Cheryl.......Back or not????

morning poppet. ;)
i feel a bit sad im not joining you tbh i feel lonely without you!!!!
Lol. Morning gorgeous. You will soon enough im sure and im still with you just eating different foods.
Well its all official today wi at a horrendeous 11.7 and a bit. Still not sure if my scales work properly or not though so need to replace my batteries. Well things have changed today, we are off to devon! Yep. Mark had told me he wanted to sell the boat and within a few hours i had gone but he has seen a lovely speed boat in Torquay (?sp) and we are going there today to go and see it, have to go and book a hotel. The boat is lovely so i hope photos to follow. Wish me luck day 1 and we are staying away from home!!! Lots of meat and salad for me its the easiest option!
hey babe - woo i love torquay! have a wonderful time honey! and get some batteries while you are there. you have the weight off in not time xxxx
Morning Cheryl, have a good time in Torquay. ;)
hi all :D cheryl text to say she has had to put back her start date on the diet cos if stupid service stations and lack of anything other than sandwiches for a quick bite x
Well ladies and Jim, im afraid i fell at the first hurdle. Service stations dont accomidate atkins so i will have to start on thurs. Really feel like ive let myself down as i was raring to go and really wanted to start but travel sickness on an empty stomach and feeling dizzy got the better of me!
Ok so my diet now starts on thurs and strict strict strict all the way!
I agree, don't worry about it, Start on Thursday love. How is Torquay?
morning babes. morning everyone.
well guess who is coming back on atkins??? after being a bit rubbish after getting to goal? im having this week eating what i want and starting sunday/monday (havent decided when yet). so im following cheryl xxxx
Yeh! Welcome home hun. Get your sausages in! That sounded better in my head, lol
lol :D shopping ordered coming tomorrow night. found tesco do some low carb sausgaes jamie oliver ones. omg i cant wait to have proper cheeseburger pie again. (sorry cheryl for using your diary) i have been struggling with maintaining in fact ive gone completely off the rails, and having a couple of heart to hearts with people , the diet/lifestyle that kept coming into my head was atkins. i miss my cheese, and the fat tbh. yes im gonna crash with the carblessness when i start but i know its worth it. ive been feeling bloated depressed and unenergetic since eating crap carbs and i need my energy back for my massive clean next weekend and the weekend after (yes its gonna take 2 whole weekends!) I also need something to focus on after pups go this weekend xxxxx
pmsl Sharon!!!

Fab decision. x
Welcome back Vicky, though you've not really been away have you love. :)
not really Jim, thanks. I must get past induction this time i think i did that the whole time i was on it. got to find my book!!!