Big Brother

Ooo how I will miss that sarky gob and whiney "Ziggaaay" voice - ah no. I have got soooo bored with their on/off up/down relationship. I miss Charlie, she was awful but great tv lol!

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I miss Charlie, she was awful but great tv lol!

Give it time. There's only been one BB since she has left:D Others have a chance to show themselves now.

Besides, charley was getting so boring. "I'm not being funny but..." etc. Same old, same old. She was a bully, no doubt about that. Not really great entertainment IMO.
I am hoping the others will be more exciting, although the man with the teddies is seriously creepy.

Awww chanelle going is sad and i'm sure she'll regret that - oops!!

Must admit her diary room tantrums were cringeworthy though weren't they?? That's what men do to you though - totally make you crazy lol!!

What the hell is that Shannessa like?!?!?! They always put idiots in from Wales - grrrr! lol
What the hell is that Shannessa like?!?!?!

:D She doesn't care at all does she. Bless her little cotton socks....before she removes them along with everything else.

She certainly had a classic. She said "I've always wanted to be Jewish". Listen to why :D :D
OMFG lol

Thick Beeeyatch!!!!

Thanks for that KD, can cringe even more now.... there some nice welsh girls out there i promise!! tee hee.
Excitement in the house today :) Another twist by BB :eek: (not that I'm watching it :D)
Something about 2 inmates having to go into the HWH in return for 2 from the HWH.

The ones in the HWH will be up for public nomination :)

Carol is not happy (so I'm told)
thats a good twist, im only just watching, i dont think this years bb has been that good.I was looking at Carol last night i thought she looked so out of place.She is notlike her origanal interview, she more mumsie.
thats a good twist, im only just watching, i dont think this years bb has been that good.

I do :) I've enjoyed this one more than usual.

I was looking at Carol last night i thought she looked so out of place.She is notlike her origanal interview, she more mumsie.
Carole has got to go! So pleased that 'lady' on BBLB agreed. Reckon Chanelle would have been fine without Ziggy and Carole. She was horrible to her, and now she has the knife in for Amanda :(

Talking of Chanelle...thought she was brilliant on BBLB. So cheerful and quick to laugh at her tantrums. She's going to be much more employable than Charley who can't be trusted to behave.

Charley??? Who on earth is Charley:confused: :D
OMG did anyone see Charley and Chanelle on Big Brothers big mouth last night...??

Charley totally made an arse out of herself, the girl is so stupid and v aggressive, the audience were just laughing at her.

Chanelle just took it in her stride despite Charley's nasty comments and really came out tops!
i kinda on one hand want trace to go cos she is so sure of the public liking her - a fatal flaw they all have once they survive eviction.

on the other i wouldnt miss kara lou and maybe david...

ah well

Liam looks like Gobo from Fraggle Rock

i kinda on one hand want trace to go cos she is so sure of the public liking her - a fatal flaw they all have once they survive eviction.

I didn't get that impression, but I might have missed something. I know the others think she is a favourite as she has survived a few evictions, but I got the impression that Tracey was being quite philisophical about it. Que Sera, Sera

Don't think she minds really either way, but I can understand her wondering if she has got more of a chance having heard the others say she must be a favourite. Must have given her a boost.

As I said, I could have missed something though
I have to say, I really do admire the twins at times.

They are so good at lending an ear without bitching back. I think the average person would find it very hard in such a confined space after all this time not to voice their opinions either by agreeing or disagreeing with the argument.

They seem to always be there to comfort and listen. Cool

So, Shanessa and David are evicted. I haven't been watching as much as usual and thought David was popular. What's he done to be evicted? Shanessa? - 'nuff said.
I liked David, but then he is from where I grew up, so maybe I was biased. I think Ziggy and Liam didn't want another man in the house. After liking Liam at first I have really gone off him- he is way too confident and sure of himself and seems to think he is always right- plus he and Ziggy are more lovey dovey than Ziggy and Chanelle ever were- they agree about everything and its making me feel a bit ill! Trace is just herself, as are the Twins (although I think they are much smarter than they come across) and Brian- I wouldn't bet against them all being there on the last night.
Get Carole out, get Carole out!! Thought id stop shouting at the tele once chavvy charley had gone but Carole is just so domineering and malicious about the girls. Think shes ruined the experience a bit for the younger housemates. Wish Kara had gone instead of 1 of the others, shes pointless.
I went off Carole big time when she turned against Chanelle: she didn't object as much when Charley was bitching and causing a stink, did she? she's just such a mother hen to the boys and is very biased against any of the girls who associate with them. Watch out Amy!
I liked David, too. He's a wee bit chubby but otherwise very good-looking and he was funny and seemed genuine. When he said people from Scotland 'never win nuthin'' he obviously forgot BB winner Cameron Stout, from Orkney! Bless.

Tracey has nine lives!

Shanessa... A second Lea, she WISHES. The sight of her wriggling and writhing over Liam and Brian was not pleasant.

I think Brian is definitely portraying a 'character' he hopes will win. He's no genius and he seems very naive about girls but he's not as dumb, nor as green behind the ears, as he makes out. He does make me laugh, mind you.

Liam strikes me as a nice lad. I'm not keen on the 'model', Amy. Kara-thingy I can't really make out, but anyone quoted as saying they are '10/10, gorgeous' - as Amy, too, is said to have declared - strikes me as too big-headed for words. Shanessa would probably give herself 11/10 in every department. And she'd be wrong.

Ah well, it's all showbiz.