Cas's weightloss diary x

Thanks Caroline and yes we can! I actually had a rubbish weekend, I'm fed up with the toilet training I have a really stubben little girl here! she's 3 in 3 weeks she was doing brilliant and now she can't be bothered!

So eating was the best part of my weekend! but need to get back into dieting properly now, so far been lucky to keep weight off but I'm hardly losing anymore so going aim for 1000 cals for next 2 days. There's only 4 months till summer and really don't want to feel frumpy then x
You do amazing with your exercise cals I think that is what I need to boost the loss I am nearly there with the food I only end up a little bit over but if I had more exercise going on I might lose a bit quicker , also need to tone up as going along inches are as important as the pounds really , hope the floor goes well
And doesn't cost to much kids are causing chaos for all of us this week by the sound of it
My nearly 3 yr old is always causing chaos in our house lol been ask to go to see my granddad at the chapel rest on Saturday feeling so nervous about it! so this week might not go to plan with food but I'm going try my best.

B- Morrisons Trim bar x 2 and cuppa -164 cals

L- Jacket potato and beans -337 cals

D-Chicken breast, jacket potato and low fat coleslaw - 452 cals

S-skips, 1 chicken nuggets nu cereal bar 221

Total so far 1273 29 pro points.
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Thinking of you hon, I found seeing my work friend in the chapel of rest very comforting and once I had been I felt very calm afterwards so it might help Hun but everyone is different x I m here if you need me send a pt message of you want x x.
That's a great goal completly achievable on have faith in you , excercise calories great as always till on wednesday
My little girl

Yay that's fab,I been on and off like yoyo I find the weather effects my mood too, going and try and keep myself busy. This week I've done well with exercise so at least that is something but been ending the day at nearly 1400 cals.

I pop into boots earlier and they were selling of chocolate caramel shapers bars at 20p- Bargin!! their really nice if you fancy a chocolate fix and their only 93 cals and 0.9 saturated fat.


B- Chocolate shape bar

L- 2.5 slices of small wm hovis, small spread of pate.

D- Breaded cod, jacket potato and veg.

S- Chocolate caramel bar, 2 choc nu cereal bar

Total cals- 1109. Calories burnt 446.
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