CarolineM's new improved diary

I'm working so will be in bed day times but hope the rest of you have a good 'un! x
Hi all... hope you don't mind me posting here again!
How have your weekends been? It's been raining here all day. Blah. :(
I've been in bed all day so have missed the weather. I've not been too 'good' foodwise I'm afraid and will pay the price when I get weighed when I get up tomorrow afternoon :eek:. This maintenance lark isn't easy I can tell you!!
Morning all :D

Feel free to post as much as you like - it's a big social thread really :)

My weekend also went to pot. If I'm good for the today and tomorrow I may manage to stay the same come Wednesday. Weekends can be so difficult.

Jan - I'd imagine there are bound to be weeks that aren't as good as others. I've heard it said that losing is easier than maintenance - I'm not even going to think about it hehe! Good luck for WI. You can always lose it next week ;)
I'm the same as Caroline as regards the maintenance issue - don't even wanna think about that yet lol.
Jan, I'm sure everyone has their bad days and you'll be back on the wagon in no time. :)
Awww thanks guys. I gained 1lb ... could have been a lot worse and I'm still under goal but am doing some serious bud nipping so's it doesn't get out of hand!

Yeah - maintenance ain't easy I'm afraid. It's like being cast adrift without a paddle or a compass. (ooo must write that one down ..... oh yeah - just did ;))
Now I know before I lost the weight I'd have scoffed and thought 'what a wonderful problem to have - what are they moaning about?' And I would rather be where I am now than looking at all those unwanted lbs on the scales - well, AND in the mirror!
I guess it's like everything else in life .. each stage, each situation brings it's own challenges and difficulties. It's easy to think that the grass is greener. Even now I think it was soooo much easier TFRing than trying to even things out now but I'll get there!! :)

Another daunting thought I only heard the other day. Apparently you have to maintain for 5 years until you can say you've cracked it ..... ho hum .... Only 4 years, 45 weeks and 6 days to go then :eek: xxx
1lb? Ah, that's not so bad! In fact, I think you should be proud of yourself. :)
I can't believe that - 5 years? Crikey! That does seem like a very long time but if we change our entire lifestyles and adapt to healthy food and exercise then hopefully after a while it'll seem like the most natural thing in the world. Although I know that's much easier said than done. :eek:

Just watch those 4 years, 45 weeks and 6 days fly by. You can do it! :D
1lb is probably just water or glycogen - will soon shift.

Five years :O To be honest, I've always considered it to be like being an alcoholic - once you have the problem it's a life long thing, some days being better than others. You will have to let us know in 4 years, 45 weeks and 5 days what it's like ;)

Finally had a good diet day - yay! Did 20 mins free step on the Wii too - yay!

You know, I'd feel a lot better in myself if we actually had some sunshine - I miss that nice hot weather.

Right, off to make a big mug of coffee - an excellent filler upper hehe!
Go Caroline! :D
I ordered a Wii yesterday so I'm gonna combine that with some brisk walking each day. I can't wait to try the EA Sports Active 30 day challenge thing - it looks like fun (although hard work I'm sure!)

It was quite sunny here earlier but it's gone all gloomy again. :( Ah well, hopefully that big mug of coffee will make you feel better!
Ooh I'm so chuffed :D

2.25 lbs gone yay!

Wow, can't believe I didn't post yesterday - it was a busy day though.

How's you all doing?
Yay Caroline, that's awesome! Congratulations! :D
Doing pretty good here - loving the food and generally feeling optimistic about everything (apart from the rubbish weather, ugh!)
How's you? :)
Great result Caroline - well done :) xx
Thanks all :D

Phew, my fingers are sore hehe! Work is mega-busy which is great - more money for the pot.

Rain - boy did we have rain this morning. For a moment I thought I was in a car wash! With flashing lights and sound effects lol

Sushi for dinner - having a non-DC day as I'm bored :D

Hope everything is having fun :D
Ooooooo Sushi! Mmmmmmmm

I saw a couple of pouches of food in Tescos yesterday. They weren't 'Look what we found' I can't remember what the make was but they looked very similar. There was a Morrocan Tagine - I think it was chick pea, I know it looked nice & if I hadn't got so many pouches left I'd have got one to try. There was also a fragrant curry - chicken I think - looked very similar to a 'weight to go' one I've had from avidlite in the past.

Just a thought if you're bored.

We had some terrible rain in the night, I don't know what it's been like all day but it's beautiful now (6.30pm) ... well it looks beautiful - I don't know how warm it is!

I'm really glad work is going well for you Caroline. You must be really self-motivated, look after those fingers!! :) xx
Morning all :D

Sorry Diversity - I totally missed your post! Blame old age and bad eyesight lol How's it going? When is your WI day?

I'm aiming for a 2lb loss this week - nothing too much.

Have been very good on the Wii - finding the free step quite addictive but wish the board was higher. I don't want to add one of those risers though - they look kind of naff!

Jan - I shall take a look. I think I just like a change to fish every now and then. I hope one day DC will introduce some fish dishes.
No worries Caroline, it happens to the best of us! :D
It's going really well and my first official WI is next tuesday morning. I'm not hoping for a miracle but a decent loss would be nice. :p
Do any of you play EA Sports Active on the Wii?
Hi guys. I'm not having a very good weekend... still sticking to everything 100% but I wish there was more choice for breakfast/lunch. Also I'm really missing bread, aching all over from the Wii and was craving chocolate quite badly yesterday. I feel a bit better today though and there's no way I'm going to give up! :D
How's everyone doing?
Well done for sticking to it despite the way you've been feeling.

I've had a shocking day intake wise but a lovely one at the christening of 2 of my grandsons. I'm thinking I might give wi a miss tomorrow :eek: :) xx
Hi everyone - Jan you have done so well ! I am slowly catching up on everyone's posts and plan to be around as much as poss. I could make up lots of excuses but I know it is all down to me. So here I am ready to go !:D
....and Caroline you are doing great and still here... which is more than I have managed - how do you all manage to sustain it - I have to be stronger this time - I agree with the alcoholic comparison tho' !!!
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Nice to see you Laura - I had wondered how you were! Don't beat yourself up - life happens.
Are you going to carry on 'Cheffing' ? xx