Brand New - Advice Needed Please

Hi everyone - Sorry in advance if I have posted this in the wrong area but I just started today and really need some advice. I am still toying with whether to do TS or WS or maybe a slight combo of both throughout the week. My main question is if I decide to do WS and have a very low carb low calorie meal in the evening will I ever get into ketosis or do I have to be 100% TS to guarentee ketosis. Thanks in advance and any info is much appreciated
Hello and welcome!
A low carb meal shouldn't stop you getting into ketosis - some people are very sensitive to carbs but for most people its not a problem at all. Also you'll still lose weight either way, just will feel hungrier if you're not in K.
Good luck whichever way you decide to play it!
p.s. From personal experience I actually find it much, much easier to do TS than when I try WS/ add a meal... when I start thinking I can have food the my demons come out! However, I know I will have to deal with it at some point so will probably swicth to WS for my last stone.
Thankyou so much for your speedy reply LED and the good advice. I was really good today but crumbled at the last hurdle and had some stirfried green veggies (in a dry pan) & tiny bit of chicken - sorry last time I ever mention any type of food on this part of the forum. Hopefully I haven't done any damage - after all it is still far less than what I was eating this time last week, so that has to be a good thing!

Thanks again for the feedback and well done on you amazing acheivement so far - you are now my inspiration (hope that doesn't sound too cheesey - opps food again - sorry. I was going to say corney but thats food again - I will stop this now!)
What really helped me to get started on TS and not have any food was allowing myself four packs for the first week - by the end of the week I could only have 3 because I felt full and I never once felt the need to eat anything and yes you will still lose on 4 packs a day as you are only having 800 cals a day. I now know I have an extra pack so if I have a really bad day I can have a 4th... and I have never had to have it ;) it just helps knowing I can if I choose.
An extra pack (or even - ssshhh! - bar) a day has saved many a diet. Some days you are fine. Others, you feel desperate lol. That is when the extra pack (or even bar) can be worth its weight in gold. Much better than bingeing!
Yay I'm an inspiration! I remember when I started and I'd see other people's weight loss and wonder if I could do it... turns out I could! Few weeks time you'll be in the same position inspiring the newbies :D:D:D:D
Really good advice everyone who's suggested an extra pack too - I know that for me an extra shake wouldn't trigger a binge but a meal always has that risk. Although the meal you had (chicken and plain veg) is the best choice if you do decide to have other foods!
Hope all going well today