Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Don't worry about your friend and whether or not she sticks to it. Even if she does and starts losing weight then what better motivation for you to stick with it and give it your all!

I'm all for a bit of competition - it's what keeps me on track sometimes as there are people in my class who are catching up with me and have ridiculous weight losses (3, 4 or 5lb regularly) that i can't compete with but it spurs me on to stick with it and do the best I can!

Use it as a positive. You've done so fabulously spectacular so far!
Aww cheers girls.. yh it will spur me on but everything I have or want she has to go and try and get b4 me or get better than me kwim?
its starting to really grate on me!
I can understand how you are feeling but you have done soooo well. I think it's kind of flattering, she obviously looks up to you if she wants everything you have and if she wants to be better than you at the things you do then she is probably just looking for your approval
You think? I dunno I find it rather creepy lol
Paul was saying how he doesnt like being around her that much as she is letchy over him and when she had a drink she worse.. Im all for a laugh but this is diff! I dunno I just feel that she kinda wants me life atm and its getting on my wick!x
My mum said that too - Im gna have to - I will see her everyday up at the school tho - tut!

Oh well I just wont tell her much anymore?! xx
yh im gna have too :( such is life!
i had a 'friend ' like that once she has my ex huspand and business lol
oh feck me!!! gilly that shocked me lol
lmao!! yh good plan.. ha ha ha ha
Ha ha - Claire, shades of Single White Female!! How scary.

Hey Claire, was it your mum who did Cambridge (I seem to remember you being annoyed at her about it) - how did she get on?
Hiya Mel

Oh its driving me mad lol

Oh yh mum lost 13.5lb in 4/5 weeks and will put all on now as she has broke her ankle and cant work or owt!

Well remembered!?
hey missus - how you doin today ?? (apart from stalker friend :rolleyes:)

hope you've had a great SW day....

....any kicks required ?????? lol

debz xx
Looks like with both have identical mates there Claire! I will be gutted if I dont lose this week, but then I have had exceptional circs this week. I am so tired. Only got 2 hrs sleep last night as I had to sit on this hard chair all night. Not amused!! But here's to a lovely nights sleep tonight.
Yh both have nobends as friends! Grrrr

Sleep well hun - go bed NOW! X
I aint gone bed Sarah should! long old day!

Oh I aint got the right hump now! x