Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

:D Woo Hoo, what a loverly evening you had, OMG I was lost in the romance of the gift opening:p , your writing style is brilliant, love it :D love it:D love it:D . LMAO about the "dissappointment discussion" you GO GIRL...I'm soooooo proud of you for doing that LOL :D
lolololol... you make me giggle.. lol...I'm still smiling from it all! My little teddy is gorgeous.. :D
Hi Jennie, Your secret lover seems all that and more:) It was so romantic reading it. Your so very thoughtful as well and all the time it must of taken you making and choosing his gifts... So happy for you. Love Mini xxx
thank you Mini... it was probably one of, if not the, most romantic evening of my life to date :D

:eek: Oh, and, I think I discovered the origins of the term "bums rush"... I think it's that mini tsunami you get when you have already pulled the plug out whilst jammed into the bath, and then, suddenly lift your ar*e up! :p

Just love this-NO not the feeling of being a human dam-the description.
LOL, I'd forgotten I'd written that! lol :eek:

So pleased you had a great time last night. Irene xx
:D thanks Irene., and thank you for the text too :D

I just got home and need sleep so will catch up in the morning. Had one of the most hectic days ever! lol Feeling very good though - just had my last pack of the day plus a pint of water and a pint of perfectly clear - sitting listening to Mark Lamar on the radio (I love radio!).. and reflecting on the days events.. it's been a very good day. :D

Night night all... see you in the morning! (oh.. it is the morning!!:eek: :eek: lol - well... see you later then!! ;) )
It took me up until this year to have my first ever pedicure... and I love the outcome! Back in 1982 I had a serious motorbike crash and crushed my right foot - broke every bone in it... had it pinned, wired... you name it they tried it.. finally they amputated my big toe, and then, a year later they amputated the one next to it.. well, very long story short.... I ain't so hot on me tootsies!! lol I hide them, disguise them... as I can't wear nice shoes I wear the most comfy walking boots which I love.. the thing is... they aren't very sexy... fine with jeans but no good with nice clothes..

Can't say how much I'm enjoying your diary-totally hooked.
How can anyone make a trip to asda sound fun?
loads of little things from the earlier postings that I wanted to ask about but thought -no this is all done & dusted etc.
But you toes I couldn't leave behind. It sounds asif you've adjusted brilliantly to the cosmetic & the balance changes it's had, but just wanted to ask if anyone ever suggested the poss. of having prosthetic toes made. Yup you can get falsies for down there too.
A friend of mine got trodden on by her horse, foot b****y sore. got home removed said boot & her big toe plopped out onto the floor. stump all tidied up by hospital. she did what you did vis a vis footwear & bought walking boots. Firstly it made her less fearful that the healing end would get trodden on (primary school teacher) and it reduced the feeling of being unbalanced as she walked.
She was refered to the hospital prosthetics dept who made her 2 falsies. one was au natural & the other had a painted nail. they were really life like.the other benefit was that she felt much more balanced when wearing sandals etc.
Now not all the staff new about this & one of the men took it .It turned up later in a cup of coffee. but you probably didn't need to know this.
I'm so glad everything sounds so wonderful for you with K. I cant read yourwords without smiling as I do :) your happiness is so infectious
Lovely to hear how well your night went and fingers crossed for the interview results xxx
thanks Lottie :D I'm optimistic but have to do some number crunching!

loads of little things from the earlier postings that I wanted to ask about but thought -no this is all done & dusted etc. But your toes I couldn't leave behind. It sounds as if you've adjusted brilliantly to the cosmetic & the balance changes it's had, but just wanted to ask if anyone ever suggested the poss. of having prosthetic toes made.
:D This is so thoughtful of you. I had to learn to walk and balance again, which, at 18 you never think you would have to do.. lol.. and it did take me a long time and a lot of physio (sadists!) but nope, it has never been offered as an option, I think because I have no arch, no instep (a totally flat and inflexible foot) and only the three remaining digits..(of which all were broken and 1 is immovable) the damage was extensive and affected my ankle too. I cannot even imagine how such prosthetics would even be held on. With the lack of instep etc I can only wear absolutely flat shoes too.. so, my guess is that prosthetic toes would be of no significant benefit other than purely cosmetic, and, whilst that would be nice, again I struggle to see how, in practical terms, this would happen and be of any use/benefit to me. Bear in mind, I've been living with this for the last 24 years.. lol.. so the idea of anything changing now in the old foot department is a bit tough to get me brain cells around... perhaps if the damage had only been limited to the one toe and not the rest of it then it could have been a possibility :confused:

ALL that said.. thank you SO much for thinking to tell me about it.. I have never heard of prosthetic toes!!

I'm so glad everything sounds so wonderful for you with K. I cant read yourwords without smiling as I do :) your happiness is so infectious
:D Thanks Nikki :D - sorry have been neglecting your diary of late - I'm struggling just to keep mine going!! (not enough hours in the day!;))
Hi Jennie, could you slow the pace a tad, please? I can't keep up with ya! It's taken me ages to catch up with the last few days! Glad your valentine's date was as good as you hoped and more. It makes me smile to just read about it. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Wish I could find my own Mr K.
Well done for getting into the 16'z. You must be really chuffed with yourself. :)
Hi Jennie, could you slow the pace a tad, please? I can't keep up with ya! It's taken me ages to catch up with the last few days! Glad your valentine's date was as good as you hoped and more. It makes me smile to just read about it. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Wish I could find my own Mr K.

Lol, sorry Sarah.. I have to update still from last night (sing-a-long-a-Abba) and today (housework, dog walking, Zoe, shopping, spots,work (grrr),clothes...) yet, I can't be arsked though.. it's late.. I just sat and watched telly solidly for flaming hours!! (longer than I have in months!) and need me kip! lol This week.. umm...well, to be honest.. it's not going to get any better.. apart from tomorrow.. all I have to do tomorrow is bake a cake and go to the quiz night at the pub.. lol.. but ya never know ;) I might find something to keep me occupied! lol

Glad my date made you smile :D (had the same effect on me ;) ) It's weird, coz Mr K and I sort of happened upon one another by a coincidence (if you believe in such things).. so you never know when you might meet someone special.. :)
Well done for getting into the 16'z. You must be really chuffed with yourself. :)
Thanks CC.. I'm not in the 16's yet though :eek: - (I won't know if I am until Monday afternoon's weigh in as I never weigh myself at home).. but I flamin' hope I will be, :eek: lol Even if I only lose 0.5lbs I shall be though :D :D

and yes, I am chuffed, but more than being chuffed I am, for the first time in my life I think, (forgive this if it sounds narcissistic) proud of myself for being so determined and putting in the effort to get this far.. for staying true to myself and continuing to do this for myself, it hasn't been easy.. some days far easier than others.. and still a hell of a long way to go too (seems like it will take forever to get there so trying not to think too much about the distance still to go...).

I think when I get on the scales on Monday that Ailsa and I will be cheering together :) :) :)

Next target will be to get to the halfway mark.. and then the 7 stone mark.. and then.. well.. I dunno.. lol... get into the 15's I suppose... haven't thought that far ahead! (too far away to contemplate)

As we have 5 weeks to Brum meet up I would love to lose another stone and possibly be in the 15's.. now THAT would be something to be damned pleased about!! :D :D :D :D Can't actually remember a time when I weighed that last - probably when I was 18 or 19 and had started to pile on the weight whilst I was off my feet following the 'bike accident... not a time I want to revisit (not even as a memory), shan't dwell on it..

so, thank you honey :D :D :D for the congrats :)
excuse me madam, but what are you doing up & on the computer in the small hours, i thought you were meant to be in bed at 11pm !!:eek: :eek: :D
hi ffnf
i have just read your diary from the start it has taken me 4 nights but i feel so positive now, you have done so well sticking to ss and i hope to be able to follow your example
oh yes just wondered did you contact customs regarding taking cd on hols interested as am going away in june and want to ss whilst gone as dont think i would be a very good restarter :eek: lol
have a good day
I have to update still from last night (sing-a-long-a-Abba) and today (housework, dog walking, Zoe, shopping, spots,work (grrr),clothes...)

Right, gonna TRY and limit meself this morning - I need to shower, wash hair, then do the music festival programme I should have done yesterday! lol AND I have a cake to bake this afternoon.. so.. beautiful blue skies outside, feeling good.. time to catch up with stuff...

Friday Feb 16th - This has to have been one of the maddest days I have ever had.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Got to work early (ish) and had a whole morning of interruptions :mad: and hard slog, had to dash home at midday (via the bank to pay in business cheques for work - and, since the 'no paid overtime' rule, I decided that banking constitutes work so I left 15 minutes early to allow for the time to drive to bank, park, bank and get out again) I know, I know.. miss 'splitting hairs and working to rule' but I feel that way out at the moment! :p Although I have to say, I seem to have found a renewed determination to get through things too!:confused: :eek: Odd.:rolleyes:

Anyhow, banking done, dashed home, (stopped at the cashpoint in response to distress message form Zoe "I've got a driving lesson and no cash, can you get me £20 out please - pay you back later"..*sigh.. lol.. that done and it was home for a muffin (love my choc-mint-husky muffins!!:p ). Threw on my interview clothes (pin stripe skirt & stripey blouse, all courtesy of Asda - fiver and 4 quid respectively) necked me muffin and 2 pints of appleade (this stuff is wonderful! - very very pale wee nowadays:eek: ;) gotta be good!. Then it was on the pc and get a map to find the recruitment agency (appt at 2pm) in Kettering.

What you need to understand is that I have the absolute WORST sense of direction.. so.. even WITH a map, I can , very easily get lost.:eek: :eek: I got the route and copied it down (must try and sort this printer out!).. final check in the mirror (top half only - I don't do full length mirrors - even though there are 2 in the house in the girls' rooms) and off I go. Could I find the damn place!!??:confused: Could I heck as like!!! :mad: :mad: Sat in a one-way system and rang them.. well.. they weren't all that much help so I parked in the nearest car park and started walking (not my favourite pastime, especially in 'dolly' shoes (hate them).. and it was raining.. no brolly (natch).. lol.. AND I had to empty the dregs of me handbag to pay for the car park (mental note to keep bag of change in car for future interviews etc)... finally found the place (I should get a certificate for orienteering!!!).. to be faced with the north face of the eiger of staircases.. see.. I'm not good with stairs... :( one of the results of the old tootsie troubles I'm afraid.. still.. made it to the top (and without the need for oxygen!) so the gym is definitely making a difference :).. and was mortified that I had to do some tests..

I've not done that before - so it was a bit of a shock really. lol. Still.. I did them.. word, excel and typing and filled in their form.. height?? weight??? I was a bit stroppy actually and wrote "not relevant" in the weight box. lol Well, t'isn't!! I'm not applying to be a freakin' gymnast!! I need another office job! lol That all done I finally got to meet 'A' the recruitment consultant. We got on like a house on fire, she said nice things about my test results , which, I have to say, did help my confidence a bit. She told me about the company I was going to be interviewed at.. gave me directions (oh lordy... another new route!!).. lol.. and so.. having had a long chat about what and where I would like to work.. I set off, with an hour to go, to find my car again and get to the interview.

As I was walking back to the car I spotted another agency.. I recognised them as being one of my old customers when I worked for a local company in my town, so I went in and said I would like to register.. all this after having been on the phone to Sarah (daughter at uni - 19) and her making me swear I wouldn't take a tele-marketing job.. lolol..

Where was I.. ? oh yes.. sorry... major ramble mode this am... ho hum.. you can always skip and scan ;) lololol nipped in there.. met 'G' who I used to speak to on the phone.. dead funny.. I knew loads about him and to him I was a total stranger (and let's just say, his gaze was not particularly upon my face when we spoke!!!!)... and no.. there was no flesh on display in the cleavage department.. but I guess he may have liked there to have been!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: So, to get his real attention I told him who I was and how I knew of him and his company.. lol.. he gave me his card and told me to send in my CV.. I haven't yet.. might do that in a minute... They didn't have anything suitable anyway.. so it was off to find my darling car again.

Miracle of miracles.. having only walked up one dead end, I got to the car and set off. Butterflies had set in and were not only flying around in my stomach but I think they were playing footie with my bladder too!!! :eek: :rolleyes:

More miraculous than that - I got to the interview site half an hour early having not taken a single wrong turn!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :p :D Parked in their 'visitors' bay and texted Mr K. He called me and we chatted for a while.. and then... eeek! Time to go in! (5pm interview, knocked on their door at 4.48pm - suitably early I thought).

I was greeted by a very tall man in a dayglo vest (he was fully clothed I hasten to add).. and he asked me to fill in a form while I waited.. no problem... well.. there WAS... I can't remember the dates I was at school etc.. and for the life of me I couldn't recall my referees address and phone number!!:eek: (ex boss who moved up to Lincs!!).. so , panic-stricken I rang my mate (who also used to work for said boss) and she texted me the info - phew!!:rolleyes: Then it was in to the firing squad.

He wasn't particularly PC:rolleyes: ... asked me how I felt about working in a mixed sex office.. asked why (as he could tell I loved my current job) was I leaving... how did I feel about this and that.. he made a few almost sexist comments.. and certainly some that he readily admitted an HR person would have kittens over. It was ok though. I was a bit surprised at some of the questions - he was asking how I would motivate the office staff..??:confused: ? I was confused because the post is for an office administrator not a manager or team leader... and certainly the pay is not commensurate with a managerial or supervisory role... hmm.. need to talk to "A" about that at the recruitment place tomorrow... :cool:

It sounds like a good but hectic pace of work (which means the days will fly by).. but there are a couple of niggles too... I'm not convinced that they particularly care about their staff, and that bothers me a bit. Plus the hours are 6am-3pm M-F PLUS every other Sat. They don't consider Good Friday to be a bank holiday (Good Friday is one of the most important dates of the Christian calendar!!) and you have to work it and no time off in lieu or anything.. you have to work all Bank Hols as they operate a 24/7 business.. but you do get a day off in lieu (most companies usually pay you double time for BH's PLUS a day in lieu) so am thinking that they get every pound of flesh for their dosh...:rolleyes: still... they do 2nd interviews, and, I feel that I will be called up for that so it gives me time to think about it a bit more. (and do the number-crunching!)

I left there at 6.06pm and set off to pick up Lucy (my evening clothes on the back seat) as she told me I had to be with her no later than 6.25!!!:eek: I rang her to say I was on my way, and, knowing it was a short blat down the A6 I was confident I would get there with time to nip inside and get changed... WRONG!!!! :eek: :eek: A horsebox had broken down on the A6 and it took me forever to get anywhere! :mad:

I called her as I approached the house and she jumped in and we went and picked up her friend. Made it to the theatre in good time (amazingly) AND got a brilliant parking space right outside!! Then came the dilemma of where to get changed. So I did something I never would have considered before..!! I put on my trousers in the street.. you know... on under the skirt then slip skirt off, so all modesty maintained.. the top, however, was another story. They (Lucy and her friend) stood with their backs to the car window and I sat in the back, whipped me blouse off and very deftly pulled on my top! :D :D lol Job done! I think they were surprised,, but it was dark and no-one could see anything.. the worst would be seeing my belly and bra and I figured, well,, in a swimming pool you see more than that so hey ho.. (dunno where I got this brazen attitude from!!)..

In we went.. well.. the sights!! :eek: :eek: ROFL Loads of people were all dressed up in Abba-esque clothing. It was absolutely brilliant to see! :D loads of glitter, long blonde wigs.. little crocheted skull caps.. platforms.. affro wigs.. flares... lol.. ace!:D :D I knew it was going to be a great night. We (me and Lucy) have been to a sing-a-longa-sound of music and THAT was so much fun! (I won first prize for costume - but that's a whole different story and not one for now! ;) )

So, with drinks in hands, our other friend Leigh joined us (oooh, it was lovely... lol.. Leigh came out with us to celebrate my birthday in Nov and I haven't seen her since.. and she told me she didn't think it was me!! lololol She was lovely. :D Made me feel very good about things.) So that was good as there were loads of beautiful slim women there looking incredible!! Anyway,, we took our seats and wow... the show was absolutely fantastic! It was presented by a kind of look-alike Abba band.. and they were so entertaining.. we had actions to do.. .flags to wave.. cards.. words... if you ever get the chance to go to one of these events, do it.. they are SUCH a laugh and so good to be in a theatre filled to bursting with people who are right up for it!!! We laughed, we danced, we shouted and screamed, we sang! It was soooo good!!! :D :D :D :D :D Time flew by and then it was over.. we had nearly all lost our voices, and, if not, could do a pretty good Mariella Frostrup impersonation ;) Always a good indicator of level of enjoyment - lost voice = bloody ace night! lolololol

Got home and on here and then to bed! Tired but what a fab day all things considered. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
ALL that said.. thank you SO much for thinking to tell me about it.. I have never heard of prosthetic toes!!
It was just a thought. to be honest I don't know howthey stay in place.natural stickyness? they are made of a weird rubbery stuff.You can get anything ears,noses etc.are quite common. Some time after my friend got hers she learned that the man who did them had never done one before ,but enjoyed it so much ,plus the responses he got that he was going to look for similar jobs eg hand bits.
Just noticed your new diary title.Did a real double take there.
hi ffnf
i have just read your diary from the start it has taken me 4 nights but i feel so positive now, you have done so well sticking to ss and i hope to be able to follow your example
oh yes just wondered did you contact customs regarding taking cd on hols interested as am going away in june and want to ss whilst gone as dont think i would be a very good restarter :eek: lol have a good day natxx

Hi natayou, welcome to my world.. lol.. and well done on ploughing through my diary!!!!:eek: (most impressed!) lol Really chuffed you are feeling positive,:D I think that is really important (although not always easy!)..

I haven't contacted customs yet - thanks for the reminder! MUST do that.. and I will be sure to let you know the outcome too!

Ooh.. where are you going? I love holidays.. I've even started to dream about what clothes I need to get for mine! lol (only thing I have that will definintely fit me is about 3 sarongs!!) I don't have ANY clothes that will be about the size I hope to be am thinking maybe of trying to set aside a pot of dosh specifically to go to Peacocks and Poundstretcher and Asda for cheap and cheerful summer stuff at the last minute! Sorry.. drifted off there,.. oh yes.. where are you going?

It's worth checking with the customs lot about whichever country as I think the rules vary.. I have a sneaking suspicion that the bars will be a no no as they have dairy products in them... not sure about the packs.. and.. if they get a bit sniffy I might argue that they are medication and see if a letter from my GP would swing things.. (I know he would do that to help me continue).. will let you know! I think I would be a horrendously hopeless re-starter.. so.. am totally with you on that!! :D
It was just a thought. to be honest I don't know howthey stay in place.natural stickyness? they are made of a weird rubbery stuff.You can get anything ears,noses etc.are quite common. Some time after my friend got hers she learned that the man who did them had never done one before ,but enjoyed it so much ,plus the responses he got that he was going to look for similar jobs eg hand bits.
it was a lovely thought , and I am genuinely grateful for it :) hmm... how much fun could you have with a third ear ;) lololol sounds like that chap has found his niche and as a bonus can help others (the ideal scenario!)

Just noticed your new diary title.Did a real double take there.
hee hee.. I tend to change it most days.. changed it again now! lol :D
thanks for that ffnf
I am going to rhodes for a fortnight my mums best mate owns some lovely apartments in a small village called iallysos so we go there every year , as we only have to pay for flights [cheap us never :D ]
i didnt go last year as youngest [now 2] has had a few operations and was not really well enough so this year will be the first year i have taken all 4 of them on a plane , its me and mum going as dh dosent do sunbathing and me and mum sooooo DO do sunbathing hehe
nat x
Saturday Feb 17th 2007

Beautiful sunny morning :D - woken , well, you know how ;) :D Decided that if I got a few housey things done I might just take the dog out! So.. load of washing in machine.. kitchen cleared up again - ah Zoe.. she loves cooking in the middle of the blimmin night!:rolleyes: .. and sorted out some more paperwork (I think I have the contents of at least 2 rain forests in my house in junk mail, old bank statements, silly letters from banks, insurance cos etc etc... :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ), jumped online for a bit (can't help it y'know!! honest I can't... it's a magnet.. I NEED to know how everyone's doing.. lol... and venting is incredibly cathartic for me!!)... dishwasher unloaded and re-loaded... washing all downstairs in the utility room (now, don't be too shocked, but I might even do some ironing today - Sunday!).. MIGHT!!.. anyway.. all that done.. and more clothes sorted in my room.. showered and dressed.. decided that a walk around the lakes would be a good idea. The dog agreed!!!:p I found an old duvet cover and towel and draped the back seat of the car to protect it from his muddy feet.. and off we set.. he is so funny.. as soon as you say the word 'walk' he goes ballistic!! Spins around, legs it up and down the stairs... jumps all over you... yelps... whines.. lol..just gets TOTALLY excited about the whole thing.. lol.. so we NEVER say the W word in his presence unless we are definitely taking him out.. (and within the following 30 seconds!) whilst it's most amusing (in a mean kind of way.. lol) his disappointment and disdain is more than apparent if we don't take him!! ;) :eek: :D ROFL He is a real character our Brandy (kids named him!).. lol (I wanted to call him Stig!).

So.. I'm sure he knew where we were going coz as soon as I turned off the roundabout to the lakes he started getting excited in the back of the car.. lol.. so.. placcy bags in hand (revolting part of being a dog owner) we set off around the lakes... over an hour later we both headed back to the car.. you know.. it is lovely at the lakes.. there were loads of people out.. families with kids puddle-jumping... couples... cyclists.. bird-watchers.. it's such a nice place to go.. and simply be. Such a peaceful place.. lots of swans there this time - aren't they amazing birds!! So elegant on the water and in flight.. and I'm sure at one point I spotted a Red Kite.. I spoke to a couple of Twitchers (bird watchers , not folks with a debilitating affliction)... and we agreed it was a definite possibility as they were re-established in the county a few years ago (which I actually remember.. but again.. that's another story!!) ;) lol

So...home again.. but via the shops in our little town... went to buy dog and cat food in our local ironmongers. I don't always buy it there (its a bit pricey to be honest) but if I can I do like to support the local economy... I just need to be careful.. lol.. anyway.. got the cheapest dried foods they had and as I paid the lady told me I looked amazing! LOLOLOL I was a bit taken aback.. but over the years you get to know folk and we had stood and passed the time of day many a time over the last few years.. so... she told me how she controls her weight.. she is the same height as me and is the weight I aim to be.. so it was good because it gave me an idea of what I might look like.. lol.. she's a size 14.. and to be honest.. I would be over the freakin' moon to be a size 14! lol

So, another flippin ego boost and I just managed to get out the door ;) .. lol.. and into our cheapy cheapy shop next door but one.. got bleach and bits and bobs... hairspray for fox's crunch creams (her absolute fav biccies).. and also a few things for christmas pressies (I know, but if I do it this way by the time it IS Chrimbo I shall have it covered! :) ) So.. that done.. I nipped to the newsagents (which I'm guessing has changed hands recently).. got a paper I intended to read (and did at 10.50pm !)... and then traipsed back to the car where the dog had been patiently waiting for me. Bless him.

Home and he was knackered! He spent the rest of the day on his bed snoozing.. lol.. didn't even harass the cat when he came in! :eek: Might do the same on Sunday (weather and energy levels permitting!)

Oh.. work... my boss flippin rang me!!!:mad: :mad: On a Sat morning!! I debated whether to answer or not and thought, if I don't, he will just keep trying all weekend and that would annoy me more! So I answered.. he wants to come in on Tuesday morning to do 'some things' that means my Tuesday morning plans to prepare for that evenings finance meeting will be out the window.. so I told him... that's fine.. but whatever isn't done my midday isn't going to get done for the meeting in the evening!! (Firm but fair!) So, he says he will be in at 8.30 Tues... hmmm... well.. am NOT bending on this one. I absolutely am NOT doing unpaid overtime so 12 I will be leaving whatever the state of play! (I know.. stroppy cow.. but honestly.. I am SO peeved about the change in my working conditions... ) nuff said on that one!

I spent the afternoon pottering around aimlessly - discovered the washing machine has decided not to spin any more.. so sodden clothes now being hand-wrung and drip drying in the utility room nicely. Hand washed me knickers.. lol.. and my tops that run!! Honestly - WHY do manufacturers use cloth that would dye anything with a 50 mile radius!!! :rolleyes: I have so many pink socks now it ain't funny!! ;)

Dishwasher door spring has sprung its last too.. so .. I called up British Gas and a very nice engineer chappy is coming out to fix both appliances on Wednesday 'between 1 and 6'. Fine with me.. will force me to be home for a change.. lol ;)

The evening - well.. I was on here.. then, settled down to watch telly and my mate Lisa rang! lol I love 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks' but missed the whole thing.. lololol... still.. it sounds like she has sorted out the complexities of her love life and that's wonderful news. :D

I sat on the sofa in my pj's, slippers and dressing gown as Zoe and her 2 girlfriends went out (11pm!) to go to the pub.. (bung us another 20 mum, will pay you back in the morning).. :rolleyes: :sigh: didn't have it to give so she had to make do with my last tenner.. lol

Checked she had her key and exactly how many bodies to expect to cross the landing with.. always say I love you to one another when we part.. and that was the last I saw of her.. lol.. I did hear her (plus at least 1 girly friend) come in about 4ish I think... so doubt I shall see her much before 2pm (unless hunger kicks in first..) lol.

Watched a great film on Channel 5! "Frantic" with Harrison Ford. Was glued to that and when it finished came back on here! lol Very late night so MUST resist coming online tonight when back from the pub quiz!!

Sunday - (today) - Feb 18th.

Lazy day I guess... once posted this am off for shower and then will sit and work on the music festival programme for an hour.. then nip to shops and get things needed to make cake for Pub tonight... all I need is double cream and eggs I think.. will check on packet. No washing to do as Zoe has been very selfish and kept hers in her room! lolol MIGHT do the ironing (her chef whites mostly).. then again.. might not! Will see what films are on telly this aft and then make an informed decision.. lol

Walking the dog seems a possibility too as the duvet cover is still in the car and the weather is ok (not as bright as yesterday) and I do think it did both of us some good too.

I might even make some food and stick it in the oven as a nice hot filling dinner surprise for when Zoe wakes up.. hmm.. might do that quick before the shower.. lol.. let's face it,, only takes a few mins to make a stew.. ;)

Right.. that's my day planned then... cook, shower, festival programme, shop, walk dog, iron (mebbe), bake (definitely), pub quiz, bed before midnight!!! :D :D :D
thanks for that ffnf
I am going to rhodes for a fortnight my mums best mate owns some lovely apartments in a small village called iallysos so we go there every year , as we only have to pay for flights [cheap us never :D ] i didnt go last year as youngest [now 2] has had a few operations and was not really well enough so this year will be the first year i have taken all 4 of them on a plane , its me and mum going as dh dosent do sunbathing and me and mum sooooo DO do sunbathing hehe
nat x
Oooh Rhodes... how lovely!! (and hot too - bliss!!) Lucky you for having an inexpensive option available to you ;) (not cheap, lol) :D
Sorry to hear about your little poppet having a rough time of it.. :( hopefully you will all have a lovely time. I'm with you and yer mum! I soooooo DO do sunbathing too! lololoolol Hope you have a fab time.. and just think... dunno how much you have to lost, but you could lose another 3 or 4 stone by June!! Oh how much better that sunbathing will be! :D :D :D