Bump club chat thread! All welcome!

Yeah, Amy. I think what this has taught me is to follow my instincts when it comes to eating healthily and just try to remember stick to the healthy options when the chocolate calls me. When I first started "following" SW I had not had any chocolate in weeks and did not crave it either. But I had to use my syns so I decided to buy a pack of two finger Kit Kats as they were allowed and within my daily limit. Well, it set off a huge chocolate craving and I ate it every day for a looong while after that! So now I'd rather just stick to what I normally do.

Amazingly, I only started this two days ago, but in those two days I have 'lost' 1 1/2 pounds, taking my weekly gain (I normally weigh in on a Wednesday) to 1/2 lbs, whereas for the past 8 weeks my average weekly gain has been 1 1/2 pounds!!!

Has MW appointment today - bump is already measuring 2 weeks ahead and it is quite early on so still plenty of time for more. With my last I was about 5 cm over at the end and he was 10 1/2 lbs.... Looks like I am having another heffalump!
My new healthy eating plan seems to be going better than SW still. 'Official' weigh in on Weds, but so far seem to have more or less stayed the same for two weeks! :) Very happy with that as I am not aiming to lose anything, just control the weight gain.

Not been on for a couple of weeks, so thought I would drop by and see how everyone is doing:)

This week I have gained 2lbs...this is the first gain since I was 20wks, I am now (very nearly nearly)33wks!! So I have now gained 1st 1lb overall......Everyone keeps commenting on the fact that I look like I have lost weight, especially around the face/arms/legs, it is very bizarre!! I am not going to complain, but it has obviously put me at ease and I have eaten a ton of junk food this week, hence the 2lb gain haha.

I am not too worried as I doubt I will gain over a stone in the next 7wks and I had set myself a target of 2st max weight gain in this pregnancy.

I am surprised I have eaten so much lately as I get chronic heartburn/acid indigestion after eating anything. I suppose the Gaviscon is so good I am relying on it far too much:rolleyes:

Baby Prep....
I have now bought the cot and drawers that have gone in the boys room, so that ds3 can share with the boys and the baby can have his cot and drawers, so I am feeling a lot better...I even have a few packs of nice new bottles and a tub of Aptamil (formula) at the ready, along with newborn sized nappies, which look teeny compared with ds3's size 4+ nappies:p I am not buying any new clothes until s/he is here as I have quite a few nuetral things left over. I also have a bin bag of boys clothes saved from ds3 and a bin bag full of girls clothes that a kind lady at the school gave me:D

I just wish someone else could give birth for me, I don't wanna:cry:

Hope you are all doing well xx