Carbs reintroduction issues? - Nausea, gas and headaches - help please


Hey all

Does anyone else have this problem when trying to reintroduce carbs?

I am going away tomorrow for a few days and wanted to bring myself out of Ketosis just enough but still stick to a low carb diet which is how I want to be eventually after slim and save anyway due to some carb and blood sugar issues

I have had a 30g bowl of Branflakes ( no sugar) and a splash of semi skimmed milk and within 2 hours I feel sick, gas, and a headache!

Before xmas I did the refeed after my first 12 weeks and I followed the refeed menu and from 2 days in I had stomach pains, nausea, tiredness, headache, extreme bloating and feeling really crap for about 5 days which I blame on the carbs totally

I wondered if i may have carb problems or gluten or if everybody gets these issues when coming out of ketosis in general?

thanks Kat
My advice is not to add back those types of foods at all. there is no nutritional need for carbohydrates in the body (other than those provided from vegetables). I lost 50 pounds last year and kept it off by staying low carb. this means no wheat, bread, pasta, potatoes. It is much easier to simply not add the foods back into your diet than to need to remove them again at a later date.

If you want to understand the reasons why wheat is so harmful to our bodies and why it can cause the symptoms you describe try reading Wheat Belly. Many of us get ill when we eat wheat products and this is a good indication that it simply isn't what we should be eating. your blood sugars rise, you get hungry, you feel bloated and you an feel sick. Why put yourself through all that when you don't need to eat it?
Did you add more carbs to come out of ketsois though while staying low carb?
If so what foods?
I agree with what you are saying as I think i was borderline type 2 diabetes and i got gestational D when i was pregnant 4 years ago so I do think that my blood sugars / insulin don't handle carbs very well
When I come off S&S for good I want to still stay with the low carb lifestyle but increase them slightly so i'm not in a permanant ketosis so i had already decided to not eat rice, pasta and potatos or normal breads again
I had thought that a healthy cereal and some rye bread may have been enough every day to increase my carbs while staying low carb but maybe i can't handle the cereal either

kat x
I might be a lone wolf when I say this - but I have read extensively on this and I can find no evidence which indicates that you need to come out of ketosis at all. Why would you want to? ketosis offers you a reduced hunger, even blood sugar levels and no regain of weight. if I do eat carbs (I mean more than 20grams) they are almost always of the vegetable variety and non-starchy. Most of my carbs now come from dairy such as cheese and cream.However if i put on a few pounds, it is these things which I have to remove from my diet to get back down again.

Spend the next few weeks, while you are transitioning to real food to see what affects you and what doesn't. read loads and use the way you feel to indicate what you should be eating. please don't eat anything which makes you feel awful - it just makes no sense. try to understand what your body needs and is asking for. listen to it when it tell you "no!". because your body knows what it needs better than you do.

of the women in my original LL class, I am the only one who has maintained for a year. I put that down to my low carb diet. they focus on calories and this is a path to madness, hunger and failure - I think.
I got all of this when I had a week off at Christmas. I planned it, and ate carbs again for that week as an experiment and it was just plain awful. I even got arthritis back in my hands. I know it's no coincidence either as I've come out of ketosis in Marrakech - I planned to stay on plan, but didn't think it through properly and it just didn't work out - and even with a limited amount of carbs (pastries for breakfast) I had the same - bloating, gas, hideous gas pains and feeling generally shocking!

I'm now going to rethink my future plan, my intention was always to stay low carb as I feel so much healthier without the effects of eating, but these couple of days away have warranted further exploration into what my carb intolerances actually are I think.