Barb's going at it a little differently!

You're quite right Barb, in the past I've always raced to lose the weight and always put it back on because what I have been doing is unsustainable, this time my doctor has advised that I try to lose from half a pound to a pound a week.

Keep going your doing great.
Thanks Jo, I am sure you and your GP are spot on. I have always been able to shift a stone in double quick time, but then I crave all the things I've been missing, fall spectacularly off the wagon and promptly re-gain and then some.

If I keep doing that all I am ever going to do is get bigger. This way every little thing seems worth celebrating. Like today, went to do some office work and instead of nibbling on biscuits or a few sweets I worked till half way through the morning and had a large banana to keep me going till lunch. On a strict diet that would hardly be a breakthrough, it would be expected. On this regime I am spending a lot of time saying well done me, which for someone who is generally very self critical, it really is a breakthrough!

You look like you are doing brilliantly - well done. That first goal is lovely to get under your belt.
Congrats on the half stone mark, that's brilliant!
You're so right, it's better to do i slowly in a sustainable way then shed it in month and put it all back on a month later!

Sorrry that you didn't enjoy the beer festival; i hate it when everything you puts on just makes you feel fat. It's a ridiculous state of mind it really is, you've worn the clothes before and thought that you looked nice and it's only how you're feeling that day that colours what you're seeing in the mirror. I'm sure slim people get it too, but meh, I feel your pain.

Well done on your night out as well. you're allowed the odd treat so just doing what you can and not going too overboard even when it would be so easy to do so is a great accomplishment.

Keep it up lovie!
Thanks Emz - I feel very chuffed with that half a stone. I know it could have been more but I also know it could have been less! I am trying to look at it all more positively, focusing on the good bits rather than the not so good. I've always been one to have a really good day, have one small slip and then all I can think of is the slip up, not all the good that went before it. It's illogical and I have to stop doing that. I think I am getting there.
You are so right about the clothes thing too - why do we do this to ourselves? It's mad, other people probably hardly notice how we look anyway, so why make ourselves feel low?That's another area I am going to improve on!
*whistles* always look on the bright side of life.

I think what we're learning is that because this is for life a 1 day slip up, or even a one week, or one month slip up is just a drop in the ocean. It's the big picture that we need to focus on, and at the moment the big picture is looking pretty good.

Do you have plans for the week?
Hi Emz - yes, you are spot on there. It truly is the destination that counts - getting there. That is all that matters, slip ups will happen but they are not s disaster unless we let them be.

Got nothing too major this week so aiming to be a good girl this week. We have got a meal out tomorrow night with our son and his lovely wife, so that will probably be calorific but other than that fairly quiet till we get towards the end of the month, then it livens up again. I really want to get another lb off for the end of October and I reckon that is very do-able. That will leave me with only 2 more to get to my first target at Christmas.
I am liking this new approach, it means that on days when I feel really strong and focused, like today actually, I can keep the cals low which balances out a day when I don't feel like being too restricted!

It's all going in the right direction! At last!
Had a very good low cal day yesterday. Not feeling so hungry generally so that is good news. Off out for a Thai meal tonight with DS1 son and his wife, so that will be nice. Bound to be a bit high cal but I feel like I have compensated sort of in advance, so that is good too!

Feeling in the swing now and looking forward to what the end of Oct may bring weight loss wise. I woudl love to see another lb off, that would be so good.
Well the thai meal was amazing - amazingly high cal, not least because of the vat of wine that went with it! Still, we had a nice time and yesterday i cut back as best i could, despite the hangover munchies being ever present.

So, today i intend to just keep going. That's it really, I am settling into the habit of the food diary, the cutting down etc and I think if I can carry on like this then I am going to see the weight slowly drop. It is exciting to think that although I am not going at it hammer and tongs I am slowly getting results. I still think I will be thrilled to bits to get 10lbs off for Christmas and i reckon I am well on track to do that. Looking forward to an end of October weigh-in next week to see how close I am getting.
So, have come down with a bit of a cold, but not too bad. Have been very good the last few days, always tempting when I'm under the weather to have nice biccies and things, but I have been careful.
Which tempted me to an early weigh-in - although on this regime i have no definite 'weigh days'.

Anyway, I was very chuffed to find I had lost 2lbs in the last 10 days!
That brings me to within a lb of my Christmas target and it is still October!!!!!

I am very, very pleased. I don't feel deprived at all. I am just not buying the tempting stuff and generally cutting down. I have discovered that i cannot live without biscuits but if the only option is a tea finger in the house, then the worst damage I am going to do is going to 22cals x 4 or 5. Compared with a nice jammy/creamy biscuit at up to 100 cals a time, it makes a huge diff.

So, onwards and downwards. It is tempting to alter my 10lb for Christmas goal, but i am not going to. That's when the pressure would start building and i am not going down that route.

If I don't lose more than a lb in the next 9 weeks then as long as I lose one I have met my goal. But if I up that goal and then don't make it, I risk turning this into a failure and i am not going to do that. So, anything more than a lb off will simply be a wonderful bonus.
wow 1 pound off your xmas target in October?! That's amazing! Well done, keep up the good work. I'm really happy for you! :)
Thanks PJ - i notice you are doing very well too - only 3 more to go and your first stone will be done. We are both doing so well and it makes it extra good having friends on here to share it with!
Have had a few really rotten days. On Thursday night DS1 was taken into hospital with Pneumonia - he is 29, but it is still very worrying for us and he really was very poorly. He cam home yesterday afternoon after lots of IV drugs etc. He is doing much better so that's a relief but the other problem was he was on the same ward that my Dad died in at the end of January. The first few visits I coped just about ok, but on Sunday evening I was overwhelmed with flashbacks and promptly had what i can only assume is a panic attack. I couldn't breathe properly, had a pain in my chest was shaking and crying and felt dreadfully sick. My DH took my home, DS1 understood, bless him and since then I have felt very 'wobbly'. Had another very tearful day yesterday and just feel sort of odd. My knees still feel a bit shaky even now.
Needless to say I have not even thought of my food diary etc. Food has not been on my mind anyway. So today i will try and get back on it and see how I go.
Bah. Forget food, look after your soul. Take it easy, don't push yourself or worry about silly things like calories.
Take some time for yourself and your family.
My thoughts are with you huni.
Thanks Emz - it has been a really rough few days and I am now comtemplating my first birthday without Dad. I hate all these 'firsts' that have to be got through.
I am just trying to be gentle with myself and neither over or under eat.

I will honestly be glad when 2010 is over.
Look what happens when I don't keep up to date! Nine pounds, that is just great Barb! Really fantastic!
I hope your week is getting better, that sounded scary!
Do be gentle with yourself for your birthday. They do get better with time!
The firsts are always the worst. It will get easier lovely. Take it easy, heck, go fully british, have a cup of tea, a scone and complain about the weather for a bit. Just look after yourself.
2011 will undoubtedly be awesome. Maybe you should have a nice new years party to send of this crappy year?
Heya Barb, hope everything's ok!
Hi Emz and Happy New Year!

I have not been here for ages so guess how chuffed I was to see your name pop up, straight away, like I had never been away. So good of you to think of me.

Tbh, i have not been in the right frame of mind for ages. I think I was dreading Christmas and all the stuff that goes with it. Remembering past happy years and wondering how on earth I would cope this year. It made 'dieting' seem so trivial. Having said that, I have not slipped off the wagon too badly and was very pleased to do my end of year weigh in and see that I had achieved the goal i had set. Granted it was a gentle goal but that was the point really, making it do-able.

So, I go into 2011 more hopeful and encouraged. I have set a goal of 1lb a month and if I achieve that and no more I will be delighted. If I can do better than that, then I will be thrilled. I know that the need to lose weight is getting more important all the time. I am so sick of feeling so heavy and awkward. I would love to feel light and flexible, so losing weight is a must.

So 2011, lets see what can be done!
Hi Barb, I ve just read your diary and well done to you,:D You ve had so much to cope with and you reached your goal despite everything going on around you. I am sure you will do just as well in 2011 and you are so right in saying you have to do what works for you. My diet is similar to Cambridge & LL but I am an all or nothing person and am determined to shred this weight once and for all. Happy New Year to you and here s hoping 2011 will be a good one. I look forward to reading how your getting on and hope you didnt mind me leaving a message. Reading other peoples diaries really helps me x:)