Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

smiling is fun isn't it
yep, it is, and no wonder you are smiling too! 6 stone in just 100 days is phenomenal!! well done you !!!! :clap:
Truly staggering - i love it!! Too tired to chat more but will catch up properly soon gorgeous skinny girl!
:D :D :D looking forward to catching up!
Another amazing week Jenny, well done.
cheers Happe - love your avatar! where do you get them from??
Huge (or rather not so huge!) congratulations on another fab loss - and getting well into the 14s!! Well done, honey! What a star!!! :D
:D Summerskye - you look amazing in your latest photos - you are one of those who continues to keep me driven and inspired (you, RD, AKB, Eclipse, Westhills, Mandy, CanI, etc etc... all a bunch of MEGA stars!!) xxx
Well done hun, you're a superstar!
Glad to see you smiling again!
:D can't wait to grin together again ! :D :D
Won't be long now before the end of your journey is in sight. It's fantastic!
Still a way to go before that but I tell you what... I'm getting impatient!!! ;) When you gonna drag yerself back up here!?
so really pleased for you xx:)
can't wait to see you in THAT dress you size 14 skinny minnie!! :D :D :D you are sensational my friend!
Another great loss hun..... dead chuffed for you......:D Love
Ah, my glamourous matey - thanks :D roll on the hols eh! Sunshine and relaxation - not long til yours now!! (do you need anyone to carry your luggage??) :rotflmao:
Jennie well done on getting into the 14`s :clap: , you have done amazingly well, and are truly inspirational :superwoman: . You have given me the extra push to get back into it good and proper.

Well have done sooooo well.
Flipping well done sweetie ... you SOOOOOOO deserve this.

Love you and your attitude so much and your avatar looks so good now!

Keep shining!
Keep smiling!

Well lorks-a -mercy, a gal goes &vget s an early night & BAM 3 pages of diary & another massive weight loss.think I've already said nice things on your weigh in so I'll jus send:wow: :bliss: &:gimi: .

you're so far along on your journey it's fab.
no wonde you're having a few 'head things'.serious readjustment of felings about self must be going on.
you're so far along on your journey it's fab. no wonde you're having a few 'head things'.serious readjustment of felings about self must be going on.

spot on there Jane

Tuesday April 17th

Mad day, again, up too late Monday night, paying for it now! So.. up early took Zoe to college and then went via car dealership to work,. (went to ask car dealer to sponsor me - he gave me a fiver, lol - cheeky mare eh ;) )

Work was flat out and I got heaps done, vacuumed the office and started attacking my 'in-trays' for filing etc. Sarah rang to say she was getting her tongue pierced (argh! I've tried to put her off , but she's 19 so will do it). It's not that I dislike it, I just worry - it's a mum thing. She has an essay due in and hadn't started it yet! lol (Like mother like daughter!)

Discovered loads of rubbish so shredded that! (Like filing this way ;) ) Boss rang (its his week off too!) he's only flippin coming in this morning (Weds) ! Grrr.. I get so much more done on my own! Ah well. Right.. then it was off to Job 2, managed to nip to post office en route and got my passport application sent off... still not sure if I really needed to, but for the sake of £73 I would rather not risk missing out on my holiday and get a new passport. Job 2 - another flat out afternoon, 5 hours of non-stop stuff. Got loads done and delighted that boss took up one of my suggestions and so all the invoices that have lurked for a month (yes a month!) have now gone out. Hoping today to get a whole load more done so that by the end of next week he is up to date and far more in control of things.

Sarah rang as I came out of work to say ' I handed my essay in , early, and he didn't hit a vein, I didn't bleed to death, and I love you loads' LOL Got home and had my last pack of the day and then went out with Zoe in her car. Her driving is heaps better and I've promised to go out with her for an hour or so every evening until her test. Hopefully it will help her relax a bit more about the test and build up her confidence and skills.

Got back just in time to go to the new series of talks at the church. I haven't been in ages and a new one started which deals with the 'elephants' in the church - ie subjects and issues that we pussyfoot around as christians and, in particular, as methodists! lol Well, I got there at 7.30 but it didn't start until after 8, by 9 I was nodding off and at 9.30 I left, too tired to sit there any longer. Came home and went straight to bed and sleep. Felt awful as I love those kind of things but I shan't go again, it's too tiring all this mental stuff all day too. In the eves I need banal mundane stuff so my brain gets a break too!!!

Ah well.

Better go now. Its already gone 7 and I have to get Zoe to college etc.. tonight am supposed to be going swimming with Trudy, but I'm already knackered so will wait and see how that pans out!

Lost my rings - I have a beautiful diamond ring and a 'footprints' ring which I wear all the time and I realised at the weekend that I wasn't wearing them and I can't find them anywhere! I'm gutted... the 'footprints' ring I bought for myself after ex left me.. I am never without it.. and now it's vanished!!!

Perhaps they will turn up.. but I can't think where they are! I have looked everywhere I can think of... it's awful... I don't care about any of my other jewellry as much as I do that footprints ring! So, here's hoping for a miraculous discovery!!
just got home from weigh in (via collecting Zoe and nipping into pub to see Landlady...)

This week, I am over the moon to report that I lost another...

:clap: 5.9lbs!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :bliss:

I now weigh 14stone 8.4lbs and both Ailsa and I were grinning like a pair of cheshire cats! lol Can't quite believe it to be honest.. but then, Ailsa has warned me it will take a loooooooooong time to get my head 'round it all AND went on to point at that within a couple of weeks I will probably have lost 9 stone! It's mad!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! That is completely amazing :wow: :bliss:

Huge huge congratulations, 9 stone nearly gone, can you imagine it!!!!!!
Lost my rings - I have a beautiful diamond ring and a 'footprints' ring which I wear all the time and I realised at the weekend that I wasn't wearing them and I can't find them anywhere! I'm gutted... the 'footprints' ring I bought for myself after ex left me.. I am never without it.. and now it's vanished!!!

Perhaps they will turn up.. but I can't think where they are! I have looked everywhere I can think of... it's awful... I don't care about any of my other jewellry as much as I do that footprints ring! So, here's hoping for a miraculous discovery!!

Sorry that you've lost your ring Jennie. Perhaps as soon as you stop looking they will turn up. Does Zoe have any ideas where you might have put them?

Anyway, same as you I must get a wriggle on as I'll be late for work too!

Catch up with you later!
So sorry to hear about the rings Jennie.
At a time when you are positively getting rid of so much that has tied you up til now ,you really don't need to lose precious stuff that you want to keep--if that makes sense.

had a bad thought that you have probably considered you think they might hae fallen off somewhere?

I do hope they turn up.:vibes:
have you had the rings since you got back from Wales ? Just a thought
hope you find them soon hun
"Originally Posted by Eclipse296
Won't be long now before the end of your journey is in sight. It's fantastic!
Still a way to go before that but I tell you what... I'm getting impatient!!! ;) When you gonna drag yerself back up here!? "

Oh bu**er I just can't get the hang of those quotey things doh! So far, this is the best I can do - pathetic innit

Would love to meet up with you guys again soon, missing you lot! ! ! Your new photo is fab by the way, you are rocking hun.

Sorry to hear about the lost rings, hopefully they will have already turned up, if not soon!
Hope you find your rings Jennie, nothing worse than losing something precious like that, hopefully they'll turn up as mysteriously as they disappeared. You didn't take them off in the garden whilst sunbathing the other day or anything like that?

Fingers crossed for you (ooh sorry, no pun intended there!)

Sorry that you've lost your ring Jennie. Perhaps as soon as you stop looking they will turn up. Does Zoe have any ideas where you might have put them? Anyway, same as you I must get a wriggle on as I'll be late for work too! Catch up with you later!
Thanks Sarah, I've asked Zoe but we've both drawn a total blank...
So sorry to hear about the rings Jennie.
At a time when you are positively getting rid of so much that has tied you up til now ,you really don't need to lose precious stuff that you want to keep--if that makes sense.
Makes perfect sense... (methinks we think quite similarly!)
had a bad thought that you have probably considered you think they might hae fallen off somewhere?
yep - the thought had occurred to me, they were very loose and my hands do get incredibly cold, but surely I would have noticed??... :sigh: I do hope they turn up. Oh, me too!
have you had the rings since you got back from Wales ? Just a thought hope you find them soon hun xx
yep, that occurred to me too (gosh we all DO think alike!) and I have had them since I came home coz I remember wearing them to mum's on Saturday... or did I ??? hmmm... damn my crappy memory!!:mad:
"Originally Posted by Eclipse296 Would love to meet up with you guys again soon, missing you lot! ! ! Your new photo is fab by the way, you are rocking hun. Sorry to hear about the lost rings, hopefully they will have already turned up, if not soon!
Thanks Cheryl, :D, they haven't turned up yet and I'm searching my brains to think of where they might be and drawing a total blank!
Hope you find your rings Jennie, nothing worse than losing something precious like that, hopefully they'll turn up as mysteriously as they disappeared. You didn't take them off in the garden whilst sunbathing the other day or anything like that? Fingers crossed for you (ooh sorry, no pun intended there!) x
Lol MD, nope, don't think I took them off to sunbathe .. but then.. I didn't wear my bracelet .. AND I think they were with it on Sunday when I knocked my drink over the kitchen table... hmm... just had a thought of another place to look... will let you know if they are there!!

Thanks all... today has been another exhausting one.. (no change there then!) Took Zoe to college and got to work just in time. got heaps done again, getting to look like I might just get everything sorted out properly in the place for a change - just need a few more days of peace and quiet to keep going through filing and finances and I'll be a lot happier.

Ran out of gas this am so had to stop on way to job 2 and get card topped up, lovely sunny afternoon, really hate having to work indoors.. lol.. job 2 very busy and flew by again but it was a good day today.. on the way home I spotted a lady I used to go to slimming world with (I bumped into her a couple of weeks ago too) and we got chatting and have agreed to walk the dogs together some time. It was lovely to see her, she's a beautiful person. She's happy and settled in a lovely relationship but it hasn't always been that way for her. It is so good to see her so contented.

Got home at 6.30pm and made a choc min muffin with husks and Fibre89.. good stuff that... keeps the old pipes nice and clear!! Must make sure to take some of each to Tobago!! (brand new sealed ones should be ok).

Feeling a lot more relaxed than this morning, although very tired. Mobile phone flat as a pancake as forgot charger.. lol.. ah well. Zoe too tired to drive tonight (thank you Lord!) and no word from Trudy yet as to where we are going tonight and when! lol If not heard from her by 8 am going to have a big bubble bath and go to bed with a book and a cd of good music!

Got flirty texts from car dealer today!!! lol how mad is that! He said he didn't recognise me yesterday and that I look fabulous and must have men falling at my feet !(can tell he's a salesman eh! ;) ) lol Silly sod, he's only about 26 and is engaged!! Told him off but said I was flattered and thank you.. lol.. must confess, it made me feel good for a few hours. :D

Sad isn't it, a flirty text from a car salesman who is young enough (almost) to be my son and I feel happier!! No bliddy sense at all!!!

Right, going now to see if phone is charged and if any messages from Trudy. xxx
Sad isn't it, a flirty text from a car salesman who is young enough (almost) to be my son and I feel happier!! No bliddy sense at all!!!

A flirty text is a flirty text and should be enjoyed, not sad at all and made all the more enjoyable by the fact he is almost young enough to be your son. Bring it on :D
Oi you trying to steal my crown for attracting 'young boys'...LOL;)

You enjoy it hun cos the more you shrink the more the compliments and attention will come.....:D :D

Lots of love
oooooh get you n the "youngsters" eh LOL PMSL
like the others have said take it when you can & ENJOY !!!!!!!!
:giggle: Lol, you lot make me giggle... and I can't believe the turn of events this evening!

I got off here to look for rings - still no sign of them, but am still optimistic that they will show up eventually... and phone was charging and I got a text from Trudy saying to meet her in the wine bar at 8. Well, it was almost 8 already and I had just told Zoe that I was going to walk down there (unheard of for me!!!) as I hadn't done enough steps... as I went to go the window cleaner showed up (who should have turned up yesterday between 6 and 7!!) and he quoted me to clean the windows and sills and was dirt cheap, so, will see how good he is and then decide if going to be a regular monthly thing - it's one job I cannot do (at least the upstairs) so that'll be good - we might be able to enjoy some natural lighting this summer! lol

Anyway, almost ran out of the door to meet Trudy, and, on the way I bumped into a policeman (we have virtually no police presence in my town and it's a shame as we really do need one!) so I told him it was good to see them around and we chatted for a few minutes then I shot off to meet Trudy. (Far end of town)... got there to find the wine bar all locked up!! No sign of Trudy, and not answering her mobile.. so I decided to head home.. just as I started the walk back her hubby rang me to say that she had left her phone at home and that she had rung to say to meet me in the pub we go to for the quiz! lol So I told him I'd go there... then she appeared, lol and we walked up there together.

When we got there who was the first face we should see!!??? PQM!!!!!! I think it must have been the flirty texts and the chatty copper that did it, but I managed to stutter a few words of greeting before scurrying off to get the darts! lol Trudy of course knew he would be there as he was meeting her hub for a 'quiet' drink! lol We'd upset their plans coz the wine bar was shut.. hee hee.

Well, we had a great evening, me and Trudy played darts (I won 3-1) and we sang along to the jukebox and had a bit of a boogy, lol, and then all of us were playing some electronic quiz machine (I won £4) . By now all were relaxed and PQM was quite chatty (in the crowd that is). The evening shot past and I realised it was time to head home and put on my coat (not looking forward to the walk home alone but it's a safe town and I wasn't too bothered),. then Trudy suggested that PQM walk me home!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I wasn't quite sure what to say or do.

She actually said 'aren't you going to wait for PQM and he can walk you home, he lives near you?' I was so shocked... he looked at me, I looked at him., we both looked at Trudy.. lol.. there was a silence and I just mumbled.. ' um, I don't mind' and Trudy jumped in with 'You'll take care of her won't you? Make sure she gets home safely??' Poor PQM, what could he say!!!

I think we both felt uncomfortable but even more so when her hubby looked at me and said 'you might get a snog!' I glowered at him, he was in no doubt about my feelings on that subject!! lol I fixed him with one of my 'looks'... you know the kind of thing.. the arms folded, eyebrows slightly raised, foot tapping, 'oh -you're - in -so - much-trouble - you'll -wish the- ground- would -swallow-you-whole' kind of looks..

He blushed and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek and said sorry.. lol... I just laughed and as we hugged I whispered 'shut up, it isn't funny' in a kind of threatening hissy voice.. lololol Don't think he'll be saying that again!! lol

So, there I was, coat on, done up and stood waiting for PQM to walk me home! I felt like a schoolgirl.. what would I say to him? Would we even talk? lol What if he didn't say a word either? Let's face it, in the pub we can barely pass the time of day!!!

So, we left and said our goodnights to everyone and off we set to walk home (he lives in the next but one road to me - this I found out a couple of weeks ago when discussing the music festival)... anyway.. although nervous, and cold (thank goodness for my big warm coat!) we did talk.. all the way home.. about all kinds of things... we chatted about his life and a bit about mine.. we talked about bikes and families, and loss, and love.. we got to my house and he was so surprised as he knew the people I bought my house off!!

I asked him if he would like to come in for a coffee (and I meant JUST a coffee).. but he said no, he had to go, and then we stood outside for another 20 minutes just chatting. lol

I thanked him for walking me home and he told me any time, he would always be happy to walk me home. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we said goodnight. Well, I have to tell you... even though he isn't interested in me in 'that' way, it was SO nice to be walked home and have a goodnight peck on the cheek. It was lovely to chat too and I discovered lots more about him, and he about me.

I think I shall have to start walking to the pub on a Sunday evening.... ;) lol Apart from anything else, it's great for my bum! lol

So, although it's horrendously late, for some bizarre reason, I'm not that tired and have a big smile on my face. I have a feeling that this smile might stay with me until the morning at least :D :D :D If nothing else, I think PQm and I might just be able to forge a good friendship.

Night night xxxxx