CD Bars.....

Lovin' the bars and know they take a longer time to eat. A great advantage in my book as it feels like a meal.
The only thing that scares me is it sometimes feels like my fillings may fall out. Been lucky so far.
That said, still prefer them to shakes & soups though for the feeling of really eating.
Have just opened my first bar, peanut crunch, hmmmmm well its ok and you do get used to it but the bits are soooo crunchy and hard, however saying that it did hve a nice flavour. What i have done is have abit and then put the rest in the fridge so that i can nibble it through the day when the hunger kicks in, have to say i think it might be abit too sickly to eat in one go. Am really looking for wrd to trying the other flavours now, think i shall try malt toffee tomorrow.

Love Busy XX
The first time I had the peanut I wasn't convinced but they do grow on you!

I love the malt toffee ones as I find the other ones too sweet. The only problem is that I just can't cut it up and eat it in stages. Once I've opened it I just gobble it down in about 5 minutes. And then spend about an hour picking it out of my teeth!!
I tend to cut my bars in half and have two different bars if im out (1/2 each). I find they take ages to eat im usually still eating my 1/2 bar when everybody else has finished their food. I also like having the different tastes and textures it feels as if your cheating.