Bethanys Diary

so how has the diet going?
Of course we are pet, if you want to be!!:)

you will have to try your best to eat all of your points - I know you are finding it hard.

1lb was still very good!!
good to see you back bethany, remember, keep up the diary thread, just so's we know what you are upto.

Forget the Unit Diet for a bit and concentrate on WW, dont forget to change that tracker of yours now, keep motivated.
Im back with you all now which I have missed went to my weight watchers meeting last night only lost 1lb but ive not been eating all my points ive been saving more than 4 a day so maybe thats why i have only lost 1lb this week but not done bad 8 lbs in 2 weeks . I am really trying hard today for my dinner i had 9 points which i thought was a bit too much then after my tea only had 2 left but not had them as i was not hungry. Going shopping tommorow so going to see what i can get different. The trouble is i never know what to have for a change for my meals I am liking raspberries at the moment with sugar free jellyand ice cream.

Take Care All:wave_cry:
Been to the doctors this morning my blood pressure is still a little bit up even with the monitor on but now he has given me a higher dose tablets to try and see if these fetch it down will have to go back and see him again. Its all because of this weight why the problem is . So Im feeling more happy on myself now to what ive been im going to try and use all my 26 points this week and see if i can lose a little bit more weight with using my full points had a egg omelette on toast for breakfast with brown sauce really enjoyed it. What is the points value of hovis wholemeal from a 800g loaf is it same as a small loaf . Having a chicken salad for tea :)
Hi Bethany its nice to see you back on your diary......! Im sure if you eat all your points you will have a good loss this week.
well done for getting that blood pressure sorted thou love --
wish you luck for it!

you feel better now your losing your weight!

you doing well keep up the good work love!

also hovis thick or meduim?

hovis thick is 1.5pts and meduim is only 1pts x
Hi Everyone
How are you all Ive not hered anything form any of you wondered why . I have had a nice day been shopping and the weather has been nice and sunny which makes you happy. Im doing ok with my points for my tea ive had a small bread cake wholemeal and 2 healthy living burgers and salad and light coleslaw and really enjoyed it those burgers from tesco are only 2 .5 points for one but they are really nice and thick and no fat comes out of them really enjoyed my tea tonight .
I feel full as i dont think i want anything else to eat only a warm drink later im finding that i am not getting hungry much and even sometimes i have not had all my points i dont eat whats point in eating if you are not hungry and those spare points i carry them over to next day.

Hi Bethany,

You sound like you are doing really well. Im so sorry to hear about your blood pressure - make sure you keep us posted on whether its coming down or not!. I hope you are ok pet.

You should be really pleased with yourself for making such a positive step - as you have said - loosing the weight will help your blood pressure so now you have even more motivation and another reason to push you to loose it!!

Have a lovely bank holiday xx
Thanks Nikki
I will let you know how i am getting on with blood pressure hope it comes down soon im on a higher dose tablets so this should help even though i had monitor on it did not take it down much i go for a blood test this thursdsy to see if the higeher tablets are affecting my kidneys then go back week after to see doctor to see the results from blood test.and see if blood pressure has come down.

I dont think im doing anything special bank holiday im not at work while tuesday'
You have a nice bank holiday too luv:)