Extra Easy bloated :(


Full Member
Can fruit make u bloated? eaten loads of bananas this week... n now im sooo bloated! its so bad i can hardly eat anything!
I have already had to cut bread out of my diet completely as it does not agree with my stomach!
Its WI 2moro n im geussin this is gona cost me a couple of pounds :(
!!! Anyone got any tips on what i can eat tomoz that may help?
Does anyone else hav this problem?
Oddly enough we were talking about bloating and fruit at our class this morning.
Although bananas are superfree food they haven't got the speed symbol next to them in the handbook so this may be why you are full up. The best way to help bloating I find is to make sure you drink plenty of water.

Also, eating too much of any food isnt advised - maybe swap some of your bananas for apples or oranges etc to keep it varied x
Not sure where you are in your weight loss journey but I had a difficult time for the first 3 weeks on EE with bloating. I was very uncomfortable and felt like I'd gained weight as my clothes were tighter than when I started even though I was losing albeit slowly. I found that fruit, rice, bread and beans were creating problems. I made super speed soup and I had the most awful stomach pains and wind. In short I had to cut down on all the more carby things and switched to red days. Not for everyone but worked for me. I had a couple of weeks on red and lost 2.5lbs each week but last week went back to try EE and only lost 0.5 despite being 100% on plan. I don't think EE agrees with me even though it is a lot more convenient. I drink lots but it still leaves me very bloated. May have to think about getting back to EE full time after I reach target but for now I'm going to try to do more red days. Not sure if that's any help but I have noticed quite a few people on here have experienced the same thing so might be worth eliminating the things you think may be causing problems for a bit before reintroducing them. If bananas seem to be a problem try a week without. Good luck and hope you feel better cos it is very uncomfortable.
May have to try swapping them for sum ss fruit instead n see if that helps! :) Will hav to get my food optimising book out!
Im still surprised fruit can bloat u tho, oh well u learn!
What are peoples fav ss fruit? Mite try n go shopping n b a bit more adventurous!
Well iv only ever done EE n managed to lose 1 stone 2lb so was doing well!
Im literally 5lb away frm target n my losses have completely slowed down now n im struggling!
Iv had a lot of issues wiv bloating etc b4 sw but it seems to hav got worse! May hav a chat with my consultant tomorow and hav a go and red n green days to see if it changes anything!
Thanks for the advice!
Good luck and hope you find a solution and well done on a great loss. Hope you get to target soon.