Barb's slow but steady improvement diary!

well i have gone off the rails a bit as you know barb. but today is a new day and i'm going to take things more steadily. i'm going to up my water and i'm determined to make eating healthily enjoyable. i might go out for a jacket potato for lunch or something. to make it more of an event :) and i think i may go and join the gym. i have just tried ringing my friend to see if she would like to go swimming but i can't get through just now. think we are going to go to the laundrette with a mass of washing that hasn't been done with all our visitors and do it all at once in a big washer and then stick it all in a dryer :D we usually have to hang washing all over the living room for days!!

abz xx
Stay strong hun,
I know I know, easy for me the queen of not sticking to it to say, but read back over your diary for the past 4 weeks, and see if that will help get you back in the zone. Also, maybe worth doing an advantages list like the one I have done?
Thanks Abz and Clarri. I am feeling better now. Had a chat with DH and explained how I was feeling. I said that I just fancied soem of my fave chocolate marzipans and was feeling so deprived because I couldn't have them. Why can't you have them? he asked, can't you count them in? I explained that because I am on a diet i don;t feel'entitled' to nice things, he gave me one of his ' you are a looney' looks and said stop punishing yourself, you haven't been bad. He promptly took me to this fab choc shop and bought me some chocs. Which I have weighed, calculated and worked into my plan. Guess what, I don't feel deprived anymore and I don't feel angry with myself for breaking my plan.
On previous diets I would have got the sulks, bought some chocolates and probably some other 'naughty' stuff and gone completely over the top. No this time. I am learning, I am really learning.

Thanks for the support girls, reading back over the last 4 weeks did help. I can do this. I can!
Good to hear that you're feeling positive about it barb, there are difficult moments, but as you say.. thinking about that weigh in puts you back into focus. I know that it's so easy to say to everyone else what they should be doing too and then you wonder why you are struggling to do it yourself. As I've said before though, I've every confidence in you, I mean wow weighing chocs? I'd never have even thought of that, I would normally have just stuffed them all in then cried! Just shows how committed you really are and I think if you are that determined then nothing is going to get in your way! xxx
Thanks CP - you are right, I don't think anything will get in my way.

So, yesterday went really well. Then in the evening instead of slumping in front of the tv we went to a party for a friend of our son. A 21st birthday party. We thought we'd just drop in and go. Wrong! We ended up staying till midnight, I danced till my legs nearly fell off and had 4 glasses of wine! Oops. Having said that i am still just on 1500cals for the day, so thats ok. Must have burned a few extra ones dancing too!

So, going to have a good day today and keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.
well done barb. see? it is possibly to diet and have a life :) i just haven't figured it out for myself yet, ha. but you seem to be doing brilliantly :)

abz xx
Thanks Abz -don't know about brilliantly but I do seem to be getting some balance. I really have a battle on my hands with 'twisted thinking' and need to sort out this need I seem to have to punish myself for being fat. i think I am getting there and I am confident you will to.

Wow Clarri, thank you for that. I am very proud that my diary can inspire you. It's beginning to inspire me a bit actually. To be on the eve of my 4th weigh-in is awesome; I just haven't been able to stick to anything this long for ages and ages. I have had difficult days (as you know) but i so want this and now that I am beginning to recognise my own self sabotaging behaviour i think i stand a really good chance.
hope all is well in the world of barb?

i got a bit more of a grip yesterday. think i may have cracked it :)
Thanks for all the support girls - I'm pretty chuffed, one off this week which gives me a stone in 4 weeks.

I'm thrilled with that; to think that 4 weeks ago I was just starting and really hoping to see this kind of result. Just shows what a difference the right mindset and organisation makes. Not to mention all the support i've had from Miniminers and family and friends.

Bring on week 5 - i'm ready!
I don't know if it's easier but I guess the rewards are beginning to show and that really helps. I do think being indoors on cold days liek these make you feel more 'picky'; I could have eaten all day yesterday and struggled with thoughts of the biscuit tin etc..

I am trying to be sensible though and if I really, really want something, then it gets counted in. It's all about not feeling deprived for me. If I feel deprived I get all sulky and miserable and thats when i'm liable to go off track completely, which is something i am just not prepared to do.
I agree, im snowed in at the moment and normally id be stuffing whatever i can find but i no i want to be thin and for that i will be sensible. Ive dieted before but its never lasted very long i think ive hit a turning point this time tho.

Hopefully ill be posting week 4 on my diary :jelous: fingers crossed.

keep up the great work
Great news again Barb, lovely to see how much of an inspiration you are to all of us! I hit a 'struggle note' yesterday afternoon myself! It was lashing outside and hubby and I were sitting at a lovely cosy cafeteria, and everyone was indulging in chocolate, lattes and thick slices of chocolate cake, sigh.... very nearly made me burst into tears!

I stuck with my coffee with a sprinkle of choc on the top and felt so much happier this morning because I wasn't hungry at all, and had I caved in, it would only have been to make myself 'feel' better and feed those emotions again. So, i've decided that I will have that slice of cake, and a glass of wine, but only on valentines night :D
Thats the spirit girls! CP you sound really determined, thats fantastic. Who needs cake? Not us!

F.A.R - if you think you've hit a truning point it is probably because you have. You will be posting your week 4 results and I am already looking forward to seeing them.

We CAN do this ladies, I know we can.