Biggirls CD Diary

Hmm, I'm not so sure anymore

I've started thinking (again) about how long I can really stand this diet for. I'm getting so bored and I really want to eat. I've been 100% still even though I'm cooking my special curry ready for when my OH comes back! I said that I will have to wait for him to come back to do the final seasoning because I won't be able to taste it!!

I was thinking about cutting it down to 4 weeks. I'm not sure - I really want to set a date for completing this or a timeframe. I was thinking about seeing how it goes but I worry that I could one day just stop and then binge. I want time to prepare for the transition.

If I can lose the weight for my July goal, that would take me down to 180lbs. That would be 33lbs away from my overall goal. If I find that I am not getting the losses I want I will go back on it.

I think I have honestly decided. I know I said I was going to do this for 8 weeks but it's so hard. I might just do a week off and take it from there.

Maybe I should set myself a lower overall goal for the Cambridge Diet? Maybe 30lbs? That would take me down to 175lbs.


I just want to have a reasonable plan. I don't think I could manage this for 8 whole weeks.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Congratulations on a truly fantastic loss. It makes all your hard work and dedication worthwhile.

This is a great thread and indeed very motivating! This is how things go when someone commits totally to a diet - any diet - and gives it their best shot.

I lost 3 stones of a larger loss on CD and I can tell you I found it very hard. Ketosis does not remove the very human and totally natural desire to physically eat, to chew, to savour the aromas and textures you've enjoyed since childhood.

You have everything going for you. All the very best with losing the rest x
Hiya! I always tell myself I can't do this for 12 weeks after the first week. It's tough. Try taking it one day at a time. Try not to think about tomorrow and just try to get though each day. Someone told me that for her, sometimes it's minute by minute. The results are worth it if you can do it. I find it very hard myself but I don't give up trying. If you really feel the need to eat, maybe you could consider trying SS+ after your 2nd week? You can have chicken and some veg and other stuff. Speak to your CDC about that. You're doing so well, don't give up. Ask yourself if you're physically or psychologically hungry.
In the words of my favourite animation character Dori, 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimmng...'
Im on the 810 plan and I find it isnt as hard, as I know at the end of the day I can go home and eat chicken and veggies, or prawns, eggs etc. In my first week I had a meal every night and still lost 7lb.
It gives me something to look forward too and its nice to sit down with the family and eat a meal.
I know its hard, Im in week 2 and also thinking to myself 'how long can I keep this up for'.... but I have to at least try. I have fallen off the wagon once, but I got straight back on the diet the following day.
Good luck and we are here if you need us xx
I know, I know, I've been gone for way too long!! My hubby came back on Tuesday and I've wanted to spend time with him.

Yesterday I was feeling so weak and dizzy that I went to sleep at about 8.30!

I'm back on track now! I said to OH that I would be using him as a guinea pig whilst I try out some recipes on him! Last night I made a Coconut, Lime and Ginger Prawn Curry! He said it was really nice and gave it an 8/10. I added sliced mange tout and he said that if it had some red bell peppers in it, it would have been 10/10! I made this recipe up so I'm glad it tasted nice. It's not very healthy (coconut milk) but at least it's something we can have every now and then!

I have a recipe book at home, but it's one where you can write in your own recipes too. The curry will be going in there!

I'm still feeling tired but I'm sure the weekend will sort me out!

I'm happy to stick to this diet for as long as needed!! Well, I say happy... I mean okay! I've started to notice more differences in my body. My rings are getting looser and my trousers (which were a bit tight when I first bought them) are now too big! I need to get a pair with belt loops so I can add the amazing invention of a belt!!

I think I would be happy with a couple of pounds loss this week. I just really want to hit my July goal of 25lbs! I have 12.5lbs to lose so it's not that much to lose in 3 weeks.

Anyway, that's all for now...

Cat xx
YAY for having OH back!!! :party0011: Your meal sounds quite lovely and actually reasonably healthy; coconut milk has some sugar in it but lots of good fat actually. :)

best of luck to you on your endeavors, keep us updated when you're not too busy with your hubby! ;)
Wow, you have been really determined and had a great loss. Well done!
I'm so bloated!! Sorry but this might be TMI.

I haven't had a poo since Tuesday morning! I usually have one every day but nothing is coming out! I looked at my weight so far a despite being 100%, the scales have hardly moved. I think this constipation has something to do with it.

I'm going to Tesco tonight to buy some Dulcolax or something so hopefully that will help.
The dreaded constipation. My OH, who's regular like you actually shed real tears in the loo when we did CD together. Haha! Hope you get it sorted soon, and get comfortable again.
I bought some Dulcolax tonight so I'll be taking it before bed. I just want it to act quickly because (I can't believe I'm saying this) I can't wait to poo!!

I made my OH a lovely dinner tonight. Poached salmon with a goats cheese & pine nut salad. According to him it was a 9/10. I was really jealous of this meal! I'm not sure how healthy it is though. Actually, I'm pretty sure that it is healthy (as part of a balanced diet) but probably not best for weight loss. All it had was salad leaves, peppers and pine nuts tossed in a bit of olive oil. Some chopped goats cheese and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar topped off the salad. The salmon was just plain. I guess the worst is in the olive oil, goats cheese and pine nuts.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'm doing healthy french toasts for brunch. My OH is starting to wonder what's going on. I explained that I enjoy cooking so much that I wanted to try out a couple of recipes out on him. The recipes I've done have been my own, so I have been putting them in my recipe books. I just need to work out the exact quantities I need to use so I can find out the calories. I'm pretty sure that it should be under 600 cals.

After not seeing the scales move all week - they still haven't moved! But at least I'm starting to be able to feel the difference. I have definitely notice it in my trousers and some of my shirts too. I'm hoping after I take these laxatives everything will go back to normal and I will get a good loss!


Cat xx