Cathys Dukan diary

Oh Happy Birthday i didnt realise babe!!!!!
happy birthday to you........
happy birthday hope your having a good day
happy birthday xxxx have a lovely one x
I did thanks. My friends turned up with a Chinese take away, *shakes head* I had 2 glasses of wine and a couple of Peking spare ribs. What can you do? I was a bit cross with them, they know I am dieting, but I didnt say anything, and they had made me a cake as had the children and I managed to avoid them both. I was dreading eating my friends one, it was a chocolate one with cream in it and I hate whipped cream, but I said I was stuffed and they werent here late anyway . I hope it doesnt do anything to my weigh in, I CANNOT stay the same this week, and I will cry if I have put on, I have been 100% apart from yesterday done lots of exercise plus 1/2 hour walks everyday.
So there we go Ive tried hard so I had better get results!!
im glad u had a good day ,plus being good with the cake and ur friends not being so good with u with the chinese !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Cathy you are sooo good. well whats your WI? You do know birthdays are calorie/carb free days dont you?
Lost a lb so thats fine Still TOTM, and sore and bloated with it thats 12 days now. I am going down to the shore for low tide at 2pm to pick winkles its £100 per bag just now, its back breaking work but getting cash in your hand is fantastic. The tides are rubbish after this weekend so might not be able to do it much after this. Plus its a gorgeous sunny day today. best go tidy up and put some washing on no point wasting the sunshine
hey cathy hope u enjoyed ur winkle picking and i do hope ur doing ok ur totm seems really long

take care !!!!
Hi all, just on briefly, going out winkling again in a bit, just got to vacuum first so I can come home to a nice clean house :)
Kids are on half term just now, which is nice with Dh being off at the same time.
I was looking at my weight loss and have decided its not coming off quick enough, so I am going to do Atkins attack for a week see if that can give me a kick start, then go back to cruise, its not fair I always stall after loosing a decent amount of lbs, but this time I havent given up like I usually do, so I think if I just have protein for a week then ease into cruise that should do it. Plus I am running out of oat bran and wont have enough if I eat it this week. I'm off into town in a week or so to get Emma new shoes for school. I did ok on Atkins before but hated the fat, but there doesnt seem to be that edge to it now, with the 'New Atkins'.
Well I definitely wont starve, we have a freezer full of venison , I will be sick of it and longing for chicken by the end of the week lol
Cathy, do you not think atkins is similar to dukan on cruise (without the fat) or do you think the 20 g carbs will give you kickstart? i.e. no oatbran/wheatbran, yog or milk?

I hope you do well hon, cos that kickstart helps us believe in ourselves again xxx
Good luck Cathy - I'm sure the Atkins folk will be able to help you.

(maybe way off, but maybe it's the coil - well the hormones - preventing the weight-loss?)
It's great that you haven't given up and have hung in there even when your losses haven't been as good as you had hoped but remember that each and every slip, however small, contributes to slowing our progress particularly if we slip in and out of ketosis. And with carb levels in Atkins even lower that Dukan, I would have thought the phenomenon will be just the same there, surely? Vicky?

I wish you luck whichever way you go but for faster weight loss, 100% is the way to go... hard that it might be I know...
I know what you are saying, but its so disheartening when I'm doing the same as everyone else and not getting the same results, I STS for 3 weeks, I very nearly gave up, but I didnt, I just seem to have a body that likes to stay the same all the time, I managed to stay the same for 5 years doing slimming world and weight watchers and an hour of aerobics everyday, I didnt loose a blessed thing, on SW I did but only about 3lbs and that went back on when they brought out the diet that was a mixture of the red & green days. So low carb/fat is certainly what I am sticking to, I'm not going over to Atkins from here, just not having oat bran and yogurt, just a kick start, then next week I will go back on cruise, I have done so well , I cant believe i lost 12 lbs, its more than that really because I didnt count my practice run when I was waiting for the book etc, its about 15lbs, so I know it works, but I'm just very good at stalling and I cant let my self get upset about it or I may just think sod it no diet works, when clearly this Dukan one does. So sort of trying to trick my body into something, lol, not sure what but hope it works, just till Friday morning, hopefully.
Cathy, if it's any consolation I've not lost much more than you (and I started a wee bit earlier so have maybe a week advance on you). Also TOTM has lasted a while for you this month, maybe you'll have a huge loss once the excess water goes?

I'm sure it will go (and on the positive side, if you're good at stalling, then the weight will stay off once you've lost it. Every cloud...).