Beth's food diary aka mission 'get gorgeous' ;)

I keep talking about it and Max is like, Beth, you're talking about these people like I know them.. :) he thinks I'm mental! So you're not alone there! X
The scales are showing 11.0 which means 3lbs off which is my biggest loss - I have no idea how that happened :/ I mean I didn't have any syns but I did have 2 night's out... Gonna have to be really dilligent and actually count syns on my weekend this week to make sure it doesn't catch up with me!!
The only other thing I've done differently is replace all but one (sometimes two) of my coffees with green tea.. And trying to eat breakfast every day.. X
The scales are showing 11.0 which means 3lbs off which is my biggest loss - I have no idea how that happened :/ I mean I didn't have any syns but I did have 2 night's out... Gonna have to be really dilligent and actually count syns on my weekend this week to make sure it doesn't catch up with me!!
The only other thing I've done differently is replace all but one (sometimes two) of my coffees with green tea.. And trying to eat breakfast every day.. X

Awww Baby Girl!!! That's fab!!! So chuffed for you xxxx

I'm joining the Breakfast Club too - fed up of being hungry in the mornings!
It's not fair.. I really don't deserve it, but just told Mum and she said that it is fair because of all the weeks I've been golden and gained.. How did you get on?! Gonna pop over and have a look!!
As for breakfast, they do say it's important.. And Ali the two weeks I've drunk green tea (and lots of it!) I've lost 3lbs so I'd think it was well worth trying it even if you're not keen - some of the flavours are really nice! My faves are green tea and apple and pear, green tea and lemon and green tea orange and lotus blossom - actually the pineapple and grapefruit one is tasty too.. Can't stand the plain one though.. Urgh!! X
It's not fair.. I really don't deserve it, but just told Mum and she said that it is fair because of all the weeks I've been golden and gained.. How did you get on?! Gonna pop over and have a look!!
As for breakfast, they do say it's important.. And Ali the two weeks I've drunk green tea (and lots of it!) I've lost 3lbs so I'd think it was well worth trying it even if you're not keen - some of the flavours are really nice! My faves are green tea and apple and pear, green tea and lemon and green tea orange and lotus blossom - actually the pineapple and grapefruit one is tasty too.. Can't stand the plain one though.. Urgh!! X

What's our Twinings Lemon & Ginger tea and Peppermint tea made from?? Is that green tea or do I have to be more adventurous??
I think the lemon and ginger is just tea and the peppermint is peppermint leaves.. You'll have to branch out! They're 20 bags for a pound in tesco on offer at the moment if you want a less risky purchase! Lol. They are tasty though, honest.. And caffeine free so helped me to wean myself off the coffee.. X
Ali* said:
Thanks sweet x

You're welcome.. I do really think they're tasty because they actually taste of the flavour they are rather than just smelling of it.. The secret is not to brew them for long 'cos too strong and they go bitter.. X

B: hexb toast with 2 scrambled eggs

L: hm Tom soup

D: baked potato with beans and a salad (lettuce, cuc, toms, pepper and pickled onions)

Sn: hexa cheese and some pickled onions
Hexb fibre plus bar

- put my food through my fitness pal before the snack and I'd only had like 900 cals.. This took it up to 1158 which I thought was a bit more acceptable than under 1000 - but did explain why I was hungry!
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B: scrambled eggs on hexb toast

L: hm leek and potato soup

D: quorn spag bol with salad

Off out tonight so will have drinks.. And tomorrow night.. Been calculating calories as well though and I've been under 1500 all week.. And haven't had any syns at all so I'm going to have a bottle of wine tonight :) 26/105 syns.
Tell me more about this 'My Fitness Pal' malarky - I'm becoming more calorie aware IYKWIM. You're always telling me I'm not eating enough so I'd love to calculate it in cals ;)

Just had a lovely glass of vino - white rioja - delish!
It's a website and I have the app on my phone.. You just put in what you ate and it calculates it for you, and you can make recipes on there and it calculates it for you. I like it because it just keeps me in check, makes sure I don't go crazy and like tonight, I know I don't have to worry about the bottle of wine because even with it I'll have less than 1500 and means I can relax a bit tomorrow and go to 2000 because I'll still be under my weekly target of 1500 a day.. Just makes me feel a bit more in control of that makes sense. So still the sw principal but with a bit more restriction seeing as I only have a stone or so to lose now. And stops me stressing about my night's out and then thinking well I've blown it now! X
Ali* said:
These green teas are gorgeous luv! Hopefully not too much caffeine in them as I have had 4 this afternoon!:eek:

Nowhere near as much as coffee, I've been drinking it instead of coffee and when I have a coffee now I feel jittery..