Bring it on.....

**Moan Alert** feel free to ignore...

So Saturday night again, I can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by!
I'm afraid I had to have a day off....I had the meal I couldn't avoid on Friday and then tried to get back on it but have been laid pretty low with this fluy/coughy thing that I have been moaning about for a whe now. I know I promised to go to the quack last week but I really must on Monday, as I'm begining to get worried now....I'm wheezing away really badly most of the time and I keep hacking and hacking away to the point of retching...and to be hosest I just ache all's been two months now....I have to get myself sorted!!

I'm gonna try and get back into it tom but will have to play it by ear.

Sorry for the moan I just had to get it off my chest - literally!

hope you feel better soon hun.
So it's day 1.....AGAIN!
Am gonna try and take the day really slowly today, no expectations to get anything done and that way I won't be kicking myself later.
I have one guest over for about an hour but it's only tea and bickies so I will just cut up a bar and have a piece of that - not the sort of person to hassle me!

I had about a quater of a biggest looser bar with my coffee this morn - the choc crunch variety are seriously yummy!!

On that note I never fully reported back on my flirtation with other comparable bars:
- asda measure up bars were seriously yum but knocked me clean out of the old ketosis, therefore a serious no-no, however will keep the remainder of the pack at the back of the cupboard for a rainy day where I feel I am waivering and need something - I can cut a small chunck off and enjoy that without too much damage!
-biggest looser bars - wasn't a huge fan of the mint fudge variety, the breakfast bar was yum, but a little too sweet and I ended up feeling hungry (even though I only had a third of one), the choc crunch however is my star - it has less carbs than the exante bars, more protein and is supplement wise pretty much comparable - I feel very full after a small piece of it - gonna have to make my way back to asda to get me some more of those methinks!!

Anyway, I guess these will effect everyone in different ways, but just thought I would report back on how I got on.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday,
I don't mind the Exante bars but its good to know the other options are there in any emergency.

Hope you feel better soon.
morning cookie have a good day hun.
Forgot to mention, my day off cost me 4lbs on the scales :( . Hopefully I will have that off pretty soon though. I really need to smash my way through this 80kg sticking point and into the seventies - it messed me up back in jan and I can't let it do the same again now!! I want to try and keep off the scales for a few days and see if that helps me....not sure if I am strong enough though!!
Thanks guys!
I feel as though I'm having the same issue Cookie. Just can't get into the 12s at all and this has been going on since January as well. This time though we will do it. I know we will.
Me too. I was in the 12s for one day a few weeks past. I stupidly didnt weigh myself last week so dont actually know if i have lost anything. I was 13.8 the other night and was 13.2 the next day, so dont actually know what i started at. What a dumbass.
We shall see on wed morning what the scales read.
We WILL get this licked this time ladies - we have to have a mega push and just DO IT somehow!!

Even if it takes a little little time we will have to break that barrier down!!

thank you ladies you have given me added resolve ..... We CAN do this!

Good luck with weds Julz btw
Thx cookie.

Im hoping i was 13.6+ and have lost lots this week.
Yes we can do this as long as we keep pushing each other.
im also stuck on exactly 13 stone.i keep getting to 12.9 then fall.
Not anymore spyro - we are gonna beat it and be done with it!!
So glad I'm not alone!!

We can do this, Ladies

Your never alone on here babe.....we WILL do it!!!!
Well Madame le ketosis fairy has decided to pay an early visit this time is only a very pale shade of pink but it's pink none the less....I had stopped obsessing over ketostix a while back, but I do want to do a few experiments and work out whether certain things such as coke zero knock me out as I suspect. I also know I get kicked out of ketosis and start to feel hungry if I have a whole bar... Will see what effect a third or if I'm brave a half bar has on the ketosis front.....

I have also decided that when it comes to weigh ins I'm not gonna have a weekly total, it puts too much pressure on and is sooooo depressing when you sts or makes me wanna treat myself if I've done well. This is not to say that I have the will power of steel that some of my fellow exantees are showing when it comes to the scales, rather that I'm gonna weigh in as and when and update my stats as I go along (alas this will probably be daily!!). This way I'm slowly chipping away at the remainder.

It's getting on a bit now and I'm clearly waffling so I best stop. I want bed - I didn't get to sleep till half four last night and Its just hit me that I am totally cream crackered.

Night all


your doing really well!

i was just reading through and saw what you said about weighing in a marking off when ever you lose...that is what i like to do too! i sometimes get told off by people that think that is a stupid idea but i just cant help it - seeing the scales move helps me to stick at it and if they dont move enough i feel poo but most of the time that also helps me to push through to get them down. i have messed up since starting exante last week but im hoping i can behave from now on and enjoy the routine and simplicity that i used to love when i 1st started lipotrim 10 weeks ago. need to get back in the zone!

see you around :D
I feel as though I'm having the same issue Cookie. Just can't get into the 12s at all and this has been going on since January as well. This time though we will do it. I know we will.

you have done fab! you will be in the 12's before you know it.
i want to get to 13 stone 7 then ill be able to picture 12's on the horizon i hope :eek:
but i cant get below 190lb!
i think when ever i get to almost between 190-191lb my mind is telling me i have done so well i should just treat myself and then before i know it iv put 2lb on then i get it off and mess up again!
i need to get below 190lb!!

shame there isnt a group challenge for those that need to PUUUSH!!!! past something? xx