BeckyT's WW Food Diary

eeeekkkk u sud so do the walk huni! after the weddin i want t start doin stuff like race for life! food looks good haha were both on count down for 6 tomorrow lol xxx

It's good to have something to aim towards other than just walking to dog... I've got something to achieve now! i think I am going to for the full 26.2 miles too! If i can already do 7.5 then 13.1 wouldnt be that hard to achieve, 26.2 would defo be more stretching!!

I dont envy you doing race for life... I think I could just about run to the end of the road! I have thought about running a few times as I know there are loads of 10k's you can enter and I like the idea of having something to aim for but, I just dont like running!!! So glad I've found a walk I can do x
Just realised it's tomorrow. Sorry I left my brain in bed this morning, that walk sounds brill!x

Thanks hun! Dont worry, tomorrow will be here before we know it! I'd absolutely love to get out of the 11's but that would mean that i would need a loss of 2.5lbs and I dont think that will happen so I'm try to manage my expectations and not set myself up for a fall!!! x
It's good to have something to aim towards isnt it? If my friend is up for it and I think we will do the marathon. Ive worked out that I would just need to increase my distance by 1.5 miles a month to be able to achieve the 26.2 miles which i think is do-able. I feel like I have a purpose now rather than just walking Alfie

How is Tim this morning? x

Morning gorgeous! he's feeling better, but I think it's clear fluids and dry toast for him today! lets see how he likes it when I eat nice stuff and he isn't allowed for a change! haha!

pay back is a ***** ;)
*sarah-lou* said:
Morning gorgeous! he's feeling better, but I think it's clear fluids and dry toast for him today! lets see how he likes it when I eat nice stuff and he isn't allowed for a change! haha!

pay back is a ***** ;)

Aww bless him!! x
Aww bless him!! x

He keeps saying, look how much weight I've lost over night, and he's about to weigh himself. What he doesn't know as soon as he eats or drinks his littloe chubby belly will bloated out again.

He's got 2 stone to lose and the thing is he loses really well he could be at goal in like 3 months.
*sarah-lou* said:
He keeps saying, look how much weight I've lost over night, and he's about to weigh himself. What he doesn't know as soon as he eats or drinks his littloe chubby belly will bloated out again.

He's got 2 stone to lose and the thing is he loses really well he could be at goal in like 3 months.

It's crap isn't it. John eats what he like and a vegetable rarely passed his lips and he never puts weight on! Mind you, he doesn't understand the work moderation unlike me! x
It's crap isn't it. John eats what he like and a vegetable rarely passed his lips and he never puts weight on! Mind you, he doesn't understand the work moderation unlike me! x

When I met tim he was 10.5 stone, and he stayed that weight for a little while, it wasn't until he got an office job that he put on weight. When I met him food was fuel until he tasted my cooking ;) so he blames me, but I said to him he didn't need to have double portions of it every time ;) . I always dish him up first and he always has a bigger portion than me (and normally goes back for seconds)

He has lost 4lb this week from being at the wedding and ill and has been at his lowest weight for 4 years, and he thinks he is some sort of god. I can't wait for him to eat and drink properly so he can see that the loss is just cos he was so sick (is that really mean?) I just get annoyed when he is ill and thinks he's done great when he hasn't put in any effort what so ever!

Damn those men!
Well to be fair to you, him jumping on the scales today isn't a true reflection if the weight he was lost... Naturally his body will be empty form all his toilet antics last night and I bet he knows that even if he hasn't said it

You're in it for the long haul and you'll show him too, then who will have the massive smile on their chops!

Well to be fair to you, him jumping on the scales today isn't a true reflection if the weight he was lost... Naturally his body will be empty form all his toilet antics last night and I bet he knows that even if he hasn't said it

You're in it for the long haul and you'll show him too, then who will have the massive smile on their chops!


Thanks hun, I always think like I'm being a *****, when I'm just trying to not let him get his hopes up when something isn't s true reflection, he alreayd say's he can see the weight I've lost. I've got my measurements and my pics ready to put up. Not excited about the pics but I am about the measurements! I can't remember what they were last time but I know they are on my diary lol
how you feeling today about tomorrow?? xx
Well done for deciding to do the full 26miles!!! I think you are amazing xxx
5 year ago my sister in law was told her breast cancer had spread and was made terminal, she was upbeat and decided to fight it. She asked me to walk the race for life for her, I was like you what!!???? But how does somebody say no to a women who is 29 and told her cancer is terminal I was to ashamed to even think no x so 12 of us went to Cardiff on a Tuesday afternoon and did the wall for life. And walked we did until we got to the end and Sian my Sister in Law said she was running the last k!! I could just about breath at this point. So as I struggled on I watched her race on xx I loved her to bits x sadly she passed away 6 months after my brothers car crash both 31.... But loved her for pushing herself, and so so admire you for not picking the easy option xx you go girly and when looking for sponsors let me know xx
how you feeling today about tomorrow?? xx

Erm, I'm not sure! I know I've been a good girl, eaten all of my dailies and a good percentage of my weeklies and I've defo put the effort in with the 31 miles I have walked which could be 35 by the time I go to WI but that said, we both know that all of the above doesn't necessarily mean that I will be rewarded on the scales...

I am quietly hopeful but who knows!! x
Well done for deciding to do the full 26miles!!! I think you are amazing xxx
5 year ago my sister in law was told her breast cancer had spread and was made terminal, she was upbeat and decided to fight it. She asked me to walk the race for life for her, I was like you what!!???? But how does somebody say no to a women who is 29 and told her cancer is terminal I was to ashamed to even think no x so 12 of us went to Cardiff on a Tuesday afternoon and did the wall for life. And walked we did until we got to the end and Sian my Sister in Law said she was running the last k!! I could just about breath at this point. So as I struggled on I watched her race on xx I loved her to bits x sadly she passed away 6 months after my brothers car crash both 31.... But loved her for pushing herself, and so so admire you for not picking the easy option xx you go girly and when looking for sponsors let me know xx

Gosh now that is true inspiration for you... It sounds like you had a tough year that year and just shows that you never really know what is around the corner x
Well I have every faith in you and I have everything crossed for you x
It's good to have something to aim towards other than just walking to dog... I've got something to achieve now! i think I am going to for the full 26.2 miles too! If i can already do 7.5 then 13.1 wouldnt be that hard to achieve, 26.2 would defo be more stretching!!

I dont envy you doing race for life... I think I could just about run to the end of the road! I have thought about running a few times as I know there are loads of 10k's you can enter and I like the idea of having something to aim for but, I just dont like running!!! So glad I've found a walk I can do x

lol i wouldnt run!! haha! xx
If I can already do 7.5 miles I think the half marathon wouldn't be that difficult to achieve... I reckon the marathon distant would be more of a challenge, it's just such a big commitment!

I don't think I'd ever be able to running, I take my hat off to you! x

I am by no means a runner and I hated every minute of it but the achievement I felt was out of this world :)
Can't believe it's weigh day for you tomorrow! How quick has that come around... I am away Friday morning, so no weigh in for me.
sharxx said:
Can't believe it's weigh day for you tomorrow! How quick has that come around... I am away Friday morning, so no weigh in for me.

As the week was gong by it seemed to be going by slowly as I found it hard mentally... Now we are at Wednesday and I reflect on the week it seems to have gone by quite quickly!

I've been so busy at work today and I've been thinking about the Shine event next year it's taken my mind off of the 'diet'! x