Cambridge Diet - Day 3 - Funny taste in my mouth!

Well done Tweed, do you feel better for having a little time to chill??

I am a little down today, but had my 1st wiegh in and have lost 9Lb, so feel pretty good for that :D xx
Hi Jazzy,

I have decided that CD is not me anymore as I was just so dizzy all the time.

I have changed to my own version of the Atkins diet, high protein low carbs and low calories.

I lost a 1lb on the first day (sunday) and stayed the same this morning which is good as I expected I would actually gain some weight having been on CD.:)

I feel much better now I have some food inside me and still very motivated to lose the weight!

Why are you feeling down?

Tweed x
It is important we find a diet that works for us as individuals, no point pushing yourself along a road that makes you feel ill. So well done for finding an alternative and good luck, keep us informed though, as always good to hear peoples sucess stories. :D

Not sure why I was feeling down, but all good today, back on form and still 100% SS, so fingers crossed when I have my next WI I will see the loss again. xxx
Wow Jazzy what a great loss. Good luck Tweed and hope the Atkins diet works for you, I think it must be really difficult when you have 3 kids and you're doing a degree, to do a VLCD.
Just thought I'd check in and let you know the good news and the bad news...

Bad news I've not lost anymore weight and have moved onto normal eating.:(

Good news is I've not gained any weight since I came off CD so I'm still 10lbs lighter.;)

I think once I get back from holiday I might give CD another go for a week again to shift some more pounds.

Jazzy looks from your weight loss CD suits you, you must be so proud and skinny now!:D

Hi Tweed,

Glad to hear you have managed to maintain your loss.... I think that is as hard as trying to lose it, so good job!!! I had Saturday off the SS as I was holding a big family party for my dad and decided I was going to enjoy and relax... It was a great day/evening, and it was nice to eat solid food again not to mention a vodka or 3 :D, but decided I would go straight back on the SS as of Sunday Morning... OMG how hard has it been to start it again... trying to get back into Ketosis again is tough... but it's Tuesday and I have stuck with it... I didn't put and lbs on, but have not lost any yet either. so still standing at 21lbs, which I am happy with.

Next WI is on Saturday morning, so we shall see what happens then. Hope you have started to notice a slight loss now, as seems to help the motivation. xxx:D