Chala's walkin the weight off! :)

Out again tonight, feeling back on form! Legs getting stronger and people are beginning to comment on my apperance! :D Still using a smaller plate and have got used to smaller portions now so thats a result!

25th Feb - 5.31 miles 1hr 40 mins

I have been reading this read as walking the weight off is my new way forward, it's free and well I can walk already so I'm there.

Today I have restarted once again, last year I went to WW and lost about a stone I think, I can't remember the details, I then went on holiday and didn't go back to WW. Whilst I was on WW I had a gym membership and would go 2 or 3 times a week for an hour at a time, as I stopped going to slimming class, I stopped my gym and cancelled my membership. and then it was christmas time and I thought urgh I will start again in Jan and now it's March and I am 160 pounds.

I did my first walk just down to the park and round, I was surprised I walked 3.2 miles in 60 minutes. Tomorrow I am going to Zumba class for the first time. I plan to walk at least 3 times a week, ideally I would walk 5, I might try to. Even if it is just 1 hour a day, it's one hour that I am not sat at home eating crisps.
Thats great! Walking is easy and I love it! Got to find something you enjoy :) Never got on with the gym, didnt feel comfortable so just started walking haha Good luck with your journey :)
No walking yesterday as I went to zumba instead.
Today I walked home from work which I have done once in 2 years!!
2.5 miles 45 minutes, up hill all the way!

Feeling better for it already!

I usually feel so lethargic after work, I'm half asleep on the bus and sometimes go home for a sleep.
Loving that the lighter nights are on their way back, I can get back out walking the dogs more at night rather than a quick toddle round the park. I prefer to walk on grass or similar as I find walking too much on concrete gives me a pain in my hip.

Is your tracker an app for an iphone? I've not got one yet but hoping to cadge my brother's once he gets his upgrade.
Walked home again today, I've got sore shins though :(
No walk on Friday thought I'd treat myself to the bus, well I wish I'd never, waited 30 mins for it to come, then it was packed, there was road works and a diversion. I was angry!!

Today it's sunny so I am going to the beach no ice cream cone at the end though, had 5 or 6 vodka's last night tsk tsk.

Walk done. 3.8 miles - 1 hour.
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Is your tracker an app for an iphone? I've not got one yet but hoping to cadge my brother's once he gets his upgrade.

No I have a Nokia E71, Endomundo have an app for most phones :)

Havent been walking for a while, had a few health problems, going for a scanon the 22nd so hope to be back to it after that. Feel so bad as I havent been able to do my exercise, its been hard to cope with and my eating has suffered as a result of my low ebb but hopefully things are looking up and I feel abit more positive :) Keep up the walking peeps! I will be back to it very soon, I havent given up! :)
Out walking last night, enjoyed it! Walked to town and back :)

18th March 5.01 miles 1.32 hours :)

Not bad to day I havent walked for a while :)
Just read your thread. Its great to read that others are finding walking a worth while execise. I started walking to help me lose weight in November. I also cut my portion sizes and cut out eating junk food. Since November I have lost 41 lbs and te walking has certainly helped me to achieve this.

Good luck on all your weight loss journeys and ''HAPPY WALKING'' jO X

Awww thats great! Yeah I have discovered that walking is something that i enjoy so am sticking with it :) thats a great result! I too have cutportion sizes and trying to cut out the junk food too, thanks for the encouragement! happy walking to you too Jo! :) x
Well back too it peeps! First tme since the 18th! Am back for good now, feel ready to bite the bullet again haha

29th March - 3.48 miles 1hr 4 mins :) legs hurting a bit haha enjoyed it tho, well down on my exercise for the month so have a catch up to do! :)
only managed a short walk tonight, set off late on and have to be up early tomorrow but like they say any exercise is better than no exercise at all! :)

30th March 1.61miles 35mins
Well the results are beginning to show, seen a few people I haven't seen for a few months and their response was favourable! Not as much in weight has gone, well according to my scales but inches have definatly reduces in most areas, am pleased so need to up the ante now! :) haha
Went walking yesterday, weather was a lovely bonus!

9th April 4.5 miles - 1hr 55 mins

Went walking this morning, feeling good again :)

10th April 3.5 miles - 1 hour 5 mins
Went walking last night managed todo 4.24 miles in 1hr 10 mins :)

Went walking this afternoon with my cousin, really enjoyed it :)
4.07 miles 1hr 12 mins plenty of chatter lol
Lovely day today :) Walking was a bit tough, my legs didnt want to work! I soldiered on though haha

16th April 2.51 miles not sure how long it took, was such a nice day wasnt that bothered haha :)
Only a short one tonight, was a bit of a struggle mentally, hate it when this happens, just glad i went :)

18th April 2.04 miles 37 minutes