Christmas gain confessions!

Well i gained 13.5lbs! I've been eating and drinking non stop for a week, probably drank in the region of 40 pints of Guinness, i know it's not big or not clever, meeting up with friends i haven't seen for ages hasn't helped one bit, need to get tomorrow night out of the way then full steam ahead in the new year.

May i take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new Year,

i've just done my first day back on plan and feel bloody great! i've enjoyed my food and although felt full and satisfied from my meals i haven't had to lie on my bed groaning or eat rennie's to get rid of acid!

here's to day 2 and getting back in control :)
I gained 4 pounds over Christmas :mad:
Have just started the slimming world EE plan yesterday with 2 stone to lose. So far so good....But then there is New Years eve tomorrow, I can keep to the food plan but not sure about the alcohol?!!:break_diet:
mod-karen79 said:
thought i'd start a thread for people to offload their Christmas baggage and guilt! some have been back to class already, others are staring into their tins of quality street trying to convince themselves they can lose it for next week if they miss this weeks class.

hopefully we can all support each other, move forward and get back on plan.

i've been off plan since Christmas Eve and have weigh-in tonight - looking at a big gain. *gulp* however, it's the first time over 10 years that i have made the decision to face up to the music rather than avoid and rejoin a 2 stone gain later! ...i shall confess all later!

+0.5lbs on :(
Hi everyone, i've been browsing this site for a while, and have only posted a couple of times before, but thought i would share my Christmas gain with you all. I was quite shocked with only a 0.5lbs gain, thought it would have been more.
I've weighed in this morning and gained 2.5lbs. Not too bad considering what junk I've had. I feel about a stone heavier lol!
Although the last few weeks I have messed about so now ready to really go for rejoining a class on weds evening to start doing it properly and get back to target. xxxx
Put on 2lb was expected - so going to kick some a**e and get back on track

Have a great new year everyone
I put on 5lb last night, but that was over 2 weeks
*walks in shyly* I have just weighed in ( at home, i dont go to class) and I knew i had put on, i can see it, feel and my clothes dont hang the same.
but 9lbs in TWO weeks!
I have been off plan for 2 weeks and had 3 3 course party meals, christmas and all the lovely things that have been made, so much stuff i love but not SW friendly, pasty and cream and chocolates and cheese, oh yummy cheese and crackers and a rather large quantiy of alcohol last night........... so i have enjoyed every mouthful :)
I am shocked at how quickly you can pile on the weight. Anyway, the plan was to get back on plan today anyway, i ate the last of my yummy cheese and chocolates last night, ready to start again today. Now i have just seen the numbers on the scales, that has motivated me to get my brain back in the right gear.
They say quick to gain, quick to lose, fingers crossed thats true.
Have a feeling I am going to be quite moody this week as i come off the sugar again. Its like a bloody drug isn't it!!
I'm starting Monday as I'm hosting a family party tomorrow. Have been off any plan for 2 months (was in New York and constant partying/socialising since!!) and for the first time in 2 years I have had quite a substantial gain :-( (too scared to look but my body shape has completely changed and none of my clothes fit. Hate it so most definitely joining class on Tuesday and sticking with it. Have to face the music at some point.

Good luck everyone!!
I think my new year gain is going to be much bigger than my christmas gain. Not looking forward to monday :( Must get back on track!!!
After a 2.5 gain last Tuesday I was so determined to be back on track properly as I was back at work and I was going to be exceptionally good over New Year - I have failed miserably !!!!

Hope to be back on track properly from tomorrow but reckon it'll be another 1.5 (at least) on next Tuesdays weigh in.

I just hope I CAN get back on track properly because I REALLY don't want to regain any more weight.

Good luck to everyone else too.
Well I weighed yesterday... After having pretty much a whole month off plan. So in December (last wi was 27th November) I managed to put on 7lb!
I'm ok with that though-and confident it will come off in January.
Back on plan tomorrow!
Hello all!

Yeh i put on 6lbs this lovely Christmas, i say Christmas i went on the scales after Christmas as stayed the same so i've somehow managed to put 6lbs on since Christmas and now.... How bad is that?? I'm not gonna make up sob stories i've just been a fat cow i'll be honest.. But somehow it was hard to say no to calzone pizza's they r just too yummmmmmmmyy x x
I put on a total of 7lbs, but I came off plan in November following a really stressful time at work, when it looked very likely I would be made redundant. Fortunately, by the time they had finished looking at the job roles they decided not only should my role be kept but that it needed two full time people to carry it out so I have come out smelling of roses as I have been doing the job(s) for the last three years and been doing it well (even though my manager thinks I could work harder!).

I went back on track on the day after Boxing Day and have already lost 2lbs so only another 4 to go before I'm back where I started. Am aiming to loose 7lbs by the end of January so I can start February lighter than I have been in the last 15 years:)