjoying the vino again. Normal service has been resumed. Still looking at a lb off for January, that will do me!
Glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Very inspirational post above, choosing to do things positively rather than negatively, and always striving to be happy rather than miserable is something that applies to every aspect of life, not just dieting (although it's pretty damned important in losing weight).

When's your official January WI? the 32st jan or the 1st feb?
Best wishes.
Thanks Emz, I agree, apply positive angle to everything, when possible, it has to make things seem better.

I think I will probably go for 31st Jan, that's a Monday, so will probably feel right. I'm not expecting too much, I would love to have 2 off this month, but as already said, 1 will be just fine!

Off to check your diary now!
I reckon if we could only apply that sort of positivity we would be much happier, and probably more successful- I'll be working on it! Barb, you are doing a great job, you've come such a long way!
Hi Barb x
I love your positivity :D:D, I am also trying to retrain my way of thinking and you have a lovely way of words.
And also just to say I really appreciate your kind words and support means alot.
Speak soon xx
As you say, you've already reached your goal, like 2 weeks early which is amazing, so anything on top of that is just a bonus. And even if you haven't lost any more, it'll be money in the bank for next months weigh in.

Hope that you have a good week :)
Heya hun, hope you're ok :) x
Thanks to Emz and Katierose, sorry i have not been around.

The truth is the anniversary of Dad's death (thurs) has been very difficult for me. Too many difficult memories crashing round my head and I just have not been able to pull the positivity i crave together. However, I have done lots of crying, given Mum lots of hugs and generally 'got through' the week. I have not over or under eaten, just sort of kept going. My DH has been brilliant and we have had some really good talks. I am so lucky.

I am off out tonight for what will be a boozy and lively evening and i think that is just what I need. I hope to see on Monday that January's lb has stayed off, I don't expect or hope for more than that, so fingers crossed!
Hello lovely, sending my hugs and thoughts!
Just keep struggling through, you'll be alright love. Just another one of those waves.
Hope that you enjoyed your evening!
Best wishes.