Chances of losing weight on holiday?!


Silver Member
Anyone come back from their jolly holidays lighter than before they left?! Or at least STS?

I'm going to have a shake for breakfast and lunch, then will try to have a low cal meal for dinner - my downfall will be puddings and alcohol if I can't abstain. I wondered if anyone had managed to eat and drink in moderation and still lose weight?
Its funny, I have been thinking exactly the same. However, I know I won't be able to stay away from the food.

I defo will take shakes with me and maybe do it every alternate day, so I don't put on quite so much :-/

Saying that, they prob won't see the light of day.

Would be great to hear how others got on during and after holidays.

Jo x
I am going on an all inclusive cruise so don't see me taking any shakes with me. My worry is that I might get ill with eating. I am not planning to go over the top and try to stick to salads and protein based meals and I am not a big drinker, but I will be eating with the family as I haven't done that for 10 weeks!! Will be straight back on TS when I get back!!
I'm going on an all inclusive next week, and I don't intend to diet. I will stick to proteins and salads, and I intend to enjoy all the lovely cocktails. I'm very active on holidays, diving, walking and swimming, so I don't think I'll put loads on. I went to Orlando one year, and stuffed myself with american breakfasts which lasted me untill the evening, and ate a normal meal in the evening, and with all the walking I was doing, came back 5lbs lighter!
Hey Buttons!

As you know I put on glycogen weight, but my housemate was certain I lost weight from my hips while I was gone! I think I've seen people posting that they lost weight while away. You may find, like I did, that you'll try puddings etc and just find they taste awful!! You've been a long time without sugar so your body has adapted to not eating it, and strangely enough, doesn't really like the taste once it's had a break (well that's what my body does anyway!!!). I tried, REALLY hard to eat a brownie and ice cream on my first day but couldn't finish it cos 1: I was full, and 2: both the ice cream (esp the ice cream) just tasted awful, as did the brownie! Strangely enough I found the Vienna chocolate drinks fine, which most certainly had sugar in them... So who knows... I just know that that first taste was enough to have me steer clear of them for the rest of my visit! :)

Good luck! You have willpower, have fun but don't go too crazy :D Remember your mantra!!!
I'm going away in a couple of weeks Buttons, maybe we should set up a holiday challenge? Seems like lots of people are going away at the mo, would be great to see how people get on (if they are willing to share lol).
I lost 4.5lbs on holiday in a week doing what you suggested, shakes and (mostly) low carb meals here and there... It was tough but I'd do it again :) good luck!
I'm going away in a couple of weeks Buttons, maybe we should set up a holiday challenge? Seems like lots of people are going away at the mo, would be great to see how people get on (if they are willing to share lol).

I would love to but I know I may not have the willpower. I may just vow to do my very best and see how it goes. Maybe its just late and I'm really tired, but it seems impossible at the moment!
You can do it!! I challenge you, 1-on-1 lol ;) we can put on but let's say we both either sts or put on a max, say 5lb? Xx
I have not been on holiday whilst doing such an extreme diet like this but in the past I have always lost weight anyway. I usually tend to lose around 7lbs on most holidays but that is due to the increased activity - constant swimming and walking and eating "proper" meals and no crap food. One year many years ago, I went to the US for a month and came back 10lbs lighter - but there was an awful lot of exercise done on that trip. I am sure that if you are careful and pick sensible stuff with an occasional treat you will be fine.
Think my chances are dropping by the hour! Lol. Not gone completely OTT but am off plan, being careful but prob not quite careful enough. Still, going to try and do a few laps of the pool later :)
Lol you can do it, like you say, get in that pool!! ;)
Yep in that pool Buttons!!! And have fun with it!!! Less you stress the easier it is for your body to digest your good properly, so relax and enjoy :)
Fact I actually fit in my swimsuit helps! Not only that but I have three this year! Lol. Off I go! ;-) dragging hubby with me, few lengths of the pool wont do him any harm either!
Lol have fun! :D I'm sure you'll feel better for it after as well.

I've got a bikini for my hols this year :eek: still not sure how long it'll last before I resort to my old costume tho!
I do feel so much better for that :) Think I only managed about 400m. Only a small pool but kept at it for half hour (then spent an hour in the jacuzzi!) I especially picked a cottage with a private pool - not only for some exercise but for days like today when it's pouring down!! Kids had a whale of a time! I've never been a bikini shape (not even remotely close! Lol) and I still feel really fat in a onepiece swimsuit :-( but I can't be as fat as I was 2 1/2 stone heavier in April at Centre Parcs! I can see it in my day clothes but not my swimsuit. Maybe at the end of my journey?!
You'll see it eventually :) that's a great swim, 400m in a half hour!!! I envy you the jacuzzi time ;) I would've done the same - WAY more time in the jacuzzi than the pool!!! :)

I wore my bikini in public while I was away, feeling great about it til I saw the photos! I swear that camera adds 5 lbs!!! ;)

Enjoy :)
Well done, that target isn't out of reach yet! :clap: ..and omg, a private pool and a Jacuzzi! Jealous! I'd have been in the Jacuzzi much longer, until I was all shrivelled up hahaha!

Can't say I have a 'bikini body' by any means, but my OH's mum will be laying next to me in hers and she is not small to put it politely - so I think I'll look okay by comparison ;)