Blue is my favourite colour..... Lexies journey

Chin up, Lexie, half a finger in all this time isn't going to change anything, it would be some sort of miracle if you never, ever again picked at something you shouldn't. As the others have said, look how far you've come, remember where you have come from and don't beat yourself up about this. You are doing great!

KB x
Yay! Good for you :) great news!

It is hard not to pick at fish fingers.. So here is a tail for you! We were out at a pub for lunch kids had fish fingers and chips.. I decided to try a bit of the fish finger.. It was not cooked and tasted revolting! Needless to say we changed the kids meals.. But every time I look at a fish finger now all I can taste is the yucky one I ate!!!!
I'm always taken back to childhood . My mum and dad didn't have much money but one day my mum fed us fish fingers that tasted odd. I thought they tasted a bit like sick. Anyway we were made to eat them and it was only afterwards that she admitted that in the way home from asda a bottle Kia ora orange juice had broken over them!!!

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toofatkat said:
I'm always taken back to childhood . My mum and dad didn't have much money but one day my mum fed us fish fingers that tasted odd. I thought they tasted a bit like sick. Anyway we were made to eat them and it was only afterwards that she admitted that in the way home from asda a bottle Kia ora orange juice had broken over them!!!

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That made me giggle... Its awful really.. What we as parents sometimes do and also from a kids point of view.. :)
We didn't :( but looking back it was funny

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Silly me! I was just having a blip the other day..... I've accepted I'm not gonna see a loss tomorrow, it's only the second time in 6 months I've had a sts. I've not drunk much water this week with being off work which won't have helped as totm due early next week. Almost gave up on xen rules & went to just cc but said not until 5 stone so will stick with what I said (well apart from the l/f cheddar in my soup today)
Lexie2005 said:
Silly me! I was just having a blip the other day..... I've accepted I'm not gonna see a loss tomorrow, it's only the second time in 6 months I've had a sts. I've not drunk much water this week with being off work which won't have helped as totm due early next week. Almost gave up on xen rules & went to just cc but said not until 5 stone so will stick with what I said (well apart from the l/f cheddar in my soup today)

Have you had a sneaky WI or just forecasting doom?? :)
Even if u sts then at least its not a gain so no damage done! Look at the positive. A sts means you haven't undone any of your hard work x
Sneaky weigh in yesterday. Thing is Sarah I've not eaten out of calories or fat, I think it's just my body saying "not feeling it this week"
sarahaglover said:
Even if u sts then at least its not a gain so no damage done! Look at the positive. A sts means you haven't undone any of your hard work x

I've never thought of a sts like that - I like it! X
Well got the sts I was expecting. Trying to stay upbeat about it as I know apart from not much water & probably a bit too much bread oh & totm due i did nothing to cause a sts. I'm just gonna work even harder this week....

It's 6 months today since I was prescribed xen & I'm 1lb short of 4 stone loss which I'm thrilled with, it averages 2lb a week which I know will slow down now but it was a good start to my journey. Without xen for the first 20 weeks I'd never have done it & without your support i'd probably have given up. So here's to the next six months.....

Onwards & downwards ladies x
Well done Lexie. A sts isn't a gain :)

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I like what Sarah said yesterday a sts hasn't undone any of your hard work!
That means a loss next week will be achievable!

Lexie I think you've done incredible! You've helped me I'm sure I would have given up without the pair of you!

So come on mrs put that smile back on. :) xx
Well done on the STS, Lexie, you know how far you've come and this is as much as an achievement "going forward" (hate that expression) as any loss. Keep up that great attitude.

KB x
Thanks ladies, I'm fine now. Decided to have a treat & had a bag of walkers bakes stars & was gonna have a can of cherry coke, drank half of it & wasn't enjoying it so tipped it as its 150 cals a can & it took me back under my calorie allowance for the day. I'm happy now & about to lock the scales firmly back in the boot
6 months today?! It's amazing for me at my beginning of this journey to read how you have coped with the ups and downs and what an AMAZING achievement! Thanks because I nearly gave up earlier this week until speaking with you but am more determined than ever. :happy036:
Roo Swims With Fish said:
6 months today?! It's amazing for me at my beginning of this journey to read how you have coped with the ups and downs and what an AMAZING achievement! Thanks because I nearly gave up earlier this week until speaking with you but am more determined than ever. :happy036:

Ah thanks. Yep 6 months today & do you know what it's not been too hard. I never thought I'd do it cos I've been on a diet for the last 15 years on & off & this is the only time I've not only believed but known i'll do it!!!
6 mths and almost 4 stone!! Fantastic.. I know I couldn't be with out your encouragement, and support! So thanks :)