CarolineM's new improved diary

Wasn't so good myself last night but I'm eating around 2,000 cals which although no doubt too much means I do lose over time.

Should really get cracking though on some serious effort!

Hoping to go to Poland with mum in May next year and it would be nice if I don't have to ask for the extender belt - would also be great if I could lose some weight and impress the relatives :D

we will it together.;););)
Good morning :D

Had the vanilla porridge and banana for breakfast with a massive mug of coffee.

Weekend fell apart at the seems but did get some walking in.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend :D
OOO vanilla porridge sound yummy ... is that a new DC thing? ... Is it branded?

Don't worry about the weekend - back on track now tho' Missis!!! ;)

Have a lovely day! xx
Yep, it's DC's own - got an odd taste as it has banana in it as well as vanilla but I like it.

Yes mum hehe! I shall be good, honest :D

Seriously, I would like to at least manage a day without cracking!!
Ooh I believe I see the sun hehe! I was woken up real early by the sound of heavy rain against the window, followed by the sound of a hyperactive kitty wanting attention.

Just had a Nakd Apple Pie bar for breakfast as wasn't feeling like granola. Today is that lovely tomato soup for lunch with the sausage casserole for dinner. Yum yum :D It's more winter food but today feels a bit winterish :)

Got to stick to the diet as my next delivery is 23 July and I'm gonna be stockpiling boxes. Have already put the order back by over a month so don't want to do it again. So, day 2 here I come :D
Ooh I believe I see the sun hehe! I was woken up real early by the sound of heavy rain against the window, followed by the sound of a hyperactive kitty wanting attention.

Just had a Nakd Apple Pie bar for breakfast as wasn't feeling like granola. Today is that lovely tomato soup for lunch with the sausage casserole for dinner. Yum yum :D It's more winter food but today feels a bit winterish :)

Got to stick to the diet as my next delivery is 23 July and I'm gonna be stockpiling boxes. Have already put the order back by over a month so don't want to do it again. So, day 2 here I come :D

You go girl, we will crack the day 1, soon it will be the week 1 and so on.

this weight will go just when ehhhh????
Morning all :)

Right due to my forever failing to manage one day I've given myself a good talking too. Have told myself that I need to focus on four weeks - I may be able to get down to 18 stone in that time and that will be another barrier under my belt (or should that be off my belt hehe!).

It's sunny today - yay! Here's to a good weekend ;)

*hugs* to you all :D
OOOO listen to you and your new found determination!!! .... well, now that I'm a certified weigh management coach you'd better behave ;) ... (I know - you knew I was certifiable!!)

Shame about the porridge being DC's own - I was hoping to be able to get some. Ah well - never mind x
I wonder if DC will sell it to you separately! I know Go Lower would do that if you asked.

lol Wow, so you are now official certified - congrats :D

Brr, it's like winter today - not good for getting those tomatoes growing/
I wonder if DC will sell it to you separately! I know Go Lower would do that if you asked.

lol Wow, so you are now official certified - congrats :D

Brr, it's like winter today - not good for getting those tomatoes growing/

Hey you how you doing??? i've been weighed and I have lost 3lbs YIPEE!!! :talk017::party0019:

as you can see Im well happy.

Go you, that's a great loss :D

I'm doing great during the day but can't get the evening right.

Am hoping to be able to get it together by trying to keep busier, and getting more sleep - I get tired, I stuff my face. It seems to be the one constant.
I get tired, I stuff my face. It seems to be the one constant.

Oooooo - I'd love to get my hands on you with my newly learned techniques LOL! - Not something that can be done remotely though unfortunately! (Or fortunately perhaps from your point of view ;)) xx
Phew, that's a relief hehe!

Have finished work for the day and am about to chase the little kitty around the garden to wear him (er, me) out :D
Me lol

Sorry not been around - not been too well but okay now :)

I've been reading that for some, the only way to lose weight is to give up the social life - think that may just apply to me :p

Ooh you'll make the 13 stone bracket this week hopefully :D
There you are!

Sorry you haven't been well - hope you're all better, you haven't had the piggy flu have you?

I don't personally agree with giving up the social life while shifting some weight. I think that can add to the possible feelings of deprivation (I nearly said depravity! LOL :)) I didn't even do that when on Lipotrim - but each to their own obviously.

Best of Luck xx :) xx
Nah, not piggy flu although I'm surprised I'm not more vulnerable to catching it lol :p

Yeah, I know what you mean - I just don't seem to have will power. What is will power anyway? Feel free to give me a good kickin' cos I need it.

Of course, on the plus side of things, I've got regained. I'm floating just under the 19 stone mark so can't complain. A maintain is good, but I'd love to get in the zone long enough to lose another stone.
Well that's good you've stayed the same!

Will power .... hmmmm contraversial! Will power never works - all it does is create conflict between 2 things that you want. What wins is what you want more 'at that precise moment in time'. If your overall desire to be slimmer is strong enough you wouldn't need will power because you wouldn't be tempted. If it isn't (albeit unconsciously you understand!) - ah well - that's where a weight management coach comes in ;) xx
Having a proper restart today. I want that 18 stone and I'm gonna get that 18 stone so there :p

Anyone who stands in my way, prepare to suffer my wrath muahahahaha