Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Thanks we have indeed, I am the proof that there can be a happy ending :)
I so feel for your sister jenni, i was married to a gmbling addict/compulsive liar once, but the thing is although we have our suspicions that they are lying to us we belive them because we love them and want to belive what they are telling us, but all too often i never ever got the whole truth from him even now years later i still don't know half of what went on,

Thinking of your sister and hopefully she will get through this, without him.
Howdy FFnF,

Great newson the job front. Knock them dead as I say.
Shame about the evening, although it did turn out fantastic in the end. Was it folk music?
I have nothing but sheer sympathy for your sister, I don't know her, but I am seinding her my best wishes in spirit. I hope she has a fantastic time and uses the break alone as an opportunity to think and reflect about things .... men and frienships especially. Men, well what can I say about me? Just when my heart began to thaw I was given reason to freeze it up again ..... they simply can't be trusted. May be one day I'll go into the ins and outs of why I am the way I am :). I really would hate to believe that a man is capable of fabricating the DEATH of his daughter to get himself out of a relationship. How utterly weak is that?! What is wrong with just telling people these days? In fact what is wrong with having a life partner. Sometimes I think society has changed for the worst. :(
The friend, well for me the friend letting her down is way way way above the 'man' situation. Men do come and go but when your friends let you down, hell that cuts deep. When they let you down to the tune of £600 then thats even worse. She must have been a good friend to have decided to go on holiday with her, so I am praying that the friend resurfaces and pays up, if not I hope your sis finds the strength to never to allow her to darken her doorstep again. The problem with your sis is that she's a good egg (obviously a family trait :D) and puts her faith and trust in people - which isnt a bad thing, it's a very good thing - I love ppl like her. Alas it's so called friends and b/f's like the ones she's currently having to deal with that leave her in tatters. I hope this set-back doesn't dampen her warm spirit. Send her my regards next time you speak to her please? :)

Enjoy your Valentines evening with Mr. K. I know he's a good egg, because he makes you happy and from what I've gathered he makes you feel like the princess you are, not in big outlandish superficial ways but in the small most intimate of ways ...... I really like him for that. He's a good egg too. Please give him my regards also.

You're right: you don't need Red Bull, Mr. K gives you wings!! :D

And WHAT a way to fly!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D
u've just booked the hotel room haven't you?! :) are u up for a boogie?

Yes i've booked it!!!!!! And absolutely definitely up for lots of boogying!!

Really glad you can make it too, i know originally you were going elsewhere but i'm sure you'll have more fun with us! hee hee.

I hope i can SS all the way until then.... !!

Don't worry you will. I'll help you along. Me, FFnF and a raft of others will be SSing! Although the food in the Italian next door was lovely. Chargrilled mushrooms were divine. :)
mmmmmm they sound nice!! I don't mind not eating to be honest but i will defo partake in a few glasses of vino! I do every weekend anyway so no change there haha!
So sorry to hear about your sister. I think he sounds a bad egg too. I hope she will be able to relax and reflect while she is away about the so called friend as well as the bf.

Pleased to hear about the good news on the job front.

And I really hope you both have a great time tonight. You deserve to be loved as you are special

Irene xx
Hey Jennie... just wanted to say have an absolute ball tonight!!! i'm sooooooooooo jealous ha ha

enjoy every minute!!


Gen xxx
Hi Jennie,

Was sneakily reading your diary at work today and cannot believe what a nightmare your sister is having (and you by proxy). The worst thing is that you feel so helpless, especially when the lies are being believed. I hope that she can start to evaluate things a bit more whilst she is away and it may be a blessing in disguise if she realises that she is worthy of better treatment. Con men seek out the vulnerable and take advantage unfortunately, but the lesson may strengthen her.

Have a fantastic date tonight...wishing you all the romance you can handle xxxx
Wow!! you have done fantastic well done you must feel great about that achievement. You are so funny, you had me laughing loads. I can just imagine your Ex's face! You go girl and enjoy yourself, hold your head up high and strutt your stuff (much to the dismay of your ex i guess!!)
quick catch up before my Valentine's night with Mr K! :D

Great newson the job front. :D Knock them dead as I say. will do me best!
Shame about the evening, although it did turn out fantastic in the end. Was it folk music? it was kinda folk/rock.. Tiny Tin Ladies were the band I went to see, and they were supporting Fairport Convention I have nothing but sheer sympathy for your sister, I don't know her, but I am seinding her my best wishes in spirit. Thanks, she needs as much of that as possible.. my heart is breaking for her.. I really would hate to believe that a man is capable of fabricating the DEATH of his daughter to get himself out of a relationship. It's just me thinking the worst of him.. I'll let you know what happens but I think he is capable of it.. ... Sometimes I think society has changed for the worst. :( Agreed!
... She must have been a good friend to have decided to go on holiday with her, (she was) so I am praying that the friend resurfaces and pays up, if not I hope your sis finds the strength to never to allow her to darken her doorstep again. I think my sis has decided to have no more to do with the woman but will be trying to recover the money. .. I hope this set-back doesn't dampen her warm spirit. I think it will and that will be such a shame..

Enjoy your Valentines evening with Mr. K. you can count on it!! I know he's a good egg, because he makes you happy and from what I've gathered he makes you feel like the princess you are, not in big outlandish superficial ways but in the small most intimate of ways ...... :D :D this is sooo true I really like him for that. me too :D He's a good egg too.
You're right: you don't need Red Bull, Mr. K gives you wings!! :D teee hee hee And WHAT a way to fly!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D

...Sorry for being nosey darling - it's a really flaw of mine!!!!! hee hee.. mine too ;) don't worry 'bout it :) Really excited about meeting you in Brum...
I can't wait to meet you!! (I'm staying in the Jury's too :D)
Although the food in the Italian next door was lovely. Chargrilled mushrooms were divine. :)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: NO FOOD ALLOWED ON MY DIARY ;) ;) ;) ;) LMAO... I adore mushrooms!!! eeeeeeeek!!!! (mind you.. if I am on AAM.... :rolleyes: ;))
So sorry to hear about your sister. I think he sounds a bad egg too. I hope she will be able to relax and reflect while she is away about the so called friend as well as the bf. thanks Irene - I hope so too.. I hope this fortnight gives her lots of time to reflect and refresh. Bless her. :( Pleased to hear about the good news on the job front. :D will let you know tomorrow how it all goes! had more calls today , one sounds very promising.. afternoons.. can start right away if they want me and can afford me (ain't cheap - lol) And I really hope you both have a great time tonight. You deserve to be loved as you are special
awwww, thank you :D I hope we do too :D
Hey Jennie... just wanted to say have an absolute ball tonight!!! i'm sooooooooooo jealous ha ha
enjoy every minute!!loveGen xxx
will do!!! :D :D :D
...I hope that she can start to evaluate things a bit more whilst she is away and it may be a blessing in disguise if she realises that she is worthy of better treatment. Con men seek out the vulnerable and take advantage unfortunately, but the lesson may strengthen her. You are so right.. thanks.. I hope she does that too.
Have a fantastic date tonight...wishing you all the romance you can handle xxxx
:D lol not sure how much romance I CAN handle!! ;) lol
Wow!! you have done fantastic well done you must feel great about that achievement. why, thanks !! :D :DYou are so funny, you had me laughing loads. :D :D I can just imagine your Ex's face! (doubt I shall ever see my ex again , lol.. so will just have to make do with imagining! lol )You go girl and enjoy yourself, hold your head up high and strutt your stuff (much to the dismay of your ex i guess!!)
well, I'm off on my valentines day date with my lovely Mr K so hopefully no sign of the ex!! LOL welcome to my diary and thanks for your lovely post! :D
I so feel for your sister jenni, i was married to a gmbling addict/compulsive liar once, but the thing is although we have our suspicions that they are lying to us we belive them because we love them and want to belive what they are telling us, but all too often i never ever got the whole truth from him even now years later i still don't know half of what went on, Thinking of your sister and hopefully she will get through this, without him.
thanks tracie.. sorry you had such a bad time too :(

right.. am almost ready for this evening... I have bought him a gift, made him a card and made him another gift..!! will tell you his reactions tomorrow! I know we are staying at a Hilton Hotel... so am looking forward to the luxury of that! :D

See you all tomorrow!!! hee hee heee

Thanks for all your kind words for my sister... my mum has been on the phone to me all day about it.. she's very upset too.. so I have to deal with her also. It's a good job I have strong shoulder ;) :D I'll be glad when sis gets home and we can talk properly again. Thanks again.. bye for now!! :D :D :D
Thinking of ya darling... hoping your night is as wonderful as you deserve!!!!!!

Look forward to hearing all about it tomorra!

Good morning all :D

I'm only on here very briefly as a mad day ahead - boss coming in, registering at job agency at 2, job interview at 5, Sing-a-longa-Abba at 6.30pm this eve! (if I get there in time!) Madness!!

Last night was lovely. :D :D :D :D :D :D

I couldn't possibly do it justice with anything I could write here.. (I got lost on the way to the hotel! - he ended up 'talking me in' LOL) he was waiting at the hotel with the most gorgeous bouquet of red roses, carnations and greenery... all beautifully wrapped.. :D ... then there were 3 parcels to be opened! So... I gave him the 3 I had brought for him too! He wanted me to open them in a specific order.. which, of course, I did! I'm not one for gentle unwrapping so I tore the paper off.. lol.. the first was the sweetest card I've ever had for Valentine's Day... I can't describe it so will take a piccie later and whack it on here.. you'll understand why it's so hard to describe! He had written some lovely words inside (which I shall keep to myself) and it made me cry... (the flowers did too) lol... the next thing I opened revealed a 'Paws' teddy holding an envelope with 'guess who' on it.. and the words.. 'your secret admirer' on.. lol.. no secret - I know who he is!!! ;) and the final one had a card with it that read.. 'for when the flowers die'.. and inside was the sweetest little glass ornament with two tulips laser engraved inside it. :D :D :D I was blown away! He had clearly given this all a lot of thought... the card that was with the flowers was very sweet too... it read ' to my darling Jennie, you already have my heart, now you have my flowers too' :D :D :D

*happy sigh*

I gave him his gifts - his response? Well... to be honest.. I don't think he was all that impressed lol... I had made him a card...(which I thought was nice.. lol..) and I put together a compilation CD of songs that had very special lyrics in.. it took me hours.. I deliberated over them carefully... and I bought him a bottle of his (not inexpensive) aftershave (or so I thought) .. but.. when he opened it, his immediate response was.. 'oh, that's the wrong one'... my face must have said it all as he soon retracted the statement, kissed me and apologised.. and said he loved it :) Apparantly (and I was blissfully unaware of this).. there are several 'varieties' of this brand and I had bought the wrong one! Oh well.. I sniffed it in the shop and thought it was the same.. lol..
I wasn't too phased by his response as I don't actually think he is used to having someone do something for him other than just give shop-bought items.. handmade things from me to someone else.. it means I have made an extra special effort :D I think he did appreciate them all, just was a bit surprised maybe and certainly not used to being given gifts full stop! :)

So.. that was the beginning of the evening... we spent the entire (well almost ;)) night sitting in the hotel bar..(lovely hotel - soft lighting, pianist, buzz and general hub-ub of guests.. - drinking copius amounts of water and talking and grinning inanely.. lol.. there were some serious moments when I told him about my sister and her situation... we talked about the future... what may or may not be... the challenges we will undoubtedly face and also some of the issues we need to address at the moment too (i.e. the use of the words "I am disappointed in you" - I told him never to say that to me again... lol (and no, I did not insert any pickled vegetables into any orifices as someone so politely advised me to in a PM, LMAO) and we didn't discuss the said vegetables ;). So, you can imagine, it was an evening of differing emotions.

Ultimately there came the time to 'retire' ... and that is of course as much as I can say on that front! I am a tad sleepy this morning ;)

It was horrible saying goodbye though but the journey home was all the sweeter by us chatting on the phone as we drove... :D

We're seeing one another again next week and are going to dust off our bowling skills and see how that goes! lol (I haven't been bowling in over 20 years!!!) lolol

My flowers look positively resplendent in the vase on my dining table.. the card on display in the living room and the teddy bear planted by the keyboard in the study.. the ornament.. I haven't quite decided where that will live.. probably on my bureau in the bedroom next to the figurine he gave me on our first date.

So, that was our 1st valentine's date.... I think it was possibly the loveliest Valentine's I have ever had... :D :D :D
IN response to another thread...

There was a thread entitled "Someone tell me why I am doing this diet".. and I wrote this response.. (I'm putting it in my diary so I can look back and remember why when I have any more tough days..! So.. sorry about that - teribly self-indulgent but hey ho.. lol )

Well, I dunno why you're doing the diet hon, but for me it is a last resort attempt to get control of my life, my emotions and my disgusting relationship with food - which was slowly killing me!!!! (not being melodramatic - just honest!)

I want to live longer, be stronger, healthier, happier, fitter, be able to buy whatever clothes I like from any shop, wear nice sexy undies.. have the energy to do all the things I should be able to do.. to have a life and not a morbidly obese existence where self esteem and self worth come bottom of my lists...

I didn't want to be a gross lardy-ar$e bint any more... and having tried all other methods this one, as tough as it gets.. damn well works if you can stick with it! :D :D

So.. that's (partly) why I'm doing it..

So hang on in there and the benefits will begin SO quickly! You will be utterly amazed, I guarantee it.. if you stick to it 100% the weight will just drop off you! :D

Good luck, I really hope you can persevere - it will be SO worth it :D :D :D
:D Woo Hoo, what a loverly evening you had, OMG I was lost in the romance of the gift opening:p , your writing style is brilliant, love it :D love it:D love it:D .

LMAO about the "dissappointment discussion" you GO GIRL...I'm soooooo proud of you for doing that LOL

Hi Jennie,

Your secret lover seems all that and more:)

It was so romantic reading it.

Your so very thoughtful as well and all the time it must of taken you making and choosing his gifts...

So happy for you.

Love Mini xxx
:eek: Oh, and, I think I discovered the origins of the term "bums rush"... I think it's that mini tsunami you get when you have already pulled the plug out whilst jammed into the bath, and then, suddenly lift your ar*e up! :p

Just love this-NO not the feeling of being a human dam-the description.