Cas's weightloss diary x

1lb down is still a loss so be happy!! :D
I'm feeling much the same right now, a big bloaty mess. Hopefully it'll pass for you and me both!
Well done on your loss Cas I sts I'm gutted was really good too was losing all well then wham suddenly 2lb heavier on wi.
I'm doing Zumba, spinning and pump exercise classes next week so I'm hoping all will be okay. I'm currently 4lb heavier this morning as I had Chinese and wine last night but I needed it. Apart from that all I had yesterday was 2 chicken rolls and a wispa so I'm sticking to dailies now xx
Weighed myself just 1lb down, no dwelling just going get on with it.
WELL DONE - another one bites the dust forever!!!
I feel I've put on a stone feel so bloated and yucky, thanks Ladies.
Cas when I had my appendix out I was bloated after the op (emergency) really bad - didn't help that I had loads of trapped wind from the op itself - but I was told by the nurses to drink peppermint cordial (neat) like a shot measure before every meal - it really helped - if I feel bloated I stick to water or peppermint tea - the feeling generally passes within 24 hours

Cas - I found this hope it helps?

drink LOADS full of water! water drains the bowels, which will release the pressure from the bloating!

Here are some tips to avoid this embarrassing problem:-
1. Make sure that you do NOT talk too much when you are eating- as you also swallow a lot of air which only adds to the problem!
2. Always eat slowly and sit down!
3. Make sure that any ill fitting dentures are changed so that you eat more efficiently and that includes the important task of chewing which is vital for good digestion.
4. Drinking water after consuming dairy foods can help with the bloating effect.

Avoid These Foods
Legumes: Especially dried beans and peas, baked beans, soy beans, lima beans.
Milk Products: milk, ice cream, cheese.
Vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, sauerkraut, kohlrabi, asparagus
Root Vegetables: Potatoes, rutabaga, turnips, radishes, onions
Fruits: Prunes, apricots, apples, raisins, bananas.
Cereals: - Wheat and flour products.

Most people find that if they eliminate wheat and flour products, their bloating nearly always improves.
Wow great advice Donna, going read through it probably to be honest I'm just little bit bloated from rubbish I've been eating and I've gained a little bit from the week before which needs to be shifted!!

I'm definitely going make sure I rink my 2 litres of water and cut down on fizzy diet coke- I'm addicted! also I been eating a lot more wheat stuff like cakes, bread and biscuits so I'll cut them out.

Ladies hope your all with me going try really hard over the next 2 mths to get this weight shifted I wanna feel great for when we eventually get some summer!

Tez- you've done amazing since having Naomi but we're very similar we tend o have our good an bad weeks but once we into it we do really well. Zumba looks fun would love to give that ago so might invest in the dvds and do it at home x
Well today:

B- apple - 0 pps
Alpen light -2pps

L- 2 nu me sausages and egg- 8pps

D- Chicken, carrots, peas, jacket potato- 10pps

S- 2 nu me cereal bars, chocolate mini roll (evening treat)

27 pps- 1140 cals.

Going do loads of house work now while the girls are watching the new tinker bell movie, then if the sun stays out going take them for a walk around the lake.
Well sticking to 1200 cals and planning my food so I'm eating slightly less carbs but I'm not completely banning them and if I do start to feel deprived then I start eating them again.

Now Emily's back at school and weather its starting to get nice going make I walk everyday with lo's in the buggy- so should burn around 500 cals each day!

So thinking if I'm potentially-burning off 500 cals, 1200 should be a good number so I should be able to have Saturday as a treat day :)

Still got the nasty bug in the house Maisie and Hollie both woke up at 4ish and started throwing up, they seem ok this morning it was strange how they were sick at the same time.

So today:

B- nu cereal bar and cuppa-3pps

L- 2 lowfat sausages and scrambled egg- 8pps

D- Chicken breast, 2 nu me sausages and baked beans -10pps

S- apple, cereal bar and choc biscuit bar. 7pps

Total 28pps / 1137 cals.
I can't believe the girls are sick again - you poor things!

Well Noah went into pre-school fine this morning - was v worried because he was really adamant he wasn't going (made Megan stay in her room and told him Megan had already gone to school)

So glad we are gettign back to normal this week - I am planning to collect Noah from school and walk up to the library and back - need to get some exercise in desperately!

I think you should have a jacket spud with your dinner!
I love jackets wish I could do as well as you on them. How you going? I'm on day one of no chocolate, fizzy pop and bread. Also I'm off to my first Zumba class, I'm looking forward to it but dreading it also I'm so unfit its been 4 years since I was last at the gym xx

your giving up a lot, are you crazy? lol I think it be interesting to see if it makes much difference with wi's- hope it does :)

I'm also giving up bread, but I'm lucky I can go with out bread, just need to think of other quick ideas for lunch- ideas are welcome.
I could never give up my diet coke- love it too much I'd be too irritable if I did so it wouldn't be fair on the girls or Chris.
I found the chocolate challenge so going give that ago from tomorrow, as I had a chocolate mini roll earlier.

I'm ok hardly loss anything since Christmas so really need to stay on track from now on, I'm so fed up with being over weight its really getting me down at the moment.

All good luck for Zumba class its a great start for you then x
I'm meant to be cutting back on carbs- so no spud today :) just going to have a small portion of baked beans instead. I need to get back to where I was at Christmas I actually did well at one point with just eat jacket spuds.
I would take a spud over baked beans every day of the year - I really fancy sausage and mash - what sausages would you recommend?

I love jackets wish I could do as well as you on them. How you going? I'm on day one of no chocolate, fizzy pop and bread. Also I'm off to my first Zumba class, I'm looking forward to it but dreading it also I'm so unfit its been 4 years since I was last at the gym xx
OMG are you mad - you are giving up so much, I must admit I didn't realise how much fizz I drank til i swapped to hot water and lemon, suddenly there are 3-4 bottles of fizz left at the end of each week!

Hope Zumba is fun - I wish I had someone to go with - a lady i know vaguely describes it as "a girls night out minus the wine and hangover" x


your giving up a lot, are you crazy? lol I think it be interesting to see if it makes much difference with wi's- hope it does :)

I'm also giving up bread, but I'm lucky I can go with out bread, just need to think of other quick ideas for lunch- ideas are welcome.
I could never give up my diet coke- love it too much I'd be too irritable if I did so it wouldn't be fair on the girls or Chris.
I found the chocolate challenge so going give that ago from tomorrow, as I had a chocolate mini roll earlier.

I'm ok hardly loss anything since Christmas so really need to stay on track from now on, I'm so fed up with being over weight its really getting me down at the moment.

All good luck for Zumba class its a great start for you then x
My sister allows herself one glass of diet coke a night once she has put kids to bed - omg she is so ratty if she doesn't get it - she literally shakes

Cas don't be fed up - things have been so higgledy-piggledy with the easter break/hols, girls being poorly, you being poorly, crap weather, being stuck indoors

What is your plan now - 1200/WW Points and one portion of carbs a day? and remind me what day do you weigh in?

Come on you are one of my inspirations on here, chin up! xxx
Thanks Donna for the lovely comments and your rep!!

Well update on dinner I'm now baking a potato, I'm forgetting the baked beans, kind of agree jacket spud is much more nicer, more filling and hardly any difference with calories. I'm just going to stick with 1200 cals Sun-fri, Sat-about 2000 ( treat night), going try and aim just to eat 1 portion of carbs a day, but I might have odd day where I eat more carbs and only 1 portion of meat just to mix things up and I'll be wi on Saturdays.

I really don't mean to sound down but had so much going on this year losing my granddad which seems to have really hit me all of sudden, my nan's in hospital now and family are barely talking to each other. Then today some girls at Emily's school said something mean to her- kids can be so cruel can't they.

I would go for Cumberland sausages with mash but it depends what you like -maybe look for a recipe and make some homemade one's or go to a proper butcher. The pork low fat nu me sausages aren't that nice not much flavour in them.

I'm just having 2 cans of diet coke today, with my lunch and tea I used to be addicted to full fat coke but I weaned myself on to diet during pregnancy, so now I can't stand normal coke!. I have to admit some days I could easily drink whole big bottle or 3- 4 cans so going try and aim to stick with 2 glasses and drink loads of water in between.

I wished I had a friend to go zumba with, most of my friends are skinny! xx