Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

claire i feel so awful and prob a bit sory for myself as i got the flu bug ..just feel like all i do is post and try to be supportive yet i get nothing back ..think i will give up here...
my mate asked why i was gna do race for life
I said new challenge etc.... hopefully will be at target and will be good for me!

the reply but you dont run and you dont like it so why you doing it?!

Why the feck not!!

claire i feel so awful and prob a bit sory for myself as i got the flu bug ..just feel like all i do is post and try to be supportive yet i get nothing back ..think i will give up here...
Oi dont be daft.. have you got a diary that you update and ramble like me chick?
You are foing so well huni DONT YOU DARE GIVE UP or Leave! x
i do a diary but all i do is ramble to myself ..anyway bye for now mr beans in bed and i feel like **** xxx

Have you one on here where we can help and supporty you when you need it? I cant find one?
hi hunny soz about putting the post on fb did u delete it?
how are you hunny?
Im ok chick, yh i did... if you read this atm shes like my stalker and I could not cope with her on here lol

You are all my sanctury with sw and life - dont want her involved too!!

Ha ha ha ha Hows SW going now love?x
weigh in tomorrow so we will see not been weighed since 19th dec lol
Hi mate. Lucy is much better this morning. I didn't get up til 10 but still feel a bit wiped out. Hows u?
Glad she ok hun..
You just need a day of rest and getting back to normal :)
Im ok, still got the raving hump tho but now with Paul as well as mate! Grrrr
Decided that the weekend befor I do a 6 day college stint he is going away with the lads - I aint happy! x
Decided? Didn't he ask you if it would be ok? If not, then he most def deserves to be in the dog house. Without a blanket and bone too.
He mentioned it a few weeks back b4 xmas - nothing decided blah blah and then last night come out with oh Im going away with lads blah blah - well to say I walked off with the hump is an understatment! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ommmmmmm, naughty paul! X
Exactly! TUT

You ok love! x