Bethanys Diary

Bethany dont forget to update your ticker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your having trouble with the motivation for exercise how about we start an exercise regime together? - for example we will make a deal to do 3 nights a week, at the same time - we will come on, post our start time, get up on one of our machines and then post when we are finished?

we could start with just 10 minutes for the first few nights...
work it up to 15 minutes the next week and so on....?

We wont do it on nights that we want to have a treat (i.e. after weigh in) or on the weekends cos im sure we'd like to relax then.

What do you think?

We could start an "exercise buddy" thread?
The best thing is to find an exercise you enjoy rather than something you "feel you should be doing". Do you like dancing, walking, swimming? Exercise doesn't necessarily mean the gym or a gruelling aerobics workout. It's whatever gets your heart rate moving. Walking is the best exercise of all and if you can incorporate a few more steps into your day you will certainly notice a difference.

Good luck. :)
I think the main thing is Bethany dont be over ambitious. If you have a lot of weight to lose and arent used to exercise theres no point in planning big workouts, you wont enjoy them and youll be exhausted. You have to know your limitations and work round them.

My doctor has told me to start off doing 10 mins walking a day, 5 days a week. Ive been doing that and Im actually enjoying it, and very often do more. I know it doesnt necessarily seem a lot but regular small amounts help keep you motivated more :)
Well Done - On Exercise With Bike X
Hi Nikki
I wont be here at the weekend me and my partner are going to his mums friday while sun I will be watching what i eat as his mum trys to help me with food . She said tonight that shes doing jacket potatoe a small to med with salad and some chicken .So dont think i will put hardly any weight on ive been naughty tonight i have saved 6 points today so it will make up for the weekend. Hope you will be good nikki and dont let marie preswade you to a domminos pizza its easy said than done.
You take care buddy
Hope your mum is going on ok and hope she soon feels better :)
How's it going Bethany? Everything okay?
hope all goes good at u weigh in,:)
Good Luck tonight bethany x