Coffee coffee coffee...


A bit of a random one..

I had the most weird experience today - as im in ketosis and rarely hungry and am experimenting with IF i only eat one meal a day at like 2pm.

Off i went this morning to a work meeting i thought i would indulge in a coffee. This was a massive mistake!! I came over really jittery like i had drank 10 redbulls or something ridiculous. It was horrible and lasted for hours!!

Any thoughts as the why this happened?? The caffeine on an empty stomach perhaps??

Really weird ive never experienced this before has anyone else??

Will i ever be able to drink coffee again???

Thanks xx
You probably needed something to eat. Even if you don't feel like it it's best to have something. I drink loads of coffee as it doesn't seem to bother me. X
low carbers can sometimes get a little hypo. this will make the body react like anxiety. Regular snack in the afternoon usually helps with this. I've sometimes feel like that but one a snack has been eaten I'm on within 20 mins.
Hope this helps x
Thanks dizzy and kd,

I guess i need to eat more regularly - im just really not hungry ever and have about 1000-1500cal in my one meal but maybe ill break it up a bit into two smaller meals....

I want to loose weight but not at the expense of my health :)

I only started Atkins last Friday, previously lost 3 stone following Atkins in 2008, I was the same - never hungry, forcing myself to eat. I tend to take baby bels, cheese strings and pepperami's to work to snack on even some cold bacon. In the Atkins book I have it says remember to eat every 6 hours if you haven't eat anything as blood suger levels are low.
Just try and eat little but often it will make you feel a whole lot better and get rid of these shakes.
Good luck xx
I go through periods on Atkins when i don't feel hungry at all, and other times i feel like i need to eat like a horse and eat 3000 calories a day (and still end up losing, weird eh?).

Anyhow, i found on the days/weeks where i didn't feel hungry, i was better breaking my food up into two small meals rather than one big 1000 calorie or more meal. I used to cook one big lot of food, eat half of it and then put the other half in the fridge for heating up later. It helped keep my energy levels up and stopped me feeling ill.
I find that I'm not hungry until I start to eat then I'm ravenous! Usually I'll have a coffee on the morning then water till dinner time..never feel jittery tho?!
It took me 3.5 months but I stayed on induction the whole time. Atkins diet is the best diet.tried loads of others but this one beats them all xx
Wow thats impressive - yea im generally staying in induction, under 20g of carbs a day. Its just the alcohol - wine and jack daniels are best friends/worst enemies!!

Although i just made a strawberry cheesecake (low carb of course) from the recipe section! Im giving it away at the fist opportunity!! Lol

It's hard to get your head round everything to start off with but you soon get used to eating Atkins style. The first few days are rough but soon enough it's all worth it when you fit into clothes that were too tight LOL x