Cheryl.......Back or not????

Well day 2 and another loss :0)
Im really really happy i want to shout it out but i really want to wait to tell you all on thurs.
So todays menu, B-sausage, egg, mushrooms. L- cb pie and spinach, D- not sure yet but got some chicken out of the freezer, and ideas?
Trust you! Lol. I did think that but not sure i fancy one. Im trying to stay away from cream for a bit as i got palpitations from fat i think last time and im not sure it was the reason i stalled. So mr curry whats the recipe without it????
That chicken in garlic sounds lovely but make is at work tomorrow and hates smelling of garlic. Is there a way of not smelling??
i never use cream in currys i may use yoghart, but like to cook in ghee adds a nice taste and atkins friendly to
I heard that if you cut the green stem from the middle of it, it stops the smelling. Dont know if its true or not though