Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Since thursday then I have burned off..........2450.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Good Evening!!

How are ye all - WI day tomm... Im scared I aint been bad but aint feeling too good about it!

I shall update tomm as I have loads to say but cant see keyboard as OH turned the lights off for the film and this is taking forever to write!! BOOOOO!!

Hope all ok :)x
I lost a lb! Sooo whoopiieee!!!

Congrats Claire! :D
TY ladies.. yep all going the right way whoopiee!!
well done mate xxxxxxx
cheers sweetie :) how you going lou?
I'm alright thanks hun - loved bluewater, it was brilliant. Got there about 4pm on Friday and it was soooo quiet, by 6pm it was busy but we were almost finished by then.

I was naughty this weekend but just been to WI and lost 2lbs so I'm really happy, slowly but surely.

I'm just wondering if I can get 4lbs off for next week to claim my 1/2 stone??! Hmm.

Hope you're ok too xxx
Im off to Blue again tomm - I must be mad :) Hee hee!

Glad you had a good loss tho :D Yh you can lose 4 in a week - not that I have done that for a VERY long time :(

Good Luck this week to us both :D
well done x
Morning! Just a quickie b4 I go Bluewater..

I think AF is coming :( Im in pain and Im bloated and not happy :(

Boooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I want to eat bad food another blooming sign but I swear its getting earlier and earlier every mth :/ tut

Happy Days hopefully I will come back with a few pressies for ppl today other than my kids?!

Spk this eve when home from DD ballet lesson :)
Well Bluewater was fun!! I got my mates Bday pressie, dd friends pressie and 2 DD xmas pressies (shhh dont tell Paul!!)

Erm.... I was bad today so will draw a nice line thru that and pray that tomm is a better day lol

Im off to bed in a min but will be bakc tomm

Well Done Looby again on hitting target :d