Cathys Dukan diary

Hi Cathy :)

Glad you're sticking with Dukan - I think that another "attack" phase could be beneficial - I just had a quick skim read of Dukan book and pages that feature the "Stagnation Plateau" are:

287, 289-95, 300, 301-2

some quotes from the book

"The truly determined will of corse get their results by following the diet but the risks are high as it is difficult to foresee how long a stagnation phase may last. As a pre-emptive strike, I prescribe what I call a 'blitz operation' over a very brief period of time that dictates:

- 4 days of the Attack diet's pure proteins without any deviation
- Restricting salt intake as much as possible
- 2 Litres of water with a low mineral content
- Getting to sleep as early as possible (sleep before midnight is much more beneficial than after)
- Adding a plant detox agent to drinks to eliminate any hidden water retention

The 6 elements make up my anti-stagnation shock prescription and very often it is the walking that makes all the difference."

"When stagnation is unmerited and unexplained, and no cause can be identified such as high water retention, thyroid deficiency, hormonal imbalance or use of weight gain-inducing medicine (cortisone, anti-depressants), it is advisable to increase walking from 30-60 minutes a day for 4 days. This can be split into two 30-minute periods."

Hope this helps hun xx
Thanks I upped my exercise last week and made sure I walked really fast and got out of breath, plus I have been winkling for 2-3 hours at a time, and making sure I have been drinking 2 litres of water, only decaff coffe when I am desparate for one. I must say I feel better in myself not having had any yogurt this week or sugar free jelly funny enough. I will get there. I am just making a few tweaks to the diet this week, I havent had oat bran, will have that next week and try it every other day. the IBS thing put me wrong too, just as I thought I had everything under control especially veg wise, but salad seems ok, like iceberg lettuce and cucumber, so maybe I will have more PV days next week, ggrr its all such a pain. Will read the book again too this week so I can get ready for next weeks cruise
Best of luck my love...we all see these disheartening stalls then all of a sudden something will happen xxxxx
Thanks Vicky, I hope so, last time I stalled it lasted 4 years!
oh no that cant happen!!! definately up the exercise, cut down on the dairy. also are you having citric acid in anything you eat drink? (cola, vitamins???) as this can stall.
I'm sure you'll get a loss on Friday, Cathy. Can't understand why you wouldn't.

(did you keep any winkles for yourself?)
No Laura they are all headed for your shores lol though I cant imagine why anyone would want to eat them.
Yes I hope to have a loss by Friday, though am enjoying being on this diet, I have gone off oat bran a bit, its not cold enough for porridge and my frying pan is at the end of its life so every galette I had recently was scrambled. I may do this another week then go back to cruise, it will give me a boost. I must say I feel so much better for not eating much yogurt or veg, just salad.
So all good here.
Glad you're feeling better Cathy...
hope it sorts itself out hun , im sure a con trick for your diet is a good way , i used to do it ..... fingers crossed for a loss xx
Hey Cathy? Wherefore art thou?
I am here, difficult to get time to be on at the weekend. Everything going ok, sad news, my scales died, they were in the bathroom below the cistern and water has dripped in to them :( I am so sad and I know I cant afford new for a while.
Anyway trying my best, my clothes are still loose, we have a christening in November so am being extra good lol. Dh is off still because of his hand and driving me potty with his eating, he can go for ages without eating, where as I need to eat little and often and I feel I am eating too much, I'm not at all but I find myself sneaking bits of chicken out the fridge, its really silly, he knows I am dieting, but its just the way I am. He was meant to go back to work today, but his had is still sore and the wound didnt look nice at all yesterday, they have put a dressing on it but it's not on properly its square and doesnt fit on because the wound is between his thumb and finger, and its just not on right. He has an appointment today at 12, so he will be going to it at 11.30, then I can cook some stuff in case he comes back with another flipping week off. But I am still here, also the kids are off, which means constantly cooking, bah. Still as long as my clothes keep getting loose I am happy, I actually look much much better, I have a long sleeved top on that was tight round the hips when I wore it with jeans, but now it looks really good on. I know I still look fat but I can see a difference and keep looking at myself in the window reflection ;)
Hey there Cathy, and glad to hear you're ok!

Have you taken your measurements? They're always a good gauge as to how things are going and, as you say, if your clothes are loose... perhaps you could find something TIGHT in your wardrobe, and use THAT as a gauge each Friday... hang in there...

I hear you ref your husband not eating much and finding yourself pinching food so as not to look "greedy". I do this too... Even though other people are eating more calories than me, I can't bear those "surely she's not eating again" looks (usually invented by me!).

Chin up... if he comes back with another sick note, hmm... and kids off too... perhaps he might be encouraged to take the little ones out for a LONG walk, leaving you some peace and quiet!
Am trying to think what my clumsy dolt did when his hand was out of action (and he was under my feet for 2 months:(). I think he DIYd as much as he could just using the heel of his injured hand (or sometimes me) to support things. Suppose it depends which hand it is...

Too bad about the scales, however I wish I could ditch mine and just go by clothes now as I hate stepping on them. Once I've finished with conso, I'm never doing scales again (I hope).

School holidays here start on Friday evening. Am praying it won't rain for the duration so we can get out and about.
Phew I am so glad I'm not the only one who does that re the eating, I just end up feeling guilty. He has been not too bad though, he has been taking Emma out and she loves being out with her daddy.
Yes I have been measuring myself, and I cant remember when, but I was doing the Rosemary Conely diet a while back and I got a measuring tape that has holes all along where you put a plastic marker at the start point, say your waist is 38 inches you put a permenant marker there, then there is another removable marker that you snap off and put it on the next hole so you can see how much you have shrunk. I have lost 5 inches off my waist since I put the permanent marker on, cant remember when that was though, I'm sure it was February, but it stayed there for months now its 5 inches smaller, i cant believe it!! When I look at it I just cant believe it at all. so something is going right lol. Best get off and cook some chicken and salmon before his highness comes back.

Oh going for a hair cut on Saturday cant wait :) I can hardly see my hair is in my eyes all the time
Cathy - well done on the inches babe. i wonder if the no scales but tape measure is the best for us all?
|Could be the way to go, I was about to hyperventilate at first when I stepped on them the other day and they wouldnt work, but I think its good at the mo really because i do tend to step on them too much