Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Have a great time in Portsmouth, the best way down is A45 to Northampton, on to M1 for 1 Junction North, then go A43 towards Oxford, on to M40 for 1 Junction, then A34 towards Newbury, then M3 South towards Southampton, then M27 East towards Portsmouth. My mum and dad live down in Emsworth, near Portsmouth so I go there all the time! Takes about 2 and a half to 3 hours. Have fun!!
Hiya Jennie,

OMG :eek: you look fab in both your photos and the girls are right, t'is not only the weight thats dropping of ya:D , its also the years:D , ya should bottle your fountain of youth and sell it to the rest of us LOL...:D

Hope you have a ball in Portsmouth, wish I could be there with ya :p but I can be patient and wait till March 24th, woo hoo, Birmingham won't know whats hit them..:p :) :D
Jennie - how lovely to see your photos and put a face to your name, nice to see you in something other than that blue dressing gown! :D

You look fab and so much younger, you really do, loving that jumper - really suits your complexion. So looking forward to meeting you in person in Birmingham.

Have a brill weekend, looking forward to hearing all about it, in great Jennie style soon.;)
Your looking great Jennie:)
Years younger! Love Mini xxx

hee hee, thanks Mini (and thanks for putting the photos on)

WOW look at you with your fitted jumper..... you look fab Jennie.....:D :D :D Have a great weekend..... watch out for the sailors.....????? Well you are near the seaside....LMAO:rolleyes: ;) :D :D :eek: take care, drive safe , text me.....!!! Lots of love
Lol, I didn't deliberately wear that jumper for weigh in, I just ran out of time to change.. I tend to wear it with my coat over as I haven't the figure for fitted stuff yet..anyway.. you've seen it and I'll let Zoe know what you think of it.. lol had a great weekend, didn't spot any sailors until today actually.. mind you.. I wasn't looking :D :D .. thanks for keeping in touch over the weekend too. loves ya! xx

jen you look so much younger in your now picture!!! you look nowhere near forty girl!!
lol.. cheers Karen.. (I'll be 44 this year!! ARGH!!!)

Have a great time in Portsmouth, the best way down is A45 to Northampton, on to M1 for 1 Junction North, then go A43 towards Oxford, on to M40 for 1 Junction, then A34 towards Newbury, then M3 South towards Southampton, then M27 East towards Portsmouth. My mum and dad live down in Emsworth, near Portsmouth so I go there all the time! Takes about 2 and a half to 3 hours. Have fun!!
Hi Julie - I saw your pics - WOWOWOWOW!!! You look so different!! :D Anyway.. I did that route and , well, lets just say.. the A34 was not fun on Friday night.. but it was heaps better today :D Maybe next time you can come along too!! :D (and fit in a visit to your mum and dad!)

Hiya Jennie, OMG :eek: you look fab in both your photos and the girls are right, t'is not only the weight thats dropping of ya:D , its also the years:D , ya should bottle your fountain of youth and sell it to the rest of us LOL...:D
HAHAHAHAHA - you're too funny!! lol
Hope you have a ball in Portsmouth, wish I could be there with ya :p but I can be patient and wait till March 24th, woo hoo, Birmingham won't know whats hit them..:p :) :D
wish you'd been there too, but roll on March!!! yayayayayayay! lol

Jennie - how lovely to see your photos and put a face to your name, nice to see you in something other than that blue dressing gown! :D
hee hee hee., I've been searching in every charity shop there is to find a blue candlewick dressing gown and I just can't lol.. ;)
You look fab and so much younger, you really do, loving that jumper - really suits your complexion. So looking forward to meeting you in person in Birmingham
aww, thank you.. it's the first red jumper I have ever owned blame my Zoe.. lol..
Have a brill weekend, looking forward to hearing all about it, in great Jennie style soon.;) xx
lol, had an ace weekend.. will fill you in later! umm.. tomorrow mebbe (fingers crossed) lol
Great to see the photos Jenni - hope you have a great time at Portsmouth.
had a great time thanks Bev, are you going to make it to Brum? I'd love to meet you :D
Thanks for posting your pics. You look great and hope weekend is good Irene xx
:D thanks Irene, it was, and thank you for your messages - I passed them all on :D :D hope you are well and am so looking forward to seeing you and Cat again in Brum! Only about 8 weeks away!! Argh!!! lol sounds close! ;) :D
Right - better late than never - this is LAST Saturdays bletherings!! :D Will put on Sunday's too.. as far as I have got.. then.. finish tomorrow and do this weekend just gone.. hopefully be up to date soon!! lol Bad innit! ;)

Saturday January 20th 2007

Well, I was supposed to be going to a flash wedding in Berkshire this weekend, but you know what, I’m glad I’m not! :D Mad? :confused: Nope, lol, just relieved! ;) Although it means that I can’t wear my new dress!:mad: Anyway, the day started wonderfully with a call from Mr K :D and just got better and better!

I got up, showered and dressed and pottered downstairs and did some washing, with the 2 fence panels down in the garden, and having had to stand out in my dressing gown :eek: whilst the dog did his business, I decided to try and fix it before I left to see my friends in St Albans. So.. being the doggedly (no pun intended) :rolleyes: determined woman I seem to be.. I dragged the huge roll of bright orange temporary fencing (you know the kind of stuff – they use it on building sites around holes.. lol So – I dragged that from the side of the house and cut a piece to fit the gap (6ft I think – or mebbe 8) whatever , it was freezing cold and still blowing a flippin hooly (sp) and there I was, hammer in one hand , scissors on the floor, nails in a pot on the ground, and this bright orange mass of net fencing!!:mad: So I set to it – now, the last bit I put across the one gap , well, the dog decided to crawl under it every time he got chance, so this time I nailed it to the decking and onto both adjoining panels… at one point it seemed like the nails were never going to go in!! I will admit – my language was a tad rich at times :rolleyes: :eek: – at one point, I bashed my finger and not only burst into tears :cry: :( but cursed my ex for leaving :eek: because (and this is totally female logic – or perhaps just Jennie logic, lol) if he hadn’t left I wouldn’t be out there struggling in the cold and the wind and be doing something that took me (in the end) over an hour and a half when he would have taken 5 minutes max!!:mad: I know – pathetic,:rolleyes: but seriously, it’s what I thought and felt and I so wanted to throw the hammer in the pond!:eek: Lololol Eventually I got it done and was happy that not only would Zoe let the flaming dog out as often as he needed, and without the risk of him legging it yet again!

I was under strict instructions to stay out as late as possible, lol, so I promised to do so!;) Once I was happy to leave the house safe , secure and clean and tidy (dunno why , maybe it’s a mother thing!).. I put my soups in the car and said cheerio to Zoe and set off! Quick trip to my local florists and 3 bunches of lovely yellow and white chrysanths and 3 bunches of my fav flowers – freesias - all wrapped separately into lovely bouquets – the chrysanths for my mate Lynda, and the freesias for my best friend Zoe.

I decided to call in (unexpectedly) on my friend Lynda and her little boy. Lynda and her ex parted :wave_cry: just over 6 months prior to my break up – I remember with some irony the discussions we used to have about how awful it was that such a happy couple could possibly split up! Anyway – that’s all in the past and not worth harping on about now.. the point is.. Lynda and I have a lot in common, although we are also very very different! Her son is a nightmare though :rolleyes: – sorry, but it’s true…ever since he was born he has totally and utterly been in charge! With her divorce this has got even worse, and, whilst I was really looking forward to seeing her, I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him! I find it very difficult to tolerate rude children – and I do try – but when they are spoilt brats I have almost zero tolerance – and it isn’t really fair because it’s not their fault, at the age of only 5, how can it be!?:confused: The responsibility lays squarely at the parents’ feet! I’ve always tried to encourage Lynda to have her own life since the split – not to be permanently superglued to her child – but ever since he was born she has been the same.. so I gave up during those very bleak and dark times at the start of my own marriage ending:cry: … well.. she was delighted to see me arrive and it was SO good to see her too!:D She didn’t know I was on a diet so was a bit surprised when I turned up..:eek: not only because she wasn’t expecting me, but because she would have expected to see more of me.. lol.. mind you, she didn’t say much apart from “you’re looking well”.. lol So I thanked her and moved the subject on.. and she showed me around her new home.

It’s a lovely house, and I think it is fantastic that she manages to maintain it and herself, and that the only finance she gets from her ex is child maintenance, and she has to pay for a childminder.. She gave me a tour of the place and I was amazed as, from the outside, it didn’t look that big, yet inside I think (apart from the kitchen) the living space was much bigger (or perhaps just laid out better).. she is still very clearly suffering from depression and ill health. :(

I think she has been ill constantly for about the last 8 years… constant chest infections and breathing difficulties.. I also believe she had post-natal depression but no-one would listen when I said as much :eek: .. I often wonder how different things might have been had she enjoyed good health during her marriage. The weird thing is., when they were courting, she was never ill :confused: and , within about a month of their getting wed, she started to be ill! I think she has not had one single month in the last 8 years without being on anti-biotics! I know that it made things hard for her, and that her ex struggled with it too. :(

The house was great, and I told her so too! lol I sat and we chatted for a while, the whole time her little boy ignored me and then proceeded to thump a box whilst moaning that we had to shut up because he was allergic to noise, so I suggested that he turn the tv off as that was making a lot of noise!:p She is powerless, seriously.. no discipline at all… sorry, but it makes me cross to see a vibrant, confident woman turn into the lacky of a 5 year old monster!! Lol I know I sound horrid, but honestly, if you were to meet this particular child.. well… you would understand (and fast!!:eek: ) lol. He is very intelligent though and eventually spoke to me. Visit over and it was time to go and visit my best friend.

I was so excited – I love my friend Zoe.:D We have been friends for 27 years!! Never fallen out, never a cross word even! She’s so lovely! I got there and rang the bell… lol… it was so funny!! She stood open-mouthed :eek: :eek: :eek: and said “where have you gone!!!??” lololol I just laughed , hugged her and said.. “I’m still here!” lol… and that kinda set the tone for the rest of the visit! Lol

We talked and talked and she cooked the most gorgeous smelling lasagne in the universe!!!:rolleyes: As I was on add a meal but had already told her not to cater for me, she had gone out and bought some chicken! Lol I mean, how weird was that – she had got in chicken without knowing I was on the cambridge and despite my telling her that I was on a diet and wouldn’t want any food..!:eek: :D Bless her, I am so glad she did as I have chicken and salad :p :) whilst they all tucked in to their amazing lasagne! It really as VERY scrummy smelling AND looking! :p

Oh how easy it would have been to ask her to plate some up for me!:rolleyes: But no… I didn’t.. :D Her 3 kids were home and it was so lovely to see them all again, and her fella was in too! So we sat and chatted away as if there was no tomorrow. I showed her the minimins site and the inspirational photos and she sat open=mouthed and stunned, lol.

We also had the chance to talk on msn to my Sarah (Zoe is her godmother) and that was brilliant, as Sarah sent links for the photos she took last week in the tin mine! They really are very good, and if you get the chance to buy a copy of the calendar I would definitely recommend it. (lots of fit young men,;) naked but tastefully (a la Calendar Girls styley) hidden :eek: :D ;)

We had a real giggle over the photos.. lol.. whilst there, Mr K rang! :D :D It was such a lovely surprise!! :D He was missing me (and I him) and so we snatched a few minutes talking before I went back to Zoe and he got on with his jobs.

Zoe kept touching me and saying how shocked she was.. :D lol.. I mean, for petes sake.. I still have over 7 stone to go!!!! Lol She kept touching me and laughing and saying stuff like – omg, you have a waist.. lol.. and when I got up to go to the loo, just as I got to the door she yelled “you’ve got a peach arse” ROFL.. she was really really shocked.. lol

She told me how she wanted to lose 4 stone herself.. ! (I can’t see where from and told her so!) I also told her all about the diet and the site and so , who knows.. lol.. I asked why she wanted to lose so much? She told me that she cooks healthy meals and can’t understand how she can have gained so much weight! Then she had a lightbulb moment – and recounted about her daily “habit” of eating 3 packets of crisps, and biscuits, and over half a bottle of wine EVERY evening. :eek: :eek: :eek: Lol

I told her that she might just have found the key – lol, we both giggled. Time was marching on and I suddenly realised I hadn’t got a lottery ticket – so, with her lovely daughter in the car – I set off to get one (or two).lol

Once back there,and with dinner all done and cleared away, I suggested we play some kind of game. (oh, forgot to say, in the interim, her fella picked up one of his daughters and brought her over for a visit).. so.. there we were.. all 7 of us!:eek: I asked the kids to get all their boxed games and we could choose one to play. We ended up in 2 teams playing a game called Taboo. It was really fun and we all got into it very quickly! :D Time just flew by and before we knew what was going on, it was time for his daughter to be taken home and for her younger ones to go to bed.

Once the youngsters were settled we (Zoe, and her elder son & I ) played cards! I’m a demon at “Snap” lol;) :cool: , so we only played that very briefly. Lol Then we played “Beat your neighbour” and then a final hand of snap! Lol We then got out the Trivial Pursuits – the first one that ever came out (I still have mine too ! lol) and we played for ages! Her fella won – we both tied.. but it was a hard fought battle! Lol

I had no concept of time (never do when with Zoe) and it was 1.30am and I was yawning,:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: her chap was asleep on the sofa and I decided to make a move home. I promised to text when I got home.. and I did, however, the journey home was horrific!!:( I couldn’t keep my eyes open and it was so windy I could feel the car being blown all over the road! I had to stop at the first set of motorway services , just for a sleep! I barely slept as the car was being rocked so violently!:confused: :eek:

On my way and being blown all over the place again, I had to stop again at Newport Pagnell services.. once more, I tried to sleep but with little success.. and finally, almost home, I simply HAD to stop again!! I can’t even remember the entire journey I was that tired!! I got home to a very quiet house and crawled into bed – utterly exhausted! I sent a text to Zoe and she sent one straight back thanking me for letting her know and telling me (again) lol, how great it was to see me again.:) Me and Zoe are like our own little mutual admiration society..:) :) :) lolololol I don’t think I could have kept my eyes open for even a second longer and was soon dead to the world! Lol
Sunday January 21st 2007

Sunday January 21st 2007

I slept like a log last night :) - well, that is, until the dog woke me up at some ungodly hour!!:mad: – but I went right back to bed and only woke when Mr K rang me:D – I still felt like I was dreaming as we chatted – well, he chatted, I dreamt.. lol

Another wonderful start to the day :) We talked for about an hour and then said our goodbyes.. I fell back to sleep – I was still really tired! Somehow, when I woke, the morning had already vanished!! It was ok, for once, as I didn’t have to be anywhere until about 2.30 so I still had some time to do the odd job around the house.. :) so that’s what I did.. I got up and showered and dressed and then went downstairs.. no sign of Zoe and her boyfriend,although the trainers strewn across the hall are always a bit of a giveaway, lol.:rolleyes: ;) I could see from the kitchen that the meal had gone down well – lol.. the place was a mess.. I wasn’t cross.. just put the radio on very quietly (didn’t want to wake them) and got on with the job of clearing up.:)

It doesn’t take that long when you are in a good mood – funny isn’t it… a messy kitchen can take just 15 – 20 minutes to clean up if in a great mood… yet if in a foul mood it takes almost double that! (must be all that time spent muttering and slamming cupboard doors.. lol ;) )

There never seems to be an end to the jobs that need doing in my house..:confused: lol.. not a bad thing really as it helps me not to be sitting doing nothing and therefore tempted to eat! (Think I might have to plan a whole day and devote it to sorting out my kitchen cupboards – get rid of all the unhealthy things.. and the out of date stuff (flour, flavourings, tins of things I clearly thought at the time would be delicious and then forgot existed! ), and re-line them with lining paper (my friend Pam gave me that tip when we fitted the kitchen – she said, if we put lining paper on each shelf and in each drawer then it would be easy to clean as it would be simply a case of replacing the paper and a damp cloth wipe over and job done! So.. we shall see if that is how it really is when I get around to sorting them out! Lol ;)

I’m in a bit of a de-cluttering mood to be honest .. it all started when I got my new dinner service… not sure why,:rolleyes: but I feel like chucking out (well, giving away) all the old stuff and, its not about spending money and buying new, to be honest, I’d like to just have a less cluttered house.. the only thing is… with the best will in the world,, I think I would de-clutter and then, over a period of time, re-clutter!!! Lol So.. sorting out the cupboards will be ok as long as I resist the urge to refill them!! lol :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

So.. kitchen done, rubbish from bins all bagged and in the wheely bin (which I discovered already has 4 sacks in from the last few weeks when I was certain Zoe had said she had put the stuff out :rolleyes: ) One load of washing on the airer in the utility and another in the machine and some items in the tumble drier.. I have a spicy tomato soup (washed down with a pint of water) jump on here to do a few posts and it’s already 2pm!! :eek:

Time to go and see my mum at her friend’s place in Duston (other side of Northampton).. as I haven’t been there before I dig out my street map of Northants – can I find their road – can I diddly!!:eek: :confused: :confused: So.. quick search online and still I’m confused (doesn’t take much though so no real surprise there.. lol) ;) I decide to see if I can find my way without the aid of t’internet directions after all and find the scrap of paper with scribbled notes from the last time I spoke to her friends when they first moved in. lol.. :rolleyes:

I managed to almost get there without getting lost – I found my way to the Sainsbury’s she had mentioned (so nipped in there and bought some flowers for her mate)… just as I was coming out of there she rang (my mum’s friend) to see where I am … it was almost 3 and we had agreed that I should get there sometime between 2 and 3.. lol.. so clearly, they were champing at the bit! (it’s a mum thing:rolleyes: )… so she (Doreen) talked me in.. lol.. as I pulled onto their drive I could see she was surprised about the car (I never thought to tell her about it.. lol).

That was nothing to the look on her face when I got out and walked up to her.. :D :D :D LMAO I Soooooo wish I had a camera!!! Doreen has known me since I was about 14 years old.. and I have NEVER seen her so surprised.. ROFL.. sorry, but just the memory of it makes me giggle so much.. lol.. her jaw was almost in line with her boobs! Lolol :eek: :D :eek: :D

Once the initial shock had dissipated, she managed to say hello.. lol.. we hugged and she just said.. WOW.. look at you.. (hee hee hee – I have to admit, I loved it!). . fed my ego a treat! Lolol I grinned and laughed and asked how she was.. lol.. she took me inside and then it was time to see her hubby.. and my mum.. well.. his face was the same! ;) :rolleyes: :D Lololol and he just jumped to his feet and said WOW.. too.. lololol I was giggling away…so… flowers given and hug for mum .. I sat down.

Doreen and Derek have been such a big part of my life.. they were there for mum and me when dad died, when I had my Sarah so prem.. they have celebrated and comforted during more of my life than not! Doreen made my bridesmaid dresses for my first marriage, and has been a rock for my mother for almost 30 years! She had breast cancer 5 years before my mother did and was just the best person ever when mum was going through it.. she (Doreen) had it again and was so positive about it all, I am certain that helped her to recover from her mastectomy and gave her the humour to deal with her new boob (she always jokes about having one pert breast! Lololol).:eek: ;)

She’s a lovely person and her and Derek are such great fun too! I could’ve spent all evening with them as well as the afternoon!!

We chatted on and on.. I made a toffee & walnut muffin whilst there.. and I showed her the site and the inspirational photos thread (I love that thread!!).. time passed in a blink.. and I suddenly realised that I had promised Mr K I would be online on msn to chat at 7pm prompt so had to go. I told them about him, and, although mum knew I had been on dates with someone, she didn’t know very much (and that is most definitely deliberate!).. and Doreen asked had he met Zoe ? I told her, very strongly, that I was keeping Mr K all to myself for a very long time before introducing him to any of my family. I told her that if it was appropriate, in time, I would introduce him to everyone – you see, I know they will love him, lol, and I also know they will be a nightmare if they have met him!!:rolleyes: :eek: :D (been there done that.. got the scratch on me heart to prove it!)…

So.. got home 3 minutes after 7, jumped online... (Tbc)
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!! I applied for a job on Friday and have just had a call asking me to attend a job interview on Tuesday 6th Feb!!!! ARGH!!!!! I am a mass of excitement and nervousness all rolled into one!!!! lol Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!

Conversation wentas follows:

Mobile phone - number I didn't know so I answered it very tentatively...

Me: hello
Her: hello can I speak to Jennie ....
Me: Speaking
Her: this is Stephanie.... from .... about your application
Me: (shocked!) oh, right, yes.. how can I help? (how can I help!!!! FFS!!! lol )
Her: we would very much like you to come and attend an interview on Tuesday 6th Feb at 9.30am...
Me: (nervous laughter) well, I'd very much like to attend an interview and that is just fine!
Her: ok, well, you will be here an hour and a half, 45 mins will be interview and 45 mins tests..
Me: ooh er (ooh -er!! flippin heck.. what WAS going through my brain!!! sound like an extra from Benny Frickin Hill!!!)
Her: (laughing) it's not as bad as it sounds..
Me: oh, so no wires and electric probes then? (JENNIE!!! FFS shut up!!! lololol)
Her: (laughing lots now) no no, no wires and probes.. I'll send you a letter and it will explain things.. problem-solving tests really.
Me: Sorry - didn't mention my sense of humour on the form
Her: It's fine, you'll need one to work here!
Me: well, glad it's on a Tuesday and not a Monday then (jeez Jennie - you're gonna make her think you are an utter moron!!!) and I'll have to get an early night!! Laughing then.
Her: still chuckling.. no problem
Me: I'm very aware that the final sheet of my application was handwritten, sorry about that but my printer at home isn't working. (crap, shut up Jennie!!!!!)
Her: No, it's fine, it was really good to get a handwritten application , and your writing is very neat.
Me: Great, right then, should I ask for you on Tuesday?
Her: yes
Me: Lovely, see you then!
Her: I look forward to it

I mean, who in their right mind cracks bliddy jokes about wires and freaking electric probes to a stranger who you want to offer you a job!!!!! ARGH!!! lol

I am SOOOOO excited though.. and dead nervous!!! lol This job would be fabby!! Money is about what I need.. and it's in the same town I work in at the moment.. and oooh.. I love their work ethos.. I am bursting to tell someone! lol So, I texted Mr K :D :D :D lol and now, had to come on here and share it with you all!! :D :D :D :D :D

Now I'm going to have to try and remember all the stuff I told them about myself!! lol Good job I didn't tell any fibs! (could never remember them! lol)

OMG... I have an interview for a really proper job! lolololool (I know what I mean).. hee hee!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
giggle giggle chuckle chucle, what are you like eh :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
seriously thats fab news, the lady sounded though she'd appreciate your humour which is a good starting point.
you'll do fab hun, no good luck needed you'll b sailing ! (know you like boats)
Good Luck Jennie, brilliant news.. as for the sense of humour - I think that was just the best thing to come out with - I do exactly the same.. I prob would have cracked wires and probes joke too!!! Its good to be like that, it shows you have a great personality and it will make them remember you ... I reckon be lively and confident in the interview too and the job will be yours! Any company that doesn't appreciate a sense of humour probably isn't worth working for - afterall these days its personalities and good relationship builiding skills that gain business and keep it.


Good luck with the job interview Jennie! :D
Yayyy, well done, great news on the interview. Like the conversation - that's the sort of thing I do and thinking to myself - JUST SHUT UP!!!!

I'm sure you'll be just what they need - fingers crossed for you hun.
Good luck hun! (You don't really need it though)

With your fantastic personality and beautiful character you will sail through the interview and knock em all dead! They will be falling over themselves to grab you - oo er - well you know what I mean.

You Rock:D
Love the comments to the woman :D

Congratulations on your interview - will have everything crossed for you.

Just had a quick look at the Portsmouth photo's you look fantastic in that top, the colour really suits you :)

Kitty xxx
week 16 weigh in result - 7.2lbs off!!! Yipee!!!

Had my weigh in with Ailsa this afternoon... was shrieking when she told me... I lost 7.2lbs this week!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm SO chuffed! That brings me squarely down into the 17's!!! (17stone 8.2lbs to be precise!!) I knew it was good when Ailsa started giggling and saying "get off the scales.. get off.. I need to work this out!" lol She was as pleased as I was!! :p :D :D :D :D :D :D

What a fantastic day today has been!