Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

Must be it....! Have a good day hun and keep up the good work. Ur an inspiration! X
Lmao. I get days where those questions really hack me off too. Especially when there are 2 on the same page :eyeroll: but I'm guilty of asking a few myself before I started so I can't really complian, lol ;)
Day 3 Level 2 shred - done....

and i'm only 5 mins late for work and thats only cos i fit into a dress i bought 2 years ago and had to reaccessorise!

also - quick stat check before Friday's 100 day full all over measure - am 25% muscle ...therefore SS and shred have allowed me to maintain my extra lb of muscle since I started in March. I am way more muscle to fat than I have been at this weight...waist is tinytinytiny and I have wonderwoman pins!
Day 99 Day 14 of The Shred

7am this morning
So - it is 14 weeks to the morning that I first stopped eating and the official loss is 3st 12lbs...(but I had lost about 3-4lbs in the previous 2 days so my start weight is down as 240 so I have lost 56lbs or 4st in 100 days!!) tomorrow is my official 100 day weigh and measure...

So I did Day 14 of the Shred - I didn't want to - have been frantically running around all week and the mornings have been tough with only 6 hours sleep and I have another late night tonight. I steeled myself to do it it's always harder and easier than I think it will be once I start going. I have worked out that it is the squat thrusts that jar my back...hmmm. But the pain goes very quickly so I am trying to work out if it is simply drastically underused muscle or me being an idiot.

Anyway - on a rainy tired morning when you have something you really don't want to do that's hard, you really don't want to kick it off by smacking the skull behind your hairline on the corner of your cupboard. Ow. There is a massive red lump. Possibly the pain of that detracted from the Shred.

Ugh - I really do have to get dressed and head out into the rainy morning now. Unfortunate.

I have a monologue to prepare for tomorrow afternoon and I haven't chosen it yet.

Much later at night (11.30pm)
Hilariously I forgot to post this before I left for work. Work was weird. I am tired - "hungry" after about 3ish and really had to sit on the feeling for several hours for the first time in weeks - had to wait til 11.15pm to get two packs down as I went to see Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark and had no way of making a pack up.

In 30 mins it's day 100 - in fact the last thing I ate in the real world before I started was at about 5.30pm on the day before - so yeah - a whole 100 days done.
Amazing, well done. Hope u have good results today.
DRUMROOOOOOLLLLLLLL....Daaaaaay onnnnnnehundreeeeeeed!

Well…I did it. One hundred glorious days of 100% Cambridge Weight Plan-ing. Pretty much to the letter. The official loss is 'around' 4 stone…so 10lbs less than the first ever 100 days I ever did, but I was 16lbs heavier and a lot less active and certainly not building the muscle I am this time round. Also the first time round on Lighter Life there was no such thing as 810 week so I ate 7 less meals.

Measurements? I am
13st 2 (I was 17st 2)*
39.5-32.5-42.5 (I was 46-40-50) I fit into a size 14 - I was starting to bust out of my 20s
My waist is now half my height which means that that's now in the healthy range.
My body fat was 50.9%
It is now 40.9%
I have lost 46lbs of fat

My muscle was 18.9%
It is now 24.9%
I have gained 1lb of muscle

So. Good. All going to plan. Well done me. I am good at this bit. I just have to get maintaining it right. I was reading the blog from the maintenance weeks of Lighter Life and I really am a very very different person to the one I was then. I got a whole lot of stuff going on these days and I'm wayyy closer to my long term life goals than I was back then. It was like I lost 100lbs and then had everything else to do. This time I have been using my free non-food time to multi-task…

Go go go go go ME!
This week in a scary nutshell

(Bear in mind that every day contains The Shred)


Entertaining an very old friend

Hard Work
Night off

Hard Work
Run across town to get weighed
Run back again
2.5 hour readthrough of 2 plays
After rehearsal social

Hard Work
Run across town to the BBC - watch Richard E Grant do a radio play
Spend evening looking for monolgues for radio course

Hard Work (poss the hardest)
Saunter to Waterloo to have a coffee and browse scripts still looking for a monolgue, go and see talk on Tony Wilson featuring brief gig by OMD (with Ray Davies sitting at the front with a brolly)
Get home at 11.15
Practise scripts

Half a day of work
Run across town to radio class, nail monologue in 2 takes.
Hours back home in the bus...to be followed by disco nap, journey to Brixton at 11pm and 1am gig - home by 3.30am (I HOPE)

Up at 9.30 to feed friend's rabbits on the way to rehearsal
11am Rehearsal
3pm Walk over to Royal Festival Hall for free Guillemots gig.
6pm, home, shred, line learning, bed

Up at 9 swim sauna feed rabbits, rehearsal, home start learning more lines for other plays.

Why am I telling you all this?

Who says you have no energy and can't do exercise/have a busy life on a VLCD?

I'm not stressed, I'm incredibly happy and fulfilled and excited by life...food is just a thing...people! doing! running around! is wayyyyy more interesting. I am going to a banging party till 3am tonight, I don't need to eat or drink. High on life, me!
Day 101 - very similar to Room 101 in many respects

I am home earlier than expected because rehearsal finished wayyy earlier than expected and I got caught in a deluge and I had to feed rabbits so I came home.

You may remember that during the first few weeks of this weight loss, I was in a show and the director kept on asking me if I'd eaten and I had to evade questioning quite carefully. You may also know that when I do day long auditions I usually take an extra bar just so I 'look' like I'm eating even if I don't need it at the point I eat it.

Well - today the director brought food for us - simple enough - it's like the cake table at work - just thank them and look like you took something. Oh no. Part of the rehearsal process was actually eating.

Luckily it was croissants and jam and someone had a wheat intolerance - jam did not interest me at all but the director said 'If you don't want to eat can you at least pretend to eat' So I spent 5 minutes with a ripped open freshly baked croissant in front of my nose. It was fine - just - a bit weird. Not torture - but just made me sigh a bit because I did fancy it a bit - but I knew that the carbs would just send me into a sugar binge. I explained it saying 'I'm on a low carb diet at the moment and have been for ages - if I have one bite of something that carby, I will end up sitting in a corner mainlining them' and another actor agreed that this is what would happen so I didn't look like a freak. Phew.

I did my shred

Day 5 and 6 of Level 2 of the shred (So that's 15 and 16 - all fully consecutive!)

Day 15 was where Level 2 felt right - I'm almost entiredly getting the whole thing and making stabs at the full versions of everything for most of the sets.

Day 16 was where it got easy - my dorsals have stopped hurting and I can get some real power into my jumping jacks and plank jacks. I feel so much stronger - The only bits where it's hard is where I'm pushing myself to do the full move perfectly. I'm even starting to look forward to level 3. Yeah.
Day 17 of the Shred

Am quite tired today, so taking it easy. That means that I've swum over a mile and done the shred and been to rehearsal, but still - for me - these days - a quiet day.

Day 17 - so a week of Level 2 done - only 3 days before the OMGYOUWANTMETODOWHAT Level 3
Am almost getting through a full set of plank jacks - still a bit clumpy on the squat thrusts, but my yoga teacher used to yell (contrary to popular belief, they do yell - even the very quiet Buddhist ones) at me about how unspringy I was so I am assuming that this is a life skill I have yet to learn...and 30 small squat thrusts a day is more than the no squat thrusts in over 20 years.

I've also renamed my blog to Keep Off The Arse. Which is a bit blunt and naughty but does what it says on the tin...and as I want the blog to be distinctly about keeping off all the weight I'm losing - welllllll.

Keep off the arse
Week 15 Weigh In (1 day early)

Due to all the rehearsals I've switched my WI night for the next two weeks. It was already a slow week - the scales hadn't budged since last Weds but cutting my official WI day back by a day means I lost just over 1lb.

No biggy. I lost an inch off my hips and bust. I am getting smaller.

And no - I'd knocked the Coke Zero on the head recently cos I didn't fancy it, so it's not that. It might be the exercise, but I know my muscle/fat composition and it's really not that. I am possssibly mid cycle...which always used to cause massive water retention on LL. But yeah - my CDC was all 'you had a great loss last week!' and I stood there going 'Well - you see - I've only lost 7lbs in 4 weeks'

We've agreed to give the 4 litres of water experiment a go. (We're both ex-LLers so we're used to the 4 litres malarkey)

I have my doubts - I'm guessing it's a combo of a natural plateau I usually have at this weight (I think I went straight from 13 something to 12.5 stone on LL) and 18 days of Jillian Michaels (going well thanks, almost died trying to up my reps of plank jacks today but I feel great for it!).

Oh - and yeah - I lost 2 inches...so it's not like nothing's happening - and to be honest when you almost have your size 14 skinny jeans on, who cares if you are obese according to the stupid weighing machine. I AM CERULEAN! HEAR ME ROAR!!!!
Day 19 of the shred done...water intake upped...

Ugh - Stupid water.

But yeah - whoodathunk? I have done 19 days of Shredding. Almost finished Level 2 and get me, I allllmost made it through 30 secs of plank jacks - just needed about 5 more to finish the set - but 26 secs of plank jack action for a rubbishly incompetent jumping person like moi...

Today was a bit tricky - was itching to get home for 2nd pack...but I can't stand having packs at work...yeuuuuch. I almost caved and went for sashimi but Itsu only had nigri and rolls and I just wanted a few slivers of salmon to get through rehearsal so I just had water. Ugh - I could do without being this bored 3.5 stone away from goal. It's bad enough that it's taking a month longer than expected.

I'm still positive and strong and too stubborn to give in, I just need a whinge. I just don;t fancy still doing this SS come September which is what it's starting to look like - I wanted to be on 1500 by my Mum's 60th in late Sept.

Anyway - accentuate the positive! Look at me with the shredding. I'm more Shredded than a Shreddie.
DAY 20 SHREDDED and 13st on my home scales

I was well procrastinating on getting this donw. Turns out I am on a weak ebb...but I not only completd Level 2 of The Shred on fully consecutive days but I did a full set of Plank Jacks. I did, as Jillian so hilariously says Feel. Like. I. Was. Going. TO. DIE! But yes - all done, and I feel stronger and fitter and yes, I am starting to get the cut line down either side of my lateral obliques. Shame about the wobbly belly fat it now rather accentuates!

And rather aptly today I hit 13st. The magic weight - a few pounds now to being just plain Ms Overweight. 29.9 BMI I look forward to your slightly scrawnier arms.

Thoughts before Level 3 of The Shred

I dreaded Level 2 and then I did it. It wasn't that bad. I had to stop a bit and I guess that's what I was annoyed about. Level 3 doesn't have to be as intense as it looks, I can take it down a notch - also my abs are wayyyy stronger now. And I am jumpier and bouncier.
Day 1 Level 3 The Shred

Had Jillian been in the room, there would have been shouting. I did all the cardio (well my legs started to burn during the first set so there was a brief respite) and all the abs and I did a set of Mary Katherines at relatively full pelt, but er - you need way more space than you do for the previous levels and I spent most of my time trying to find a place where my mat could go. I could do the travelling push ups but my form was rubbish - I'm going to have to do them full form because my knees absolutely will not take that much punishment in the modified 'girl' version. I'll move the furniture and think about where my mat should be tomorrow morning. I'll even do a Day 31 as penance for how much I missed in this day due to going 'er - but my sofa is there' and 'ow...coffee table!' Also my weights aren't like hers so the pull up donkey kicky things are a bit annoying. But yeah - I should be doing it full pelt by Day 5. Cor - I'm well strong!
Those Rockstar jumps are a killer!

I knocked one of my ornaments off the bookshelf doing the last set on day 30 grr!
I have to confess I took the rockstars really easily as they scare me - I DON'T DO JUMPING! (Or 3 weeks ago I didn't - tonight I found myself doing a set of double jumpropes to get a bit more energy going in rehearsal)
Day 107? I dunno...so that's 100 days of SS 7 days of 810

It's not plain sailing at the moment. I am having to talk myself down from eating - I have a gap each evening between work and rehearsal that is too short to get home but too long to just sit at my desk so I'm leaving it far too long between packs. If this were a normal bloody summer (all the summers I SS are cursed with downpours) I could happily go and lie on the grass and relax and read a book, but it's too cold to hang about outside in ketosis...so I wandered aimlessly negotiating with myself what I might eat. Luckily I am still doing this to save money so I negotiated down from 'Okay you can have a plate of sashimi at Yo! Sushi' to 'Why not get some prawns from Marks' to 'You daft apeth, you already paid for all the food you really need today'. It wasn't even hunger. It was boredom. So I went and looked at jogging pants and heartrate monitor and 6lb weights so that I can up my weights when I go back to Level 1 of the Shred.

My yoga DVD arrived today. I'm really looking forward to it because I now have the upper body and leg strength to really 'deepen my practice' as the hippies say ;)
Look at that BMI! Look at it! I'm just fat! Not Obese!

Fiiiiinally the scales started to budge again - after weeks of losing barely a thing I too a 4lb drop overnight. I did look at the scales slightly dumbfounded and was a little incredulous...but then I've been a little incredulous of the 9lbs I've lost in the last 5 weeks. The trut will out tomorrow. But just goes to show...lots of things really.

I note with interest that the only difference between this and all the other times round is my water intake. It looks like I lose about 0.75lbs a week less when I'm not drinking more than 4 litres of liquid - hmmm - the truth will out over the next few weeks.