Calirose's diary!! Gunna be slim for the first time in my life!!

Uh oh to the bad eating, but yay to being back on track! Think of that no gain as a second chance - your body is trying to work with you here haha! I know you can do it, and hopefully hormones won't get the better of you for another few weeks now haha :p x
Yeah I will skip my period for next month (the joy of the pill). I tend to have a TOTM then skip one, then have one again, cus I get such bad headaches and stuff, that I can't deal with it every month! So hopefully my food wont be too affected for another 42 days aha!! :D x
I totally suck at keeping up with my diary and the site atm, just soo busy with uni! Been sticking to my plan this week though, so I'm happy. Going to go to aquafit tomorrow hopefully, so lets hope I lose some more pounds this week. My friends at uni have been saying im looking slimmer today before I said about my diet, so clearly something is working. :D x
OK so I have been an absolute failure! After doing so well at the start, I lost all my motivation when I went back to uni and then my school placement started and half term and my birthday! I neeeeeeeeeeeeed to focus and keep trying, it's just so hard when I wake up at 6am and then don't get back from school until 6-7pm and then having to cook a meal and plan lessons and try and fit exercise in as well? It's a nightmare!!! But I need to stop making excuses and just do it or I'm going to stay chubby forever! I have to stop with the junk food especially!! So from Monday I am back on my wonderful slimming world diet!! :)
Definitely!! You have done so well so far though! How much have u lost in total now?!! :) x
Yay, welcome back hun! Getting myself sorted out properly now, I will get back on it and do well! We can do it :) I think you're right - the best way to stick to it is to be on here and keep getting motivation and encouragement from everyone! x
Thanks Laura! Yeah I am definitely more likely to stick when I'm on these boards! I just find it soo hard when I'm at school/uni but I need to just make more effort or I am never gunna get to my 10st ever!!!!
Wow Emma that's awesome congratulations!! I'm so jealous!! Nearly a stone eek!! x
So I have been a complete failure!!! I have disappeared off and gotten a bit fatter again! :( I suck!! I have no will power at all. But I'm back...hoping to lose the weight my fat arse has gained and some more! Not going sliimming world or anything, just going for a counting calories (1500 a day)!! I realised all the diets were just annoying me, whereas with 1500 calories I can eat what I want as long as I stick to the calories! So here goes...